mmenu.module in Mobile sliding menu 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Primarily Drupal hooks and global API functions to manipulate mmenus.
mmenu.moduleView source
* @file
* Primarily Drupal hooks and global API functions to manipulate mmenus.
* Implements hook_menu().
function mmenu_menu() {
$mmenus = mmenu_list();
$items['admin/config/mmenu'] = array(
'title' => 'Mobile sliding menu',
'page callback' => 'mmenu_admin_settings',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer mmenu',
'file' => '',
$count = 0;
foreach ($mmenus as $mmenu) {
if ($count == 0) {
$items['admin/config/mmenu']['page arguments'] = array(
$items['admin/config/mmenu/' . $mmenu['name']] = array(
'title' => $mmenu['title'],
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer mmenu',
'file' => '',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'weight' => $count++,
return $items;
* Implements hook_theme().
function mmenu_theme() {
$module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'mmenu');
return array(
'mmenu' => array(
'render element' => 'elements',
'template' => 'mmenu',
'path' => $module_path . '/tpl',
'mmenu_tree' => array(
'variables' => array(
'tree' => NULL,
'reset' => FALSE,
* Implements hook_permission().
function mmenu_permission() {
return array(
'administer mmenu' => array(
'title' => t('Administer mmenu'),
'description' => t('Administer mmenu settings.'),
* Implements hook_libraries_info().
function mmenu_libraries_info() {
$libraries['mmenu.main'] = array(
'name' => 'Mmenu libraries',
'vendor url' => '',
'download url' => '',
'version arguments' => array(
'file' => 'main/src/js/jquery.mmenu.min.js',
'pattern' => '/jQuery mmenu v(\\d+\\.+\\d+.+\\d+)/',
'lines' => 2,
'files' => array(
'js' => array(
'css' => array(
'path' => 'main',
'library path' => libraries_get_path('mmenu'),
$libraries['mmenu.hammer'] = array(
'name' => 'Hammer libraries',
'vendor url' => '',
'download url' => '',
'version arguments' => array(
'file' => 'hammer/hammer.min.js',
'pattern' => '/Hammer.JS - v(\\d+\\.+\\d+.+\\d+) -/',
'lines' => 1,
'files' => array(
'js' => array(
'path' => 'hammer',
'library path' => libraries_get_path('mmenu'),
$libraries['mmenu.jquery.hammer'] = array(
'name' => 'jQuery plugin for Hammer.js',
'vendor url' => '',
'download url' => '',
'version arguments' => array(
'file' => 'jquery.hammer/jquery.hammer.min.js',
'pattern' => '/Hammer.JS - v(\\d+\\.+\\d+.+\\d+) -/',
'lines' => 1,
'files' => array(
'js' => array(
'path' => 'jquery.hammer',
'library path' => libraries_get_path('mmenu'),
return $libraries;
* Implements hook_mmenu().
function mmenu_mmenu() {
return array(
'mmenu_left' => array(
'enabled' => FALSE,
'name' => 'mmenu_left',
'title' => t('Left menu'),
'blocks' => array(
'title' => t('Main menu'),
'module' => 'system',
'delta' => 'main-menu',
'collapsed' => FALSE,
'options' => array(
'position' => 'left',
'classes' => 'mm-basic',
'configurations' => array(),
'mmenu_right' => array(
'enabled' => FALSE,
'name' => 'mmenu_right',
'title' => t('Right menu'),
'blocks' => array(
'title' => t('Search'),
'module' => 'mmenu',
'delta' => 'search',
'collapsed' => FALSE,
'wrap' => TRUE,
'title' => t('User menu'),
'module' => 'system',
'delta' => 'user-menu',
'collapsed' => FALSE,
'options' => array(
'position' => 'right',
'classes' => 'mm-basic',
'configurations' => array(),
'mmenu_top' => array(
'enabled' => FALSE,
'name' => 'mmenu_top',
'title' => t('Top menu'),
'blocks' => array(
'title' => t('Log in'),
'module' => 'user',
'delta' => 'login',
'collapsed' => FALSE,
'wrap' => TRUE,
'options' => array(
'position' => 'top',
'classes' => 'mm-basic',
'configurations' => array(),
'mmenu_bottom' => array(
'enabled' => FALSE,
'name' => 'mmenu_bottom',
'title' => t('Bottom menu'),
'blocks' => array(
'title' => t('Management'),
'module' => 'system',
'delta' => 'management',
'collapsed' => FALSE,
'menu_parameters' => array(
'min_depth' => 2,
'options' => array(
'position' => 'bottom',
'classes' => 'mm-basic',
'configurations' => array(),
* Implements hook_mmenu_class().
