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abstract class MigrateUIWizard in Migrate 7.2

The base class for migration wizards. Extend this class to implement a wizard UI for importing into Drupal from a given source format (Drupal, WordPress, etc.).


Expanded class hierarchy of MigrateUIWizard


migrate_ui/, line 127
Migration wizard framework.

View source
abstract class MigrateUIWizard {

   * We maintain a doubly-linked list of wizard steps, both to support
   * previous/next, and to easily insert steps dynamically.
   * The first step of the wizard, which has no predecessor. Will generally be
   * an overview/introductory page.
   * @var MigrateUIStep
  protected $firstStep;

   * The last step of the wizard, which has no successor. Will generally be a
   * review page.
   * @var MigrateUIStep
  protected $lastStep;

   * Get the list of steps currently defined.
   * @return
   *  An array of MigrateUIStep objects, in the order defined, keyed by the step
   *  name.
  protected function getSteps() {
    $steps = array();
      ->getName()] = $this->firstStep;
    $next_step = $this->firstStep->nextStep;
    while (!is_null($next_step)) {
        ->getName()] = $next_step;
      $next_step = $next_step->nextStep;
    return $steps;

   * The current step of the wizard (the one being shown in the UI, and the one
   * whose button is being clicked on).
   * @var MigrateUIStep
  protected $currentStep;

   * The step number, used in the page title.
   * @var int
  protected $stepNumber = 1;

   * The group name to assign to any Migration instances created.
   * @var string
  protected $groupName = 'default';
  public function getGroupName() {
    return $this->groupName;

   * The user-visible title of the group.
   * @var string
  protected $groupTitle = 'default';

   * Any arguments that apply to all migrations in the group.
   * @var array
  protected $groupArguments = array();

   * Array of Migration argument arrays, keyed by machine name. On Finish, used
   * to register Migrations.
   * @var array
  protected $migrations = array();

   * Array of MigrateUIWizardExtender objects that extend this wizard.
   * @var array
  protected $extenders = array();
  public function getExtender($extender_class) {
    if (isset($this->extenders[$extender_class])) {
      return $this->extenders[$extender_class];
    else {
      return NULL;

   * Returns the translatable name representing the source of the data (e.g.,
   * "Drupal", "WordPress", etc.).
   * @return string
  public abstract function getSourceName();
  public function __construct() {

   * Add a wizard extender.
   * This initializes the new extender and adds it to our internal list.
   * @param $extender_class
   *  The name of an extender class.
  public function addExtender($extender_class) {
    $steps = $this
    $extender = new $extender_class($this, $steps);
    $this->extenders[$extender_class] = $extender;

   * Add a step to the wizard, using a step name and method.
   * @param string $name
   *  Translatable name for the step, to be used in the page title.
   * @param callable $form_method
   *  Callable returning the form array for the step. This can be either the
   *  name of a MigrateUIWizard method, or a callable array specifying a method
   *  on a wizard extender. The validation method is formed from the method's
   *  name with the suffix 'Validate' added.
   * @param MigrateUIStep $after
   *  Optional step after which to insert the new step. If omitted, add it at
   *  the end.
   * @param mixed $context
   *  Optional data to be used by this step's form.
   * @return MigrateUIStep
  public function addStep($name, $form_method, MigrateUIStep $after = NULL, $context = NULL) {
    if (!is_array($form_method)) {
      $form_method = array(
    $new_step = new MigrateUIStep($name, $form_method, $context);

    // There were no steps, so this is the only one.
    if (is_null($this->firstStep)) {
      $this->firstStep = $this->lastStep = $this->currentStep = $new_step;
    else {

      // If no insertion point is specified, append to the end.
      if (is_null($after)) {
        $after = $this->lastStep;

      // Do the insert, rewriting the links appropriately.
      $new_step->nextStep = $after->nextStep;
      if (is_null($new_step->nextStep)) {
        $this->lastStep = $new_step;
      else {
        $new_step->nextStep->previousStep = $new_step;
      $new_step->previousStep = $after;
      $after->nextStep = $new_step;
    return $new_step;

