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Migration wizard framework.


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 * @file
 * Migration wizard framework.

 * The primary formbuilder function for the wizard form.
 * This form has two defined submit handlers to process the different steps:
 *  - Previous: handles the way to get back one step in the wizard.
 *  - Next:     handles each step form submission,
 * The third handler, the finish button handler, is the default form _submit
 * handler used to process the information.
 * @param string $class_name
 *  Name of the MigrateUIWizard clsas for this wizard.
function migrate_ui_wizard($form, &$form_state, $class_name = '') {

  // Rather than track state in $form_state, we simply keep our wizard
  // instance there, and it encapsulates all the state. We just need
  // to create the instance the first time in, and it will be serialized
  // between steps.

  /** @var MigrateUIWizard $wizard */
  if (empty($form_state['wizard'])) {
    $wizard = new $class_name();

    // Add any extenders.
    $module_apis = migrate_get_module_apis();

    // Need a second pass at this to add wizard extenders.
    foreach ($module_apis as $module => $info) {

      // Add any extenders.
      // @todo: consider allowing extender classes to declare dependencies on
      // other extender classes, to ensure they work in the correct order?
      if (isset($info['wizard extenders'])) {
        foreach ($info['wizard extenders'] as $wizard_class => $extender_classes) {

          // Note that $class_name is in lower case, so we can't just use isset()
          // to find our wizard.
          if (strtolower($wizard_class) == $class_name) {
            foreach ($extender_classes as $extender_class) {
    $form_state['wizard'] = $wizard;
  else {
    $wizard = $form_state['wizard'];

  // Fetch the form for the wizard's current step.
  $form = $wizard
  return $form;

 * Submit handler for the "previous" button. Moves the wizard back to the
 * previous step, and retrieves the values that were submitted on that step.
 * @todo: Can we remove steps that were dynamically added?
function migrate_ui_wizard_previous_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  /** @var MigrateUIWizard $wizard */
  $wizard = $form_state['wizard'];

 * Validate handler for the 'next' button. Dispatches to the wizard's current
 * step for validation.
function migrate_ui_wizard_next_validate($form, &$form_state) {

  /** @var MigrateUIWizard $wizard */
  $wizard = $form_state['wizard'];

 * Submit handler for the 'next' button. Saves the form values for the step
 * we're leaving, so Previous can pick them up, and moves the wizard to the
 * next step.
function migrate_ui_wizard_next_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  /** @var MigrateUIWizard $wizard */
  $wizard = $form_state['wizard'];

 * Submit handler for the Save settings button. Register the migrations that
 * were
 * (implicitly) defined along the way and redirect to the Migrate dashboard.
function migrate_ui_wizard_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  /** @var MigrateUIWizard $wizard */
  $wizard = $form_state['wizard'];
  $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/content/migrate/groups/' . $wizard

 * Submit handler for the "Save settings and import" button. Register the
 * migrations that were (implicitly) defined along the way, run the import, and
 * redirect to the Migrate dashboard.
function migrate_ui_wizard_migrate_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  /** @var MigrateUIWizard $wizard */
  $wizard = $form_state['wizard'];
  $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/content/migrate/groups/' . $wizard

 * The base class for migration wizards. Extend this class to implement a
 * wizard UI for importing into Drupal from a given source format (Drupal,
 * WordPress, etc.).
abstract class MigrateUIWizard {

   * We maintain a doubly-linked list of wizard steps, both to support
   * previous/next, and to easily insert steps dynamically.
   * The first step of the wizard, which has no predecessor. Will generally be
   * an overview/introductory page.
   * @var MigrateUIStep
  protected $firstStep;

   * The last step of the wizard, which has no successor. Will generally be a
   * review page.
   * @var MigrateUIStep
  protected $lastStep;

   * Get the list of steps currently defined.
   * @return
   *  An array of MigrateUIStep objects, in the order defined, keyed by the step
   *  name.
  protected function getSteps() {
    $steps = array();
      ->getName()] = $this->firstStep;
    $next_step = $this->firstStep->nextStep;
    while (!is_null($next_step)) {
        ->getName()] = $next_step;
      $next_step = $next_step->nextStep;
    return $steps;

