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node_tools.module in Module Grants 6.4

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  1. 6.3 node_tools/node_tools.module

Generic reusable functions involving node objects.

Required by Module Grants Monitor and Revisioning.


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 * @file
 * Generic reusable functions involving node objects.
 * Required by Module Grants Monitor and Revisioning.

 * Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
 * We use this mainly to set up some useful node properties that can be read
 * later, whether it be in this module or another, thus removing the need for
 * multiple calls to retrieve the same info in various places.
function node_tools_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'presave':
    case 'load':

      // get here immediately after the node is fetched from db
      if (!isset($node->current_revision_id)) {
        $node->current_revision_id = node_tools_get_current_node_revision_id($node->nid);
        $node->is_current = node_tools_revision_is_current($node);
        $node->num_revisions = node_tools_get_number_of_revisions($node->nid);

      //$node->uid and $node->revision_uid were already set in node_load()

      //$node->revision is set as part of 'prepare'-op, see node_object_prepare()

 * Get the number of revisions belonging to a node.
 * @param
 *  $nid, id of the node
 * @return
 *  A count representing the number of revisions associated with the node
function node_tools_get_number_of_revisions($nid) {
  return db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(vid) FROM {node_revisions} WHERE nid=%d", $nid));

 * Get the id of the current revision that the supplied node is pointing to.
 * Used in cases where the node object wasn't fully loaded or was loaded
 * with a different revision.
 * @param $nid
 *  The id of the node whose current revision id is to be returned.
 * @return
 *  A single number being the current revision id (vid).
function node_tools_get_current_node_revision_id($nid) {
  return db_result(db_query('SELECT vid FROM {node} WHERE nid=%d', $nid));

 * Return whether the currenly loaded revision is the current one.
 * @param $node
 * @return
 *  TRUE if the currently loaded node revision is the current revision
function node_tools_revision_is_current($node) {
  return !is_null($node) && $node->current_revision_id == $node->vid;

 * Return whether the supplied content type is subject to moderation.
 * @param $content_type
 *  i.e. $node->type
 * @return
 *  TRUE, if the supplied type has the "New revision in draft, pending
 *  moderation" box ticked on the Content management>>Content types>>edit page
 *  (see Revisioning).
function node_tools_content_is_moderated($content_type) {
  return !empty($content_type) && in_array('revision_moderation', variable_get('node_options_' . $content_type, array()));

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter().
function node_tools_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if (isset($form['#id']) && $form['#id'] == 'node-form') {
    $nid = $form['#node']->nid;
    if (isset($form['buttons']['delete']) && node_tools_get_number_of_revisions($nid) > 1) {

      // Special treatment for Delete button when there's multiple revisions.
      // Make it obvious to the user that a 'Delete' is in fact 'Delete all'.
      $form['buttons']['delete']['#value'] = t('Delete all revisions');
define('NO_FILTER', '-1');

 * Retrieve a list of nodes or revisions accessible to the logged-in user via
 * the supplied operation.
 * @param $op
 *   Operation, one of 'view', 'update' or 'delete'
 * @param $is_published
 *   1 to return only published content
 *   0 to return only content that isn't published
 *  -1 (default) no filter, return content regardles of publication status
 * @param $creator_uid
 *   Only return content created by the user with the supplied id.
 *   Defaults to -1, which means don't care who the creator is.
 * @param $modifier_uid
 *   Only return content last modified by the user with the supplied id.
 *   Defaults to -1, which means don't care who last modifed the node.
 * @param $is_moderated
 *   TRUE to return only content of types that are subject to moderation
 *   FALSE to return only content that isn't subject to moderation
 *   -1 (default) no filter, return content regardles of moderation flag
 * @param $is_pending
 *   Boolean indicating whether only nodes pending publication should be
 *   returned; a pending node is defined as a node that has a revision newer
 *   than the current OR a node with a single revision that is not published.
 * @param $max
 *   Maximum number of nodes to be returned, defaults to 1000
 * @param $order_by_override
 *   "ORDER BY ..." clause to be added, defaults to "timestamp DESC".
 * @return
 *   An array of node objects each containing nid, content type, published flag,
 *   creator-id, title+vid+modifier-id+timestamp of the current revision, plus taxonomy
 *   term(s) and workflow state, if these modules are installed and enabled.
 * @todo
 *   Allow paging, improve performance
function node_tools_get_nodes($op, $is_published = -1, $creator_uid = -1, $modifier_uid = -1, $is_moderated = -1, $is_pending = FALSE, $max = 1000, $order_by_override = NULL) {

  //drupal_set_message("op='$op', is_published='$is_published', creator=$creator_uid, modifier=$modifier_uid, is_moderated='$is_moderated', is_pending='$is_pending', max=$max, show_msg='$show_message', order=$order_by_override", 'warning');
  $sql_select = 'SELECT n.nid, r.vid, n.uid AS creator_uid, r.uid, n.type, n.status, r.title, r.timestamp';