   * Remove the named step from the wizard.
   * @param $name
  protected function removeStep($name) {
    for ($current_step = $this->firstStep; !is_null($current_step); $current_step = $current_step->nextStep) {
      if ($current_step
        ->getName() == $name) {
        if (is_null($current_step->previousStep)) {
          $this->firstStep = $current_step->nextStep;
        else {
          $current_step->previousStep->nextStep = $current_step->nextStep;
        if (is_null($current_step->nextStep)) {
          $this->lastStep = $current_step->previousStep;
        else {
          $current_step->nextStep->previousStep = $current_step->previousStep;

   * Move the wizard to the next step in line (if any), first squirreling away
   * the current step's form values.
  public function gotoNextStep(&$form_state) {
    if ($this->currentStep && $this->currentStep->nextStep) {
      $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
      $this->currentStep = $this->currentStep->nextStep;

      // Ensure a page reload remains on the current step.
      $current_step_form_values = $this->currentStep
      if (!empty($current_step_form_values)) {
        $form_state['values'] = $current_step_form_values;
      else {
        $form_state['values'] = array();

   * Move the wizard to the previous step in line (if any), restoring its
   * form values.
  public function gotoPreviousStep(&$form_state) {
    if ($this->currentStep && $this->currentStep->previousStep) {
      $this->currentStep = $this->currentStep->previousStep;
      $form_state['values'] = $this->currentStep
      $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;

   * Build the form for the current step.
   * @return array
  public function form(&$form_state) {
    drupal_set_title(t('Import from @source_title', array(
      '@source_title' => $this
    $form_method = $this->currentStep
    $form['title'] = array(
      '#prefix' => '<h2>',
      '#markup' => t('Step @step: @step_name', array(
        '@step' => $this->stepNumber,
        '@step_name' => $this->currentStep
      '#suffix' => '</h2>',
    $form += call_user_func_array($form_method, array(
    $form['actions'] = array(
      '#type' => 'actions',

    // Show the 'previous' button if appropriate. Note that #submit is set to
    // a special submit handler, and that we use #limit_validation_errors to
    // skip all complaints about validation when using the back button. The
    // values entered will be discarded, but they will not be validated, which
    // would be annoying in a "back" button.
    if ($this->currentStep != $this->firstStep) {
      $form['actions']['prev'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Previous'),
        '#name' => 'prev',
        '#submit' => array(
        '#limit_validation_errors' => array(),

    // Show the Next button only if there are more steps defined.
    if ($this->currentStep == $this->lastStep) {
      $form['actions']['finish'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Save import settings'),
      $form['actions']['migrate'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Save import settings and run import'),
        '#submit' => array(
    else {
      $form['actions']['next'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Next'),
        '#name' => 'next',
        '#submit' => array(
        '#validate' => array(
    return $form;

   * Call the validation function for the current form (which has the same
   * name of the form function with 'Validate' appended).
   * @param array $form_state
  public function formValidate(&$form_state) {
    $validate_method = $this->currentStep

    // This is an array for a method, or a function name.
    if (is_array($validate_method)) {
      $validate_method[1] .= 'Validate';
    else {
      $validate_method .= 'Validate';
    if (is_callable($validate_method)) {
      call_user_func_array($validate_method, array(

   * Take the information we've accumulated throughout the wizard, and create
   * the Migrations to perform the import.
  public function formSaveSettings() {
    MigrateGroup::register($this->groupName, $this->groupTitle, $this->groupArguments);
    $info['arguments']['group_name'] = $this->groupName;
    foreach ($this->migrations as $machine_name => $info) {

      // Call the right registerMigration implementation. Note that this means
      // that classes that override registerMigration() must handle registration
      // themselves, they cannot leave it to us and expect their extension to be
      // called.
      if (is_subclass_of($info['class_name'], 'Migration')) {
        Migration::registerMigration($info['class_name'], $machine_name, $info['arguments']);
      else {
        MigrationBase::registerMigration($info['class_name'], $machine_name, $info['arguments']);

   * Run the import process for the migration group we've defined.
  public function formPerformImport() {
    $migrations = migrate_migrations();
    $operations = array();