   * The current step of the wizard (the one being shown in the UI, and the one
   * whose button is being clicked on).
   * @var MigrateUIStep
  protected $currentStep;

   * The step number, used in the page title.
   * @var int
  protected $stepNumber = 1;

   * The group name to assign to any Migration instances created.
   * @var string
  protected $groupName = 'default';
  public function getGroupName() {
    return $this->groupName;

   * The user-visible title of the group.
   * @var string
  protected $groupTitle = 'default';

   * Any arguments that apply to all migrations in the group.
   * @var array
  protected $groupArguments = array();

   * Array of Migration argument arrays, keyed by machine name. On Finish, used
   * to register Migrations.
   * @var array
  protected $migrations = array();

   * Array of MigrateUIWizardExtender objects that extend this wizard.
   * @var array
  protected $extenders = array();
  public function getExtender($extender_class) {
    if (isset($this->extenders[$extender_class])) {
      return $this->extenders[$extender_class];
    else {
      return NULL;

   * Returns the translatable name representing the source of the data (e.g.,
   * "Drupal", "WordPress", etc.).
   * @return string
  public abstract function getSourceName();
  public function __construct() {

   * Add a wizard extender.
   * This initializes the new extender and adds it to our internal list.
   * @param $extender_class
   *  The name of an extender class.
  public function addExtender($extender_class) {
    $steps = $this
    $extender = new $extender_class($this, $steps);
    $this->extenders[$extender_class] = $extender;

   * Add a step to the wizard, using a step name and method.
   * @param string $name
   *  Translatable name for the step, to be used in the page title.
   * @param callable $form_method
   *  Callable returning the form array for the step. This can be either the
   *  name of a MigrateUIWizard method, or a callable array specifying a method
   *  on a wizard extender. The validation method is formed from the method's
   *  name with the suffix 'Validate' added.
   * @param MigrateUIStep $after
   *  Optional step after which to insert the new step. If omitted, add it at
   *  the end.
   * @param mixed $context
   *  Optional data to be used by this step's form.
   * @return MigrateUIStep
  public function addStep($name, $form_method, MigrateUIStep $after = NULL, $context = NULL) {
    if (!is_array($form_method)) {
      $form_method = array(
    $new_step = new MigrateUIStep($name, $form_method, $context);

    // There were no steps, so this is the only one.
    if (is_null($this->firstStep)) {
      $this->firstStep = $this->lastStep = $this->currentStep = $new_step;
    else {

      // If no insertion point is specified, append to the end.
      if (is_null($after)) {
        $after = $this->lastStep;

      // Do the insert, rewriting the links appropriately.
      $new_step->nextStep = $after->nextStep;
      if (is_null($new_step->nextStep)) {
        $this->lastStep = $new_step;
      else {
        $new_step->nextStep->previousStep = $new_step;
      $new_step->previousStep = $after;
      $after->nextStep = $new_step;
    return $new_step;

   * Remove the named step from the wizard.
   * @param $name
  protected function removeStep($name) {
    for ($current_step = $this->firstStep; !is_null($current_step); $current_step = $current_step->nextStep) {
      if ($current_step
        ->getName() == $name) {
        if (is_null($current_step->previousStep)) {
          $this->firstStep = $current_step->nextStep;
        else {
          $current_step->previousStep->nextStep = $current_step->nextStep;
        if (is_null($current_step->nextStep)) {
          $this->lastStep = $current_step->previousStep;
        else {
          $current_step->nextStep->previousStep = $current_step->previousStep;

   * Move the wizard to the next step in line (if any), first squirreling away
   * the current step's form values.
  public function gotoNextStep(&$form_state) {
    if ($this->currentStep && $this->currentStep->nextStep) {
      $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
      $this->currentStep = $this->currentStep->nextStep;

      // Ensure a page reload remains on the current step.
      $current_step_form_values = $this->currentStep
      if (!empty($current_step_form_values)) {
        $form_state['values'] = $current_step_form_values;
      else {
        $form_state['values'] = array();

