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function mmenu_get_default_configurations in Mobile sliding menu 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 mmenu.module \mmenu_get_default_configurations()
  2. 7.3 mmenu.module \mmenu_get_default_configurations()
  3. 7.2 mmenu.module \mmenu_get_default_configurations()

Gets default configurations of the mmenu.

Return value

array Default mmenu configurations.

1 call to mmenu_get_default_configurations()
mmenu_list in ./mmenu.module
Gets a list of available mmenus.


./mmenu.module, line 593
Primarily Drupal hooks and global API functions to manipulate mmenus.


function mmenu_get_default_configurations() {
  return array(
    // Whether or not to clone the menu before prepending it to the BODY.
    // If true, the ID on the menu and every ID inside it will be prepended
    // with "mm-" to prevent using double IDs.
    'clone' => FALSE,
    // Whether or not to prevent the default behavior when pressing the tab key.
    // If false, the user will be able to tab out of the menu and using
    // some other way to prevent this (for example TABguard)
    // is strongly recommended.
    'preventTabbing' => TRUE,
    // The classname on an element (for example a DIV) that should be considered
    // to be a panel. Only applies if the "isMenu" option is set to false.
    'panelClass' => 'Panel',
    // The classname on an UL that should be styled as an app-like list.
    // Automatically applied to all ULs if the "isMenu" option is set to true.
    'listClass' => 'List',
    // The classname on the LI that should be displayed as selected.
    'selectedClass' => 'active-trail',
    // The classname on a LI that should be displayed as a label.
    'labelClass' => 'Label',
    // The classname on an EM that should be displayed as a counter.
    // Only applies if the counters are not added automatically.
    'counterClass' => 'Counter',
    // The node-type of the page.
    'pageNodetype' => 'div',
    // The node-type of panels.
    'panelNodetype' => 'div, ul, ol',
    // The number of milliseconds used in the CSS transitions.
    'transitionDuration' => 400,
    // A map of the "dragOpen" configuration options.
    'dragOpen' => array(
      // A map of the "dragOpen.width" configuration options.
      'width' => array(
        // The width of the menu as a percentage.
        // From 0.0 (fully hidden) to 1.0 (fully opened).
        'perc' => 0.8,
        // The minimum width of the menu.
        'min' => 140,
        // The maximum width of the menu.
        'max' => 440,
      // A map of the "dragOpen.height" configuration options.
      'height' => array(
        // The height of the menu as a percentage.
        // From 0.0 (fully hidden) to 1.0 (fully opened).
        'perc' => 0.8,
        // The minimum height of the menu.
        'min' => 140,
        // The maximum height of the menu.
        'max' => 880,
    // A map of the "labels" configuration options.
    'labels' => array(
      // The classname on the list-items that should be collapsed by default.
      'collapsedClass' => 'Collapsed',
    // A map of the "header" configuration options.
    'header' => array(
      // The classname on the element (for example a H2) that contains the
      // title-text for the panel. Only applies if the "isMenu" option is set
      // to false, otherwise the text from the parent menu-item will be used.
      'panelHeaderClass' => 'Header',
      // The classname on the A that links to the previous panel. Only applies
      // if the "isMenu" option is set to false, otherwise the ID from the
      // parent menu-level will be used.
      'panelPrevClass' => 'Header',
      // The classname on the A that links to the next panel. Only applies if
      // the "isMenu" option is set to false, otherwise there is no next panel.
      'panelNextClass' => 'Next',