function mmenu_mmenu_class() {
$module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'mmenu');
return array(
'mm-basic' => array(
'name' => 'mm-basic',
'title' => t('mm-basic'),
'css' => array(
$module_path . '/icons/mmenu/mmenu.css',
$module_path . '/classes/mm-basic/css/mm-basic.css',
'mm-fresh' => array(
'name' => 'mm-fresh',
'title' => t('mm-fresh'),
'css' => array(
$module_path . '/icons/mmenu/mmenu.css',
$module_path . '/classes/mm-fresh/css/mm-fresh.css',
* Implements hook_mmenu_effect().
function mmenu_mmenu_effect() {
return array(
'mm-fullscreen' => array(
'name' => 'mm-fullscreen',
'title' => t('Makes the menu will fill up 100% of the available width'),
'css' => array(),
'mm-slide' => array(
'name' => 'mm-slide',
'title' => t('Makes the menu slide in from the side.'),
'css' => array(),
'mm-zoom-menu' => array(
'name' => 'mm-zoom-menu',
'title' => t('Makes the menu zoom in.'),
'css' => array(),
'mm-zoom-page' => array(
'name' => 'mm-zoom-page',
'title' => t('Makes the page zoom in while opening the menu, works great in combination with the mm-zoom-menu effect.'),
'css' => array(),
'mm-zoom-panels' => array(
'name' => 'mm-zoom-panels',
'title' => t('Makes the panels zoom out while opening a submenu.'),
'css' => array(),
* Implements hook_block_info().
function mmenu_block_info() {
$blocks['search'] = array(
'info' => t('Search'),
'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
return $blocks;
* Implements hook_block_view().
function mmenu_block_view($delta = '') {
$block = array();
switch ($delta) {
case 'search':
$block['subject'] = t('Search');
$block['content'] = '';
if (module_exists('search')) {
$search_form = drupal_get_form('search_form');
$block['content'] = drupal_render($search_form);
return $block;
* Gets a list of available mmenus.
* @param string $mmenu_name
* A mmenu name if you just want to get a particular mmenu.
* Leaves empty if you want to get all available mmenus.
* @return array
* Particular mmenu if the 'mmenu_name' is given.
* All available mmenus otherwise.
function mmenu_list($mmenu_name = '') {
// Gets mmenus from cache if available.
if ($cached = cache_get('mmenus', 'cache')) {
$mmenus = $cached->data;
// Invoke hook_mmenu_alter().
// To allow all modules to alter the mmenus.
// Don't save the altered values into cache.
drupal_alter('mmenu', $mmenus);
if (empty($mmenu_name)) {
return $mmenus;
elseif (isset($mmenus[$mmenu_name])) {
return $mmenus[$mmenu_name];
else {
return array();
// Gets mmenus from hook defined.
$mmenus = module_invoke_all('mmenu');
// Gets the default options and configurations.
$default_options = mmenu_get_default_options();
$default_configurations = mmenu_get_default_configurations();
$default_mmenu = array(
'enabled' => FALSE,
'name' => '',
'title' => '',
'blocks' => array(),
'options' => array(),
'configurations' => array(),
'custom' => array(),
foreach ($mmenus as $mmenu_key => $mmenu) {
$mmenu += $default_mmenu;
// Merges with the default values.
$mmenu['options'] += $default_options;
// Merges with the default values.
$mmenu['configurations'] += $default_configurations;
// Takes mmenu settings from user self defined if available.
