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Module builder code generating code.

Note that info file generating code happens in generate_info_VERSION, as it's version-specific.


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 * @file
 *   Module builder code generating code.
 *   Note that info file generating code happens in generate_info_VERSION, 
 *   as it's version-specific.

 * Generate info code. New OO version!
function module_builder_generate_info_oo($module_data) {
  $class = module_builder_get_class('info');
  $generator = new $class($module_data);
  $code = $generator
  return $code;

 * Helper function to get the desired class.
 * @param $type
 *  One of (so far) 'info' or 'code'.
 * @return
 *  A class name for the type and, if it exists, version, eg 'ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo6'.
function module_builder_get_class($type) {
  $type = ucfirst($type);
  $version = _module_builder_drupal_major_version();
  $class = 'ModuleBuilderGenerator' . $type . $version;
  if (!class_exists($class)) {
    $class = 'ModuleBuilderGenerator' . $type;
  return $class;

 * Base class for code generators.
 * TODO: much more of the code generation could be moved to OO code:
 *  - pass all hook data to one code generator object, representing the .module
 *  file, which then instantiates further objects for the other files needed.
 *  This would probably entail a controller object which can hold the list of
 *  current generators.
 *  - templates.
abstract class ModuleBuilderGenerator {
  function __construct($module_data) {
    $this->module_data = $module_data;

   * The main code building function.
  function build() {
    $output = '';
    $output .= $this
    $output .= $this
    $output .= $this
    $output .= $this
    return $output;

   * Return the PHP file header line.
  function file_header() {
    return "<?php\n";

   * Return the file doxygen header and any custom header code.
  function code_header() {
    $filename = $this->filename;
    $default = <<<EOT
 * @file {<span class="php-variable">$filename</span>}
 * TODO: Enter file description here.

    $code = variable_get('module_builder_header', $default);
    return $code;

   * Return the main body of the file code.
  abstract function code_body();

   * Return a file footer.
  function code_footer() {


 * Generator class for module code files.
class ModuleBuilderGeneratorCode extends ModuleBuilderGenerator {
  function __construct($module_data) {
    $this->module_data = $module_data;
  function code_body() {

    // Get old style variable names.
    $module_data = $this->module_data;
    $hook_data = $this->hook_data;
    $code = '';
    foreach ($hook_data as $hook_name => $hook) {

      // Display PHP doc.
      $code .= "\n" . module_builder_code_hook_doxy($hook_name);

      // function declaration: put in the module name, add closing brace, decode html entities
      $declaration = str_replace('hook', $module_data['module_root_name'], $hook['declaration']) . ' {';
      $code .= htmlspecialchars_decode($declaration);

      // See if function bodies exist; if so, use function bodies from template
      if (isset($hook['template'])) {

        // Strip out INFO: comments for advanced users
        if (!variable_get('module_builder_detail', 0)) {

          // Used to strip INFO messages out of generated file for advanced users.
          $pattern = '#\\s+/\\* INFO:(.*?)\\*/#ms';
          $hook['template'] = preg_replace($pattern, '', $hook['template']);

        $code .= $hook['template'];
      else {
        $code .= "\n\n";
      $code .= "}\n\n";

    // foreach hook
    // Replace variables
    $variables = array(
      '%module' => $module_data['module_root_name'],
      '%description' => str_replace("'", "\\'", $module_data['module_short_description']),
      '%name' => !empty($module_data['module_readable_name']) ? str_replace("'", "\\'", $module_data['module_readable_name']) : $module_data['module_root_name'],
      '%help' => !empty($module_data['module_help_text']) ? str_replace('"', '\\"', $module_data['module_help_text']) : t('TODO: Create admin help text.'),
      '%readable' => str_replace("'", "\\'", $module_data['module_readable_name']),
    $code = strtr($code, $variables);
    return $code;

   * Return a file footer.
  function code_footer() {
    $footer = variable_get('module_builder_footer', '');
    return $footer;


 * Generator base class for module info file.
class ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo extends ModuleBuilderGenerator {

   * Override as info files have no header.
  function file_header() {

   * Override as info files have no header.
  function code_header($filename = NULL) {