   * Move the wizard to the previous step in line (if any), restoring its
   * form values.
  public function gotoPreviousStep(&$form_state) {
    if ($this->currentStep && $this->currentStep->previousStep) {
      $this->currentStep = $this->currentStep->previousStep;
      $form_state['values'] = $this->currentStep
      $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;

   * Build the form for the current step.
   * @return array
  public function form(&$form_state) {
    drupal_set_title(t('Import from @source_title', array(
      '@source_title' => $this
    $form_method = $this->currentStep
    $form['title'] = array(
      '#prefix' => '<h2>',
      '#markup' => t('Step @step: @step_name', array(
        '@step' => $this->stepNumber,
        '@step_name' => $this->currentStep
      '#suffix' => '</h2>',
    $form += call_user_func_array($form_method, array(
    $form['actions'] = array(
      '#type' => 'actions',

    // Show the 'previous' button if appropriate. Note that #submit is set to
    // a special submit handler, and that we use #limit_validation_errors to
    // skip all complaints about validation when using the back button. The
    // values entered will be discarded, but they will not be validated, which
    // would be annoying in a "back" button.
    if ($this->currentStep != $this->firstStep) {
      $form['actions']['prev'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Previous'),
        '#name' => 'prev',
        '#submit' => array(
        '#limit_validation_errors' => array(),

    // Show the Next button only if there are more steps defined.
    if ($this->currentStep == $this->lastStep) {
      $form['actions']['finish'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Save import settings'),
      $form['actions']['migrate'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Save import settings and run import'),
        '#submit' => array(
    else {
      $form['actions']['next'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Next'),
        '#name' => 'next',
        '#submit' => array(
        '#validate' => array(
    return $form;

   * Call the validation function for the current form (which has the same
   * name of the form function with 'Validate' appended).
   * @param array $form_state
  public function formValidate(&$form_state) {
    $validate_method = $this->currentStep

    // This is an array for a method, or a function name.
    if (is_array($validate_method)) {
      $validate_method[1] .= 'Validate';
    else {
      $validate_method .= 'Validate';
    if (is_callable($validate_method)) {
      call_user_func_array($validate_method, array(

   * Take the information we've accumulated throughout the wizard, and create
   * the Migrations to perform the import.
  public function formSaveSettings() {
    MigrateGroup::register($this->groupName, $this->groupTitle, $this->groupArguments);
    $info['arguments']['group_name'] = $this->groupName;
    foreach ($this->migrations as $machine_name => $info) {

      // Call the right registerMigration implementation. Note that this means
      // that classes that override registerMigration() must handle registration
      // themselves, they cannot leave it to us and expect their extension to be
      // called.
      if (is_subclass_of($info['class_name'], 'Migration')) {
        Migration::registerMigration($info['class_name'], $machine_name, $info['arguments']);
      else {
        MigrationBase::registerMigration($info['class_name'], $machine_name, $info['arguments']);

   * Run the import process for the migration group we've defined.
  public function formPerformImport() {
    $migrations = migrate_migrations();
    $operations = array();

    /** @var Migration $migration */
    foreach ($migrations as $migration) {
      $group_name = $migration
      if ($group_name == $this->groupName) {
        $operations[] = array(
    if (count($operations) > 0) {
      $batch = array(
        'operations' => $operations,
        'title' => t('Import processing'),
        'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'migrate_ui') . '/',
        'init_message' => t('Starting import process'),
        'progress_message' => t(''),
        'error_message' => t('An error occurred. Some or all of the import processing has failed.'),
        'finished' => 'migrate_ui_batch_finish',

   * Record all the information necessary to register a migration when this is
   * all over.
   * @param string $machine_name
   *  Machine name for the migration class.
   * @param string $class_name
   *  Name of the Migration class to instantiate.
   * @param array $arguments
   *  Further information configuring the migration.
  public function addMigration($machine_name, $class_name, $arguments) {