$configurable_mmenu = variable_get('mmenu_item_' . $mmenu['name'], '');
if (!empty($configurable_mmenu)) {
if (!isset($configurable_mmenu['options'])) {
$configurable_mmenu['options'] = array();
if (!isset($configurable_mmenu['configurations'])) {
$configurable_mmenu['configurations'] = array();
if (!isset($configurable_mmenu['custom'])) {
$configurable_mmenu['custom'] = array();
$mmenu = $configurable_mmenu + $mmenu;
$mmenu['options'] = $configurable_mmenu['options'] + $mmenu['options'];
$mmenu['configurations'] = $configurable_mmenu['configurations'] + $mmenu['configurations'];
$mmenu['custom'] = $configurable_mmenu['custom'] + $mmenu['custom'];
$mmenus[$mmenu_key] = $mmenu;
// Resets blocks values.
foreach ($mmenu['blocks'] as $block_key => $block) {
$mmenus[$mmenu_key]['blocks'][$block_key]['collapsed'] = isset($block['collapsed']) ? $block['collapsed'] : TRUE;
$mmenus[$mmenu_key]['blocks'][$block_key]['wrap'] = isset($block['wrap']) ? $block['wrap'] : FALSE;
// Caches the mmenus.
cache_set('mmenus', $mmenus, 'cache');
// Invoke hook_mmenu_alter().
// To allow all modules to alter the mmenus.
// Don't save the altered values into cache.
drupal_alter('mmenu', $mmenus);
if (!empty($mmenu_name)) {
if (isset($mmenus[$mmenu_name])) {
return $mmenus[$mmenu_name];
else {
return array();
return $mmenus;
* Gets a list of available mmenu classes.
* @param string $class_name
* A class name if you just want to get a particular mmenu class.
* Leaves empty if you want to get all available mmenu classes.
* @return array
* Particular mmenu class if the 'class_name' is given.
* All available mmenu classes otherwise.
function mmenu_class_list($class_name = '') {
// Get mmenu classes from hook.
$classes = module_invoke_all('mmenu_class');
// Invoke hook_mmenu_class_alter().
// To allow all modules to alter the mmenu class.
drupal_alter('mmenu_class', $classes);
if (!empty($class_name)) {
if (isset($classes[$class_name])) {
return $classes[$class_name];
else {
return array();
return $classes;
* Gets a list of available mmenu effects.
* @param string $effect_name
* A effect name if you just want to get a particular mmenu effect.
* Leaves empty if you want to get all available mmenu effects.
* @return array
* Particular mmenu effect if the 'effect_name' is given.
* All available mmenu effects otherwise.
function mmenu_effect_list($effect_name = '') {
// Get mmenu effects from hook.
$effects = module_invoke_all('mmenu_effect');
// Invoke hook_mmenu_effect_alter().
// To allow all modules to alter the mmenu effect.
drupal_alter('mmenu_effect', $effects);
if (!empty($effect_name)) {
if (isset($effects[$effect_name])) {
return $effects[$effect_name];
else {
return array();
return $effects;
* Gets default options of the mmenu.
* @return array
* Default mmenu options.
function mmenu_get_default_options() {
// $logo = theme_get_setting('logo');
$site_name = variable_get('site_name', t('Drupal'));
$site_name = $site_name;
return array(
'isMenu' => TRUE,
// The position of the menu relative to the page.
// Possible values: "top", "right", "bottom" or "left".
'position' => 'left',
// The z-position of the menu relative to the page.
// Possible values: "back", "front" or "next".
'zposition' => 'back',
// Whether or not the submenus should come sliding in from the right.
// If false, the submenus expand below their parent.
'slidingSubmenus' => TRUE,
// Whether or not the page should inherit the background of the body
// when the menu opens.
'moveBackground' => TRUE,
// A collection of space-separated classnames to add to both the menu
// and the HTML.
'classes' => 'mm-basic',
// Whether or not the menu should be opened as a "modal".
// Basically, this means the user has no default way of closing the menu.
// You'll have to provide a close-button yourself.
'modal' => FALSE,
// A map of the "counters" options.
'counters' => array(
// Whether or not to automatically append a counter
// to each menu item that has a submenu.
'add' => TRUE,
// Whether or not to automatically count the number of items
// in the submenu, updates when typing in the search field.
'update' => TRUE,
// A map of the "dragOpen" options.
'dragOpen' => array(
// Whether or not the menu should open when dragging the page.
'open' => TRUE,
// The node on which the user can drag to open the menu.