  // Join on current revision (vid) except when looking for pending revisions
  $sql_from = ' FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {node_revisions} r ' . ($is_pending ? 'ON n.nid=r.nid' : 'ON n.vid=r.vid');
  $sql_where = $is_published < 0 ? '' : " WHERE n.status={$is_published}";
  if ($creator_uid >= 0) {
    $sql_where = empty($sql_where) ? " WHERE n.uid={$creator_uid}" : $sql_where . " AND n.uid={$creator_uid}";
  if ($modifier_uid >= 0) {
    $sql_where = empty($sql_where) ? " WHERE r.uid={$modifier_uid}" : $sql_where . " AND r.uid={$modifier_uid}";
  if ($is_pending) {
    $sql_where = empty($sql_where) ? ' WHERE' : $sql_where . ' AND';
    $sql_where .= ' (r.vid>n.vid OR (n.status=0 AND (SELECT COUNT(vid) FROM {node_revisions} WHERE nid=n.nid)=1))';
  $sql_order = " ORDER BY " . (empty($order_by_override) ? _node_tools_extract_order_clause_from_URI() : $order_by_override);
  $include_taxonomy_terms = module_exists('taxonomy') && count(taxonomy_get_vocabularies()) > 0 && variable_get("show_taxonomy_terms", TRUE);
  $include_workflow_state = module_exists('workflow') && count(workflow_get_all()) > 0;
  if ($include_taxonomy_terms) {
    $sql_select .= ', AS term';
    $sql_from .= ' LEFT JOIN {term_node} tn ON r.vid=tn.vid LEFT JOIN {term_data} td ON tn.tid=td.tid';
  if ($include_workflow_state) {
    $sql_select .= ', ws.state';
    $sql_from .= ' LEFT JOIN {workflow_node} wn ON wn.nid=n.nid LEFT JOIN {workflow_states} ws ON wn.sid=ws.sid';
  $sql = $sql_select . $sql_from . $sql_where . $sql_order;

  $node_query_result = db_query_range($sql, 0, $max);
  $nodes = array();
  while ($node = db_fetch_object($node_query_result)) {
    $filter = $is_moderated < 0 || $is_moderated == node_tools_content_is_moderated($node->type);
    $access = module_exists('module_grants') ? module_grants_node_access($op, $node) : node_access($op, $node);
    if ($filter && $access) {
      if (empty($nodes[$node->nid])) {
        $nodes[$node->nid] = $node;
      elseif ($include_taxonomy_terms && !empty($node->term)) {

        // When $is_pending==TRUE more dan one revision may be returned, so
        // need to check for duplicate terms.
        $existing_node = $nodes[$node->nid];
        if (strpos($existing_node->term, $node->term) === FALSE) {

          // Bit of a quick & dirty -- goes wrong if a term is substr of another
          $existing_node->term .= "/{$node->term}";
  return $nodes;

 * Extract from the incoming URI (as in the table column header href)
 * the sort field and order for use in an SQL 'ORDER BY' clause.
 * @param
 *   none
 * @return
 *   db table field name and sort direction as a string
function _node_tools_extract_order_clause_from_URI() {

  // We shouldn't have to do this, as, called
  // from theme_table() is meant to look after it, but it's got a bug [#480382].
  // Note: this function is secure, as we're only allowing recognised values,
  //       all unknown values, result in the a descending sort by 'timestamp'.
  switch ($order_by = drupal_strtolower($_REQUEST['order'])) {
    case 'creator':
      $order_by = 'n.uid';
    case 'by':
      $order_by = 'r.uid';
    case 'published?':
      $order_by = 'status';
    case 'workflow state':
      $order_by = 'state';

    // Listing names that are fine the way they are here:
    case 'title':
    case 'type':
    case 'term':
      $order_by = 'timestamp';
  $direction = drupal_strtolower($_REQUEST['sort']) == 'asc' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
  return "{$order_by} {$direction}";


Namesort descending Description
node_tools_content_is_moderated Return whether the supplied content type is subject to moderation.
node_tools_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_alter().
node_tools_get_current_node_revision_id Get the id of the current revision that the supplied node is pointing to. Used in cases where the node object wasn't fully loaded or was loaded with a different revision.
node_tools_get_nodes Retrieve a list of nodes or revisions accessible to the logged-in user via the supplied operation.
node_tools_get_number_of_revisions Get the number of revisions belonging to a node.
node_tools_nodeapi Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
node_tools_revision_is_current Return whether the currenly loaded revision is the current one.
_node_tools_extract_order_clause_from_URI Extract from the incoming URI (as in the table column header href) the sort field and order for use in an SQL 'ORDER BY' clause.


Namesort descending Description