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class WinePrepMigration in Migrate 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 migrate_example/ \WinePrepMigration

TIP: While usually you'll create true migrations - processes that copy data from some source into Drupal - you can also define processing steps for either the import or rollback stages that take other actions. In this case, we want to disable auto_nodetitle while the migration steps run. We'll re-enable it over in WineFinishMigration.


Expanded class hierarchy of WinePrepMigration

1 string reference to 'WinePrepMigration'
migrate_example_migrate_api in migrate_example/


migrate_example/, line 57
Advanced migration examples. These serve two purposes:

View source
class WinePrepMigration extends MigrationBase {

  // Track whether the auto_nodetitle was originally enabled so we know whether
  // to re-enable it. This is public so WineFinishMigration can reference it.
  public static $wasEnabled = FALSE;
  public function __construct($arguments) {
    $this->description = t('If auto_nodetitle is present, disable it for the duration');

  // Define isComplete(), returning a boolean, to indicate whether dependent
  // migrations may proceed
  public function isComplete() {

    // If Auto Node Title is disabled, other migrations are free to go
    if (module_exists('auto_nodetitle')) {
      return FALSE;
    else {
      return TRUE;

  // Implement any action you want to occur during an import process in an
  // import() method (alternatively, if you have an action which you want to
  // run during rollbacks, define a rollback() method).
  public function import() {
    if (module_exists('auto_nodetitle')) {
      self::$wasEnabled = TRUE;
      self::displayMessage(t('Disabled auto_nodetitle module'), 'success');
    else {
      self::$wasEnabled = FALSE;
      self::displayMessage(t('Auto_nodetitle is already disabled'), 'success');