// If omitted, the entire page is used.
'pageNode' => "body",
// The minimum amount of pixels to drag before actually opening the menu,
// less than 50 is not advised.
'threshold' => 100,
// The maximum x-position to start dragging the page.For a menu with a
// position set to "top" or "bottom", the default value is 50.
'maxStartPos' => 50,
// A map of the "header" options.
'labels' => array(
'add' => FALSE,
'header' => array(
// Whether or not to automatically prepend a fixed header to the menu.
'add' => TRUE,
// The contents of the header.
// If omitted, the plugin will add a fully styled and functional
// header with, title and back- (and next-) button.
// 'content' => '<img src="' . $logo . '" /> ' . $site_name,
// Whether or not to automatically update the header text
// and back- (and next-) button when opening sub-menus.
'update' => TRUE,
// The text above the mainmenu.
'title' => $site_name,
// A map of the "search" options.
'searchfield' => array(
// Whether or not to automatically prepend a search field to the menu.
'add' => FALSE,
// Whether or not to automatically search when typing.
'search' => FALSE,
// The placeholder text in the search field.
'placeholder' => t('Search'),
// The text to show when no results are found.
// If false no message will be shown.
'noResults' => t('No results found.'),
// Whether or not to only show links (A elements) in the search results.
// If false, also SPAN elements will be shown.
'showLinksOnly' => TRUE,
// A map of the "onClick" options.
'onClick' => array(
// Whether or not the clicked link should be visibly "selected".
'setSelected' => TRUE,
// Whether or not to prevent the default behavior for the clicked link.
// The default value varies per link: true if its href is equal to
// or starts with a hash (#), false otherwise.
'preventDefault' => FALSE,
// Whether or not the menu should close after clicking a link inside it.
// The default value varies per link: true if the default behavior for
// the clicked link is prevented, false otherwise.
'close' => FALSE,
// Whether or not to block the user interface while loading the new page.
// The default value varies per link: false if the default behavior for
// the clicked link is prevented, true otherwise.
'blockUI' => FALSE,
* Gets default configurations of the mmenu.
* @return array
* Default mmenu configurations.
function mmenu_get_default_configurations() {
return array(
// Whether or not to clone the menu before prepending it to the BODY.
// If true, the ID on the menu and every ID inside it will be prepended
// with "mm-" to prevent using double IDs.
'clone' => FALSE,
// Whether or not to prevent the default behavior when pressing the tab key.
// If false, the user will be able to tab out of the menu and using
// some other way to prevent this (for example TABguard)
// is strongly recommended.
'preventTabbing' => TRUE,
// The classname on an element (for example a DIV) that should be considered
// to be a panel. Only applies if the "isMenu" option is set to false.
'panelClass' => 'Panel',
// The classname on an UL that should be styled as an app-like list.
// Automatically applied to all ULs if the "isMenu" option is set to true.
'listClass' => 'List',
// The classname on the LI that should be displayed as selected.
'selectedClass' => 'active-trail',
// The classname on a LI that should be displayed as a label.
'labelClass' => 'Label',
// The classname on an EM that should be displayed as a counter.
// Only applies if the counters are not added automatically.
'counterClass' => 'Counter',
// The node-type of the page.
'pageNodetype' => 'div',
// The node-type of panels.
'panelNodetype' => 'div, ul, ol',
// The number of milliseconds used in the CSS transitions.
'transitionDuration' => 400,
// A map of the "dragOpen" configuration options.
'dragOpen' => array(
// A map of the "dragOpen.width" configuration options.
'width' => array(
// The width of the menu as a percentage.
// From 0.0 (fully hidden) to 1.0 (fully opened).
'perc' => 0.8,
// The minimum width of the menu.
'min' => 140,
// The maximum width of the menu.
'max' => 440,
// A map of the "dragOpen.height" configuration options.
'height' => array(
// The height of the menu as a percentage.
// From 0.0 (fully hidden) to 1.0 (fully opened).
'perc' => 0.8,
// The minimum height of the menu.
'min' => 140,
// The maximum height of the menu.
'max' => 880,
// A map of the "labels" configuration options.
'labels' => array(
// The classname on the list-items that should be collapsed by default.
