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Functions in Module Grants 6.4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
module_grants_admin_configure ./ Menu callback for admin settings. 1
module_grants_db_rewrite_sql ./module_grants.module Implementation of hook_db_rewrite_sql().
module_grants_help ./module_grants.module Implementation of hook_help().
module_grants_install ./module_grants.install Implementation of hook_install().
module_grants_menu ./module_grants.module Implementation of hook_menu().
module_grants_menu_alter ./module_grants.module Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
module_grants_monitor_accessible_content_summary module_grants_monitor/ Return as a themed table a content summary of the site filtered by the access rights of the logged-in user. 1 1
module_grants_monitor_help module_grants_monitor/module_grants_monitor.module Implementation of hook_help().
module_grants_monitor_menu module_grants_monitor/module_grants_monitor.module Implementation of hook_menu().
module_grants_monitor_perm module_grants_monitor/module_grants_monitor.module Implementation of hook_perm(). 3
module_grants_monitor_theme module_grants_monitor/module_grants_monitor.module Implementation of hook_theme().
module_grants_node_access ./module_grants.module Similar to node_access() in node.module but ANDs rather than ORs grants together on a per module base to create more natural behaviour. Also makes sure that published and unpublished content are treated in the same way, i.e. that grants are checked in… 2 1
module_grants_node_delete_confirm ./ Menu callback attached to 'node/%node/delete'. Ask for confirmation before proceeding with node deletion. 1
module_grants_node_delete_confirm_submit ./ Initiate node deletion and set the redirection page.
module_grants_node_revision_access ./module_grants.module Menu options dealing with revisions have their revision-specific permissions checked via user_access(), before being tested for the associated node-specific operation. Return a boolean indicating whether the current user has access to the requested… 1
module_grants_uninstall ./module_grants.install Implementation of hook_uninstall(). I'm not convinced that deleting these is a good thing, as these will have to be flicked back on when re-installing.
module_grants_update_6207 ./module_grants.install Rename permissions. Core doesn't support apostrophes so strip these out and capitalise the permission name for readibility. See [#566290], [#572804].
node_tools_content_is_moderated node_tools/node_tools.module Return whether the supplied content type is subject to moderation. 1
node_tools_form_alter node_tools/node_tools.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
node_tools_get_current_node_revision_id node_tools/node_tools.module Get the id of the current revision that the supplied node is pointing to. Used in cases where the node object wasn't fully loaded or was loaded with a different revision. 1
node_tools_get_nodes node_tools/node_tools.module Retrieve a list of nodes or revisions accessible to the logged-in user via the supplied operation. 1
node_tools_get_number_of_revisions node_tools/node_tools.module Get the number of revisions belonging to a node. 2
node_tools_nodeapi node_tools/node_tools.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
node_tools_revision_is_current node_tools/node_tools.module Return whether the currenly loaded revision is the current one. 1
theme_module_grants_monitor_nodes_summary module_grants_monitor/ Theme the passed-in nodes as a table.
user_tools_find_first_permission user_tools/user_tools.module 2
user_tools_user_all_access user_tools/user_tools.module Return TRUE only if the user account has ALL of the supplied permissions. 1
user_tools_user_any_access user_tools/user_tools.module Return if the user account has at least one of the supplied permissions. 1 1
_module_grants_by_module ./module_grants.module Return a map, keyed by module name, of SQL clauses representing the grants associated with the module, as returned by that module's hook_node_grants(). 2
_module_grants_monitor_accessible_content_summary module_grants_monitor/module_grants_monitor.module Similar to module_grants_monitor_accessible_content_summary (which it calls) but with a different parameter list based on the (lack of) default tabs, as opposed to content properties. 1
_module_grants_node_access_where_sql ./module_grants.module Generate an SQL where clause for use in fetching a node listing. 1
_module_grants_node_delete ./module_grants.module Delete a node and all its revisions. Required because node.module's node_delete() has a hard-wired call to node_access() when we should be using module_grants_node_access(). 1
_module_grants_user_node_access ./module_grants.module Similar to user_access() but also takes node info into account. Returns a node operation, to be checked by module_grants_node_access(). 1
_node_tools_extract_order_clause_from_URI node_tools/node_tools.module Extract from the incoming URI (as in the table column header href) the sort field and order for use in an SQL 'ORDER BY' clause. 1
_set_default_permissions ./module_grants.install

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