  // Override abstract...
  function code_body() {


 * Generator class for module info file for Drupal 5.
class ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo5 extends ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo {
  function code_body() {
    $module_data = $this->module_data;
    $info .= 'name = ' . $module_data['module_readable_name'] . "\n";
    $info .= 'description = ' . $module_data['module_short_description'] . "\n";
    if (!empty($module_data['module_dependencies'])) {
      $info .= 'dependencies = ' . $module_data['module_dependencies'] . "\n";
    if (!empty($module_data['module_package'])) {
      $info .= 'package = ' . $module_data['module_package'] . "\n";
    return $info;


 * Generator class for module info file for Drupal 6.
class ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo6 extends ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo {
  function code_body() {
    $module_data = $this->module_data;
    $info .= 'name = ' . $module_data['module_readable_name'] . "\n";
    $info .= 'description = ' . $module_data['module_short_description'] . "\n";
    if (!empty($module_data['module_dependencies'])) {
      foreach (explode(' ', $module_data['module_dependencies']) as $dep) {
        $info .= 'dependencies[] = ' . $dep . "\n";
    if (!empty($module_data['module_package'])) {
      $info .= 'package = ' . $module_data['module_package'] . "\n";
    $info .= "core = 6.x\n";
    return $info;


 * Generator class for module info file for Drupal 7.
class ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo7 extends ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo {
  function code_body() {
    $module_data = $this->module_data;

    $info .= 'name = ' . $module_data['module_readable_name'] . "\n";
    $info .= 'description = ' . $module_data['module_short_description'] . "\n";
    if (!empty($module_data['module_dependencies'])) {
      foreach (explode(' ', $module_data['module_dependencies']) as $dep) {
        $info .= 'dependencies[] = ' . $dep . "\n";
    if (!empty($module_data['module_package'])) {
      $info .= 'package = ' . $module_data['module_package'] . "\n";
    $info .= "core = 7.x\n";
    if (is_array($module_data['module_files'])) {
      foreach ($module_data['module_files'] as $file) {
        $info .= 'files[] = ' . $file . "\n";
    return $info;


 * Generate module code.
 * @param $module_data
 *   An associative array of data for the module, passed by reference so data
 *   on generated files can be added. 
 *   The keys can *mostly* be taken straight from form values. They are as follows:
 *     - 'module_root_name'
 *     - 'module_readable_name'
 *     - 'module_short_description'
 *     - 'module_help_text'
 *     - 'hooks': An associative array whose keys are full hook names
 *       (eg 'hook_menu'), where requested hooks have a value of TRUE.
 *       Unwanted hooks may also be included as keys provided their value is FALSE.
 *     - 'module_dependencies': a string of dependencies, eg 'forum views'.
 *     - 'module_package': the module package.
 *     - 'module_files': added by this function. A flat array of filenames that have been generated. 
 * @param $bare
 *   If true, omit header and footers and output only hook code.
 * @return
 *   An array of code, indexed by filename. Eg,
 *     'modulename.module' => CODE
function module_builder_generate_module(&$module_data, $bare = FALSE) {

  // Get a set of hook declarations and function body templates for the hooks we want.
  // $hook_data is of the form:
  //   'hook_foo' => array( 'declaration' => DATA, 'template' => DATA )
  $hook_file_data = module_builder_get_templates($module_data);
  if (is_null($hook_file_data)) {
    return NULL;

  // There must always be a MODULE.module file, even if there are no hooks to
  // go in it.
  // (Slight niggle: it gets put at the end :/)
  $hook_file_data += array(
    $module_data['module_root_name'] . '.module' => array(),



  // Iterate over our data array, because it's in a pretty order.
  // by each needed file of code.
  $module_code = array();
  foreach ($hook_file_data as $filename => $hook_data) {
    $class = module_builder_get_class('code');
    $generator = new $class($module_data);
    $generator->hook_data = $hook_data;
    $generator->filename = $filename;
    if ($bare) {
      $code = $generator->code_body;
    else {
      $code = $generator


    //print $code;
    $module_code[$filename] = $code;

    // Add the generated filename to the module data for the info generation to find.
    $module_data['module_files'][] = $filename;

  // foreach file

  return $module_code;

 * Get the doxygen header for a given hook.
 * This does not return with an initial newline so the doc block may be inserted into existing code.
 * @param
 *   The long hook name, eg 'hook_menu'.
function module_builder_code_hook_doxy($hook_name) {
  return <<<EOT
 * Implementation of {<span class="php-variable">$hook_name</span>}().