'collapsedClass' => 'Collapsed',
// A map of the "header" configuration options.
'header' => array(
// The classname on the element (for example a H2) that contains the
// title-text for the panel. Only applies if the "isMenu" option is set
// to false, otherwise the text from the parent menu-item will be used.
'panelHeaderClass' => 'Header',
// The classname on the A that links to the previous panel. Only applies
// if the "isMenu" option is set to false, otherwise the ID from the
// parent menu-level will be used.
'panelPrevClass' => 'Header',
// The classname on the A that links to the next panel. Only applies if
// the "isMenu" option is set to false, otherwise there is no next panel.
'panelNextClass' => 'Next',
* Generates the mmenu css list and adds to Drupal.
* @param array $mmenu
* An associative array of a mmenu.
function mmenu_add_css($mmenu = array()) {
// Uses custom css if it is set.
if (isset($mmenu['custom']['css'])) {
foreach ($mmenu['custom']['css'] as $css) {
// Adds mmenu class styles.
if (isset($mmenu['options']['classes'])) {
$mmenu_class = mmenu_class_list($mmenu['options']['classes']);
if (isset($mmenu_class['css'])) {
foreach ($mmenu_class['css'] as $css) {
// Adds mmenu effect styles.
if (isset($mmenu['options']['effects'])) {
foreach ($mmenu['options']['effects'] as $k => $v) {
$mmenu_effect = mmenu_effect_list($k);
if (isset($mmenu_effect['css'])) {
foreach ($mmenu_effect['css'] as $css) {
* Generates the mmenu js handler scripts and adds to Drupal.
* @param array $mmenu
* An associative array of a mmenu.
function mmenu_add_js($mmenu = array()) {
// Uses custom js handler if it is set.
if (isset($mmenu['custom']['js'])) {
foreach ($mmenu['custom']['js'] as $js) {
// Updates the value of the classes with the combination of
// classes and effects.
$mmenu['options']['classes'] = mmenu_get_all_classes($mmenu);
$options = drupal_json_encode($mmenu['options']);
$configurations = drupal_json_encode($mmenu['configurations']);
$selector_event = '';
if (isset($mmenu['options']['clickOpen']['selector'])) {
$selector = check_plain($mmenu['options']['clickOpen']['selector']);
$selector_event = '$("' . $selector . '").click(function(e) {
$' . $mmenu['name'] . '.trigger("");
$js = '(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
var $' . $mmenu['name'] . ' = $("#' . $mmenu['name'] . '");
$' . $mmenu['name'] . '.mmenu(' . $options . ', ' . $configurations . ');
' . $selector_event . '
// Adds inline javascript.
drupal_add_js($js, 'inline');
* Implements hook_page_build().
function mmenu_page_build(&$page) {
// Gets all mmenus markups and adds them to page.
$mmenus = mmenu_list();
foreach ($mmenus as $mmenu) {
$name = $mmenu['name'];
// Checks if the mmenu was enabled.
if (isset($mmenu['enabled']) && $mmenu['enabled']) {
$page['page_bottom']['mmenu'][$name] = array(
'#theme' => 'mmenu',
'#mmenu' => $mmenu,
'#attached' => array(
// Outputs the mmenus settings as JSON, then we can do some custom
// stuffs in our own JS handlers.
'js' => array(
'data' => array(
'mmenus' => array(
$name => $mmenu,
'type' => 'setting',
if (isset($page['page_bottom']['mmenu']) && count($page['page_bottom']['mmenu']) > 0) {
// Loads libraries.
$page['page_bottom']['mmenu']['#attached']['libraries_load'] = array(
'mmenu.main' => array(
'mmenu.hammer' => array(
'mmenu.jquery.hammer' => array(
* Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
function mmenu_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
if (isset($variables['elements']['#mmenu'])) {
// Adds more template suggestions such as
// block--search--form--mmenu.tpl.php or
// block--search--form--mmenu_mmenu_right.tpl.php
$mmenu = $variables['elements']['#mmenu'];
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'block__' . $variables['block']->module . '__' . strtr($variables['block']->delta, '-', '_') . '__' . 'mmenu';
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'block__' . $variables['block']->module . '__' . strtr($variables['block']->delta, '-', '_') . '__' . 'mmenu_' . $mmenu['name'];
* Processes variables for mmenu.tpl.php.