    /** @var Migration $migration */
    foreach ($migrations as $migration) {
      $group_name = $migration
      if ($group_name == $this->groupName) {
        $operations[] = array(
    if (count($operations) > 0) {
      $batch = array(
        'operations' => $operations,
        'title' => t('Import processing'),
        'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'migrate_ui') . '/',
        'init_message' => t('Starting import process'),
        'progress_message' => t(''),
        'error_message' => t('An error occurred. Some or all of the import processing has failed.'),
        'finished' => 'migrate_ui_batch_finish',

   * Record all the information necessary to register a migration when this is
   * all over.
   * @param string $machine_name
   *  Machine name for the migration class.
   * @param string $class_name
   *  Name of the Migration class to instantiate.
   * @param array $arguments
   *  Further information configuring the migration.
  public function addMigration($machine_name, $class_name, $arguments) {

    // Give extenders an opportunity to modify or reject this migration.
    foreach ($this->extenders as $extender) {
      if (!$extender
        ->addMigrationAlter($machine_name, $class_name, $arguments, $this)) {
        return FALSE;
    $machine_name = $this->groupName . $machine_name;
    if (isset($arguments['dependencies'])) {
      foreach ($arguments['dependencies'] as $index => $dependency) {
        $arguments['dependencies'][$index] = $this->groupName . $dependency;
    if (isset($arguments['soft_dependencies'])) {
      foreach ($arguments['soft_dependencies'] as $index => $dependency) {
        $arguments['soft_dependencies'][$index] = $this->groupName . $dependency;
    $arguments += array(
      'group_name' => $this->groupName,
      'machine_name' => $machine_name,
    $this->migrations[$machine_name] = array(
      'class_name' => $class_name,
      'arguments' => $arguments,
    return TRUE;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MigrateUIWizard::$currentStep protected property The current step of the wizard (the one being shown in the UI, and the one whose button is being clicked on).
MigrateUIWizard::$extenders protected property Array of MigrateUIWizardExtender objects that extend this wizard.
MigrateUIWizard::$firstStep protected property We maintain a doubly-linked list of wizard steps, both to support previous/next, and to easily insert steps dynamically.
MigrateUIWizard::$groupArguments protected property Any arguments that apply to all migrations in the group.
MigrateUIWizard::$groupName protected property The group name to assign to any Migration instances created.
MigrateUIWizard::$groupTitle protected property The user-visible title of the group.
MigrateUIWizard::$lastStep protected property The last step of the wizard, which has no successor. Will generally be a review page.
MigrateUIWizard::$migrations protected property Array of Migration argument arrays, keyed by machine name. On Finish, used to register Migrations.
MigrateUIWizard::$stepNumber protected property The step number, used in the page title.
MigrateUIWizard::addExtender public function Add a wizard extender.
MigrateUIWizard::addMigration public function Record all the information necessary to register a migration when this is all over.
MigrateUIWizard::addStep public function Add a step to the wizard, using a step name and method.
MigrateUIWizard::form public function Build the form for the current step.
MigrateUIWizard::formPerformImport public function Run the import process for the migration group we've defined.
MigrateUIWizard::formSaveSettings public function Take the information we've accumulated throughout the wizard, and create the Migrations to perform the import.
MigrateUIWizard::formValidate public function Call the validation function for the current form (which has the same name of the form function with 'Validate' appended).
MigrateUIWizard::getExtender public function
MigrateUIWizard::getGroupName public function
MigrateUIWizard::getSourceName abstract public function Returns the translatable name representing the source of the data (e.g., "Drupal", "WordPress", etc.).
MigrateUIWizard::getSteps protected function Get the list of steps currently defined.
MigrateUIWizard::gotoNextStep public function Move the wizard to the next step in line (if any), first squirreling away the current step's form values.
MigrateUIWizard::gotoPreviousStep public function Move the wizard to the previous step in line (if any), restoring its form values.
MigrateUIWizard::removeStep protected function Remove the named step from the wizard.
MigrateUIWizard::__construct public function