 * Helper function for module_builder_generate_module
 * Returns an array of hook data and templates for the requested hooks.
 * This is handled live rather than in to allow the user to alter
 * their custom hook templates.
 * @return
 *   An array of the form:
 *  'destination file' => array(
 *    'hook_foo' => array( 'declaration' => DATA, 'template' => DATA )
function module_builder_get_templates($module_data) {

  // begin assembling data
  // build an array $hook_data of all the stuff we know about hooks
  // of the form:
  //  'hook_foo' => array( 'declaration' => DATA, 'template' => DATA )
  $hook_data = array();

  // Check for custom functions file, else use default
  $path = module_builder_get_path('templates');
  if (file_exists("{$path}/hooks-custom.template")) {
    $template_file = file_get_contents("{$path}/hooks-custom.template");
  else {
    $template_file = file_get_contents("{$path}/hooks.template");

  // Get array of our hook function body templates from our own / custom template files.
  // This is not necessarily all hooks that exist -- not all have template entries.
  // This array is in the same order as they occur in the files and already in the format wanted.
  // Include generating component file.
  $template_data = module_builder_parse_template($template_file);

  // print_r($hook_data); ok!
  // Check for node hooks; these will overwrite core hooks if found.
  if (isset($module_data['hooks']['hook_node_info'])) {
    if (file_exists("{$path}/node_hooks-custom.template")) {
      $template_file = file_get_contents("{$path}/node_hooks-custom.template");
    else {
      $template_file = file_get_contents("{$path}/node_hooks.template");
    $custom_hooks = module_builder_parse_template($template_file);
    foreach ($custom_hooks as $hook_name => $hook_template) {

      // add or clobber our existing templates
      $template_data[$hook_name] = $hook_template;

  // $template_data is now an array of the form:
  //  [hook name] => array('template' => DATA)
  // in a pretty order which we want to hold on to.



  // Get array of the hook function declarations from the downloaded hook data.
  // This is a complete list of all hooks that exist.
  // In the form: 'hook_foo' => array('declaration', 'destination')
  // This array is the order they are in the files from alphabetical apparently.
  // We don't care for this order!
  $hook_function_declarations = module_builder_get_hook_declarations();

  // If we get NULL then no hook data exists: return NULL again.
  if (is_null($hook_function_declarations)) {
    return NULL;


  // Remove all hooks we don't care about.
  // First filter out the keys with 0 values that come from UI form.
  $requested_hooks = array_filter($module_data['hooks']);
  $hook_function_declarations = array_intersect_key($hook_function_declarations, $requested_hooks);
  $template_data = array_intersect_key($template_data, $requested_hooks);


  // Start hierarchical building hook data.
  // Make the destination filenames, and add an item for each destination file.
  foreach ($hook_function_declarations as $hook_name => $hook) {
    $destination = str_replace('%module', $module_data['module_root_name'], $hook['destination']);
    $hook_function_declarations[$hook_name]['destination'] = $destination;
    $hook_data[$destination] = array();

  // Now iterate over the template data so we use its order
  // and grab data from the declarations array
  // and put it all into the final data array
  foreach (array_keys($template_data) as $hook_name) {
    $destination = $hook_function_declarations[$hook_name]['destination'];
    $hook_data[$destination][$hook_name]['declaration'] = $hook_function_declarations[$hook_name]['declaration'];
    $hook_data[$destination][$hook_name]['template'] = $template_data[$hook_name]['template'];


  // Not all hooks have template data
  foreach ($hook_function_declarations as $hook_name => $hook) {
    $destination = $hook['destination'];
    if (!isset($hook_data[$destination][$hook_name]['declaration'])) {
      $hook_data[$destination][$hook_name]['declaration'] = $hook_function_declarations[$hook_name]['declaration'];


  // $hook_data is now a complete representation of all we know about the requested hooks
  return $hook_data;


Namesort descending Description
module_builder_code_hook_doxy Get the doxygen header for a given hook. This does not return with an initial newline so the doc block may be inserted into existing code.
module_builder_generate_info_oo Generate info code. New OO version!
module_builder_generate_module Generate module code.
module_builder_get_class Helper function to get the desired class.
module_builder_get_templates Helper function for module_builder_generate_module


Namesort descending Description
ModuleBuilderGenerator Base class for code generators.
ModuleBuilderGeneratorCode Generator class for module code files.
ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo Generator base class for module info file.
ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo5 Generator class for module info file for Drupal 5.
ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo6 Generator class for module info file for Drupal 6.
ModuleBuilderGeneratorInfo7 Generator class for module info file for Drupal 7.