* Most themes utilize their own copy of mmenu.tpl.php. The default is located
* inside "modules/mmenu/tpl/mmenu.tpl.php". Look in there for the full list of
* variables.
* The $variables array contains the following arguments:
* - $mmenu
* - $id
* - $name
* - $blocks
* @see mmenu.tpl.php
function template_preprocess_mmenu(&$variables) {
$variables['mmenu'] = $variables['elements']['#mmenu'];
$variables['id'] = $variables['elements']['#mmenu']['name'];
$variables['name'] = $variables['elements']['#mmenu']['name'];
$variables['blocks'] = array();
static $mmenu_tree;
foreach ($variables['mmenu']['blocks'] as $mmenu_block) {
// Gets all menu blocks.
$system_menus = menu_list_system_menus();
$block = module_invoke($mmenu_block['module'], 'block_view', $mmenu_block['delta']);
// When it is a menu block.
if (isset($system_menus[$mmenu_block['delta']])) {
// Builds the menu tree for rendering markup.
$menu_parameters = isset($mmenu_block['menu_parameters']) ? $mmenu_block['menu_parameters'] : array();
$menu_parameters['conditions']['hidden'] = 0;
// Filters the menu items based on the current language.
global $language;
if (module_exists('i18n_menu')) {
$menu_parameters['conditions']['language'] = array(
if (!isset($mmenu_tree[$mmenu_block['delta']])) {
$tree = menu_build_tree($mmenu_block['delta'], $menu_parameters);
$mmenu_tree[$mmenu_block['delta']] = $tree;
else {
$tree = $mmenu_tree[$mmenu_block['delta']];
$block['content'] = theme('mmenu_tree', array(
'tree' => $tree,
'reset' => TRUE,
else {
$block_content = _block_render_blocks(array(
block_load($mmenu_block['module'], $mmenu_block['delta']),
// Sets title/subject to be empty because we don't need the title/subject
// to be displayed in block.tpl.php.
$key = $mmenu_block['module'] . '_' . $mmenu_block['delta'];
if (isset($block_content[$key])) {
$block_content[$key]->title = '';
$block_content[$key]->subject = '';
$block_build = _block_get_renderable_array($block_content);
// Passes the mmenu to the block.tpl.php so you can access it
// in the variable $elements['#mmenu'].
$block_build[$mmenu_block['module'] . '_' . $mmenu_block['delta']]['#mmenu'] = $variables['elements']['#mmenu'];
$block['content'] = render($block_build);
else {
$block['content'] = '';
// Uses the mmenu block title if it was defined.
// Otherwise, uses default block subject.
$subject = '';
if ($mmenu_block['title'] == '<none>') {
$subject = '';
elseif (!empty($mmenu_block['title'])) {
$subject = $mmenu_block['title'];
elseif (isset($block['subject'])) {
$subject = $block['subject'];
else {
$subject = '';
$new_block['subject'] = $subject;
// Renders block content.
$new_block['content'] = render($block['content']);
// Checks if the block is collapsed or expanded.
$new_block['collapsed'] = isset($mmenu_block['collapsed']) ? $mmenu_block['collapsed'] : TRUE;
// Checks if the block needs to wrap by
// '<ul><li><span>xxxxxx</span></li></ul>'.
$new_block['wrap'] = isset($mmenu_block['wrap']) ? $mmenu_block['wrap'] : FALSE;
$new_block['module'] = $mmenu_block['module'];
$new_block['delta'] = $mmenu_block['delta'];
// Don't render if block content is empty.
if (!empty($new_block['content'])) {
$variables['blocks'][] = $new_block;
// Template suggestions.
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'mmenu__' . $variables['name'];
// Adds CSS for particular mmenu.
// Adds JS for particular mmenu.
* Returns HTML for a wrapper for a mmenu tree.
* @param array $block
* An associative array containing:
* - tree: An array containing the tree's items.
* - reset: An boolean to determine if needs to reset the static variable.
