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function _module_builder_process_hook_file in Module Builder 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 includes/ \_module_builder_process_hook_file()

Extracts raw hook data from downloaded hook documentation files.


string $path: Path to hook file

string $file: Name of hook file

Return value

array Array of hook data: [0]: Each hook's user-friendly description [1]: Each hook's entire function declaration: "function name($params)" [2]: Name of each hook

1 call to _module_builder_process_hook_file()
module_builder_process_hook_data in includes/
Builds complete hook data array from downloaded files and stores in a file.


includes/, line 252
Module builder code processing code.


function _module_builder_process_hook_file($filepath) {
  $contents = file_get_contents("{$filepath}");

  // Get the destination stored at the top of the file.
  preg_match('[^// module builder: (\\S+)\\n]', $contents, $matches_dest);
  $destination = $matches_dest[1];

  // The pattern for extracting function data: capture first line of doc,
  // function declaration, and hook name.
  $pattern = '[
      / \\* \\* \\n    # start phpdoc
      \\ \\* \\ ( .* ) \\n  # first line of phpdoc: capture the text
  (?: \\ \\* .* \\n )* # lines of phpdoc
      \\ \\* /  \\n    # end phpdoc
    ( function \\ ( hook_\\w* ) .* ) \\  { # function declaration: capture both entire declaration and name
  preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches);

  // We don't care about the full matches.

  $data = array(
    'descriptions' => $matches[1],
    'definitions' => $matches[2],
    'names' => $matches[3],
    'destination' => $destination,
  return $data;