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Files in Node Auto Term [NAT] 7.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description NAT module administrative forms. name = NAT description = NAT - node auto term - is a helper module that automatically creates a term using the same title as a node. core = 7.x dependencies[] = taxonomy files[] = includes/ files[] =…
nat.install nat.install
nat.module nat.module NAT - node auto term - is a helper module that automatically creates a term using the same title as a node.
nat.test tests/nat.test NAT module functionality tests. includes/ NAT (Node Auto Term) Views implementation. includes/ NAT (Node Auto Term) nid views argument with depth handler. includes/ NAT (Node Auto Term) nid views argument with depth modifier. includes/ctools/relationships/ Provides a CTools (Panels) relationship that gets a node context from a term created by NAT. includes/ctools/relationships/ Provides a CTools (Panels) relationship that gets a term context from the node context based on terms used by Taxonomy Node.
README.txt README.txt The NAT module is a helper module used to maintain node-term relationships, i.e. when a node is created a taxonomy term is created automatically using its title and body in any associated vocabularies. This module also attempts to preserve…

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