* @ingroup themeable
function theme_mmenu_tree($block = array(
'tree' => array(),
'reset' => FALSE,
)) {
$tree = $block['tree'];
$reset = $block['reset'];
// Don't render if block content is empty.
if (count($tree) <= 0) {
return '';
static $mmenu_output = '';
if ($reset) {
$mmenu_output = '';
foreach ($tree as $item) {
$cur_path = url($_GET['q']);
$menu_path = url($item['link']['link_path']);
$icon_menu_path = $menu_path;
if ($icon_menu_path == '/') {
$icon_menu_path = 'home';
$class = $cur_path == $menu_path ? 'active-trail' : '';
$icon_class = ' ' . 'mmenu-list-icon-' . str_replace('/', '-', trim($icon_menu_path, '/')) . ' ';
$mmenu_output .= '<li class="' . $class . '"><a href="' . $menu_path . '" class="mmenu-list"><i class="mmenu-list-icon ' . $icon_class . '"></i><span class="mmenu-list-title">' . $item['link']['link_title'] . '</span></a>';
if (isset($item['below']) && count($item['below']) > 0) {
$mmenu_output .= '<ul>';
theme('mmenu_tree', array(
'tree' => $item['below'],
'reset' => FALSE,
$mmenu_output .= '</ul>';
$mmenu_output .= '</li>';
return '<ul>' . $mmenu_output . '</ul>';
* Gets all Drupal blocks for assigning to a mmenu.
* @return array
* An associative array contains all Drupal blocks.
function mmenu_get_blocks() {
$drupal_modules = module_list();
$drupal_blocks = array();
foreach ($drupal_modules as $drupal_module) {
$array = module_invoke($drupal_module, 'block_info');
if (!empty($array)) {
$drupal_blocks[$drupal_module] = $array;
return $drupal_blocks;
* Gets the classes values of the combination of the classes and effects.
* @param array $mmenu
* An associative array of the mmenu.
* @return string
* A classes values of the combination of the classes and effects.
function mmenu_get_all_classes($mmenu = array()) {
$classes = array();
$classes[] = $mmenu['options']['classes'];
if (isset($mmenu['options']['effects'])) {
foreach ($mmenu['options']['effects'] as $k => $v) {
$classes[] = $k;
return implode(' ', $classes);
* Converts value from PHP to JSON format.
* @param array $values
* An associative array that contains the mmenu settings.
* @return array
* A converted mmenu settings array.
function mmenu_convert_settings($values = array()) {
foreach ($values as $k => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$values[$k] = mmenu_convert_settings($value);
if ($value == 'true') {
$values[$k] = TRUE;
elseif ($value == 'false') {
$values[$k] = FALSE;
elseif (is_numeric($value)) {
$values[$k] = (double) $value;
return $values;
Name![]() |
Description |
mmenu_add_css | Generates the mmenu css list and adds to Drupal. |
mmenu_add_js | Generates the mmenu js handler scripts and adds to Drupal. |
mmenu_block_info | Implements hook_block_info(). |
mmenu_block_view | Implements hook_block_view(). |
mmenu_class_list | Gets a list of available mmenu classes. |
mmenu_convert_settings | Converts value from PHP to JSON format. |
mmenu_effect_list | Gets a list of available mmenu effects. |
mmenu_get_all_classes | Gets the classes values of the combination of the classes and effects. |
mmenu_get_blocks | Gets all Drupal blocks for assigning to a mmenu. |
mmenu_get_default_configurations | Gets default configurations of the mmenu. |
mmenu_get_default_options | Gets default options of the mmenu. |
mmenu_libraries_info | Implements hook_libraries_info(). |
mmenu_list | Gets a list of available mmenus. |
mmenu_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
mmenu_mmenu | Implements hook_mmenu(). |
mmenu_mmenu_class | Implements hook_mmenu_class(). |
mmenu_mmenu_effect | Implements hook_mmenu_effect(). |
mmenu_page_build | Implements hook_page_build(). |
mmenu_permission | Implements hook_permission(). |
mmenu_preprocess_block | Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK(). |
mmenu_theme | Implements hook_theme(). |
template_preprocess_mmenu | Processes variables for mmenu.tpl.php. |
theme_mmenu_tree | Returns HTML for a wrapper for a mmenu tree. |