    // Give extenders an opportunity to modify or reject this migration.
    foreach ($this->extenders as $extender) {
      if (!$extender
        ->addMigrationAlter($machine_name, $class_name, $arguments, $this)) {
        return FALSE;
    $machine_name = $this->groupName . $machine_name;
    if (isset($arguments['dependencies'])) {
      foreach ($arguments['dependencies'] as $index => $dependency) {
        $arguments['dependencies'][$index] = $this->groupName . $dependency;
    if (isset($arguments['soft_dependencies'])) {
      foreach ($arguments['soft_dependencies'] as $index => $dependency) {
        $arguments['soft_dependencies'][$index] = $this->groupName . $dependency;
    $arguments += array(
      'group_name' => $this->groupName,
      'machine_name' => $machine_name,
    $this->migrations[$machine_name] = array(
      'class_name' => $class_name,
      'arguments' => $arguments,
    return TRUE;


 * Class representing one step of a wizard.
class MigrateUIStep {

   * A translatable string briefly describing this step, to be used in the page
   * title for the step form.
   * @var string
  protected $name;
  public function getName() {
    return $this->name;

   * Callable that returns the form array for this step.
   * @var string
  protected $formMethod;
  public function getFormMethod() {
    return $this->formMethod;

   * The form values ($form_state['values']) submitted for this step, saved in
   * case we need to restore them on a Previous action.
   * @var array
  protected $formValues;
  public function getFormValues() {
    return $this->formValues;
  public function setFormValues($form_values) {
    $this->formValues = $form_values;

   * Any contextual data needed by the form for this step. For example, a
   * field mapping form would need to know the source and destination content
   * types so it can determine what fields to expose.
   * @var mixed
  protected $context;
  public function getContext() {
    return $this->context;

   * The step object is a node in a doubly-linked list - it links to its
   * predecessor and successor steps.
   * @var MigrateUIStep
  public $nextStep;

   * @var MigrateUIStep
  public $previousStep;

   * Class constructor.
   * @param $name
   *  The machine name of the wizard step.
   * @param $form_method
   *  A callable for the form array for this step. The validation method is
   *  formed from the method name with the suffix 'Validate' added, regardless
   *  of which object it is on.
   * @param $context = NULL
   *  Contextual data needed by the form for this step.
  public function __construct($name, $form_method, $context = NULL) {
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->formMethod = $form_method;
    $this->context = $context;


abstract class MigrateUIWizardExtender {

   * Reference to the wizard object that this extender applies to.
  protected $wizard;

   * Class constructor.
   * Wizard extenders should override this to add their steps to the wizard.
  public function __construct(MigrateUIWizard $wizard, array $wizard_steps) {
    $this->wizard = $wizard;

   * Alter the arguments to a migration before it is registered, or potentially
   * reject it.
   * @param string $machine_name
   *  Machine name for the migration class.
   * @param string $class_name
   *  Name of the Migration class to instantiate.
   * @param array $arguments
   *  Further information configuring the migration.
   * @param MigrateUIWizard $wizard
   *  The wizard class performing the registration.
   * @return bool
   *  Return FALSE to prevent registration of this migration.
  public function addMigrationAlter($machine_name, $class_name, &$arguments, $wizard) {
    return TRUE;



Namesort descending Description
migrate_ui_wizard The primary formbuilder function for the wizard form.
migrate_ui_wizard_migrate_submit Submit handler for the "Save settings and import" button. Register the migrations that were (implicitly) defined along the way, run the import, and redirect to the Migrate dashboard.
migrate_ui_wizard_next_submit Submit handler for the 'next' button. Saves the form values for the step we're leaving, so Previous can pick them up, and moves the wizard to the next step.
migrate_ui_wizard_next_validate Validate handler for the 'next' button. Dispatches to the wizard's current step for validation.
migrate_ui_wizard_previous_submit Submit handler for the "previous" button. Moves the wizard back to the previous step, and retrieves the values that were submitted on that step.
migrate_ui_wizard_submit Submit handler for the Save settings button. Register the migrations that were (implicitly) defined along the way and redirect to the Migrate dashboard.


Namesort descending Description
MigrateUIStep Class representing one step of a wizard.
MigrateUIWizard The base class for migration wizards. Extend this class to implement a wizard UI for importing into Drupal from a given source format (Drupal, WordPress, etc.).