    // import() must return one of the MigrationBase RESULT constants.
    return MigrationBase::RESULT_COMPLETED;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MigrationBase::$arguments protected property Arguments configuring a migration.
MigrationBase::$batchTimeLimit protected property A time limit in seconds appropriate to be used in a batch import. Defaults to 240.
MigrationBase::$currentMigration protected static property Track the migration currently running, so handlers can easily determine it without having to pass a Migration object everywhere.
MigrationBase::$dependencies protected property List of other Migration classes which should be imported before this one. E.g., a comment migration class would typically have node and user migrations as dependencies.
MigrationBase::$description protected property Detailed information describing the migration.
MigrationBase::$disableHooks protected property Any module hooks which should be disabled during migration processes.
MigrationBase::$displayFunction protected static property Name of a function for displaying feedback. It must take the message to display as its first argument, and a (string) message type as its second argument (see drush_log()).
MigrationBase::$emptyArgumentsWarning protected static property
MigrationBase::$enabled protected property Disabling a migration prevents it from running with --all, or individually without --force
MigrationBase::$group protected property A migration group object, used to collect related migrations.
MigrationBase::$groupArgumentWarning protected static property Have we already warned about obsolete constructor argumentss on this request?
MigrationBase::$issuePattern protected property If provided, an URL for an issue tracking system containing :id where the issue number will go (e.g., '').
MigrationBase::$logHistory protected property Whether to maintain a history of migration processes in migrate_log
MigrationBase::$logID protected property Primary key of the current history record (inserted at the beginning of a process, to be updated at the end)
MigrationBase::$machineName protected property The machine name of this Migration object, derived by removing the 'Migration' suffix from the class name. Used to construct default map/message table names, displayed in drush migrate-status, key to migrate_status table...
MigrationBase::$mailSystem protected property An array to track 'mail_system' variable if disabled.
MigrationBase::$memoryLimit protected property The PHP memory_limit expressed in bytes.
MigrationBase::$memoryThreshold protected property The fraction of the memory limit at which an operation will be interrupted. Can be overridden by a Migration subclass if one would like to push the envelope. Defaults to 85%.
MigrationBase::$options protected property Save options passed to current operation
MigrationBase::$previousErrorHandler protected property If we set an error handler (during import), remember the previous one so it can be restored.
MigrationBase::$processing protected property Indicates that we are processing a rollback or import - used to avoid excess writes in endProcess()
MigrationBase::$showEncryptionWarning protected static property Track whether or not we've already displayed an encryption warning
MigrationBase::$starttime protected property When the current operation started.
MigrationBase::$status protected property Are we importing, rolling back, or doing nothing?
MigrationBase::$team protected property MigrateTeamMember objects representing people involved with this migration.
MigrationBase::$timeLimit protected property The PHP max_execution_time.
MigrationBase::$timeThreshold protected property The fraction of the time limit at which an operation will be interrupted. Can be overridden by a Migration subclass if one would like to push the envelope. Defaults to 90%.
MigrationBase::$total_processed protected property Number of "items" processed in the current migration process (whatever that means for the type of process)
MigrationBase::addArguments public function
MigrationBase::addHardDependencies public function
MigrationBase::addSoftDependencies public function
MigrationBase::beginProcess protected function Begin a process, ensuring only one process can be active at once on a given migration. 1
MigrationBase::currentMigration public static function
MigrationBase::decrypt public static function Decrypt an incoming value.
MigrationBase::decryptArguments public static function Make sure any arguments we want to be decrypted get decrypted.
MigrationBase::dependenciesComplete protected function Reports whether all (hard) dependencies have completed migration
MigrationBase::deregisterMigration public static function Deregister a migration - remove all traces of it from the database (without touching any content which was created by this migration). 1
MigrationBase::disableMailSystem public function Disables mail system to prevent emails from being sent during migrations.
MigrationBase::displayMessage public static function Output the given message appropriately (drush_print/drupal_set_message/etc.)
MigrationBase::encrypt public static function Encrypt an incoming value. Detects for existence of the Drupal 'Encrypt' module.
MigrationBase::encryptArguments public static function Make sure any arguments we want to be encrypted get encrypted.
MigrationBase::endProcess public function End a rollback or import process, releasing the semaphore. Note that it must be public to be callable as the shutdown function. 1
MigrationBase::errorHandler public function Custom PHP error handler. TODO: Redundant with hook_watchdog?
MigrationBase::generateMachineName protected function The migration machine name is stored in the arguments. 1
MigrationBase::getArguments public function
MigrationBase::getDependencies public function
MigrationBase::getDescription public function
MigrationBase::getDisableHooks public function
MigrationBase::getEnabled public function
MigrationBase::getGroup public function
MigrationBase::getHardDependencies public function
MigrationBase::getHighwater public function Fetch the current highwater mark for updated content.
MigrationBase::getInstance public static function Return the single instance of the given migration.
MigrationBase::getIssuePattern public function
MigrationBase::getItemLimit public function
MigrationBase::getLastImported public function Retrieve the last time an import operation completed successfully.
MigrationBase::getLastThroughput public function Retrieve the last throughput for current Migration (items / minute).
MigrationBase::getMachineName public function
MigrationBase::getMessageLevelName public function Get human readable name for a message constant.
MigrationBase::getOption public function
MigrationBase::getSoftDependencies public function
MigrationBase::getStatus public function Check the current status of a migration.
MigrationBase::getTeam public function
MigrationBase::getTimeLimit public function
MigrationBase::handleException public function Takes an Exception object and both saves and displays it, pulling additional information on the location triggering the exception.
MigrationBase::incompleteDependencies public function Returns an array of the migration's dependencies that are incomplete.
MigrationBase::isDynamic Deprecated public static function 1
MigrationBase::machineFromClass protected static function Given only a class name, derive a machine name (the class name with the "Migration" suffix, if any, removed).
MigrationBase::memoryExceeded protected function Test whether we've exceeded the desired memory threshold. If so, output a message.
MigrationBase::MESSAGE_ERROR constant Message types to be passed to saveMessage() and saved in message tables. MESSAGE_INFORMATIONAL represents a condition that did not prevent the operation from succeeding - all others represent different severities of conditions resulting in a source…
MigrationBase::MESSAGE_INFORMATIONAL constant
MigrationBase::MESSAGE_NOTICE constant
MigrationBase::MESSAGE_WARNING constant
MigrationBase::processImport public function Perform an operation during the import phase
MigrationBase::processRollback public function Perform an operation during the rollback phase.
MigrationBase::registerMigration public static function Register a new migration process in the migrate_status table. This will generally be used in two contexts - by the class detection code for static (one instance per class) migrations, and by the module implementing dynamic (parameterized class)… 1
MigrationBase::resetStatus public function Reset the status of the migration to IDLE (to be used when the status gets stuck, e.g. if a process core-dumped)
MigrationBase::restoreMailSystem public function Restores the original saved mail system for migrations that require it.
MigrationBase::RESULT_COMPLETED constant Codes representing the result of a rollback or import process.
MigrationBase::RESULT_DISABLED constant
MigrationBase::RESULT_FAILED constant
MigrationBase::RESULT_INCOMPLETE constant
MigrationBase::RESULT_SKIPPED constant
MigrationBase::RESULT_STOPPED constant
MigrationBase::saveHighwater protected function Save the highwater mark for this migration (but not when using an idlist).
MigrationBase::saveMailSystem public function Saves the current mail system, or set a system default if there is none.
MigrationBase::saveMessage public function Default to printing messages, but derived classes are expected to save messages indexed by current source ID. 1
MigrationBase::setArguments public function
MigrationBase::setBatchTimeLimit public function Set the PHP time limit. This method may be called from batch callbacks before calling the processImport method.
MigrationBase::setDescription public function
MigrationBase::setDisplayFunction public static function
MigrationBase::setEnabled public function
MigrationBase::setHardDependencies public function
MigrationBase::setIssuePattern public function
MigrationBase::setSoftDependencies public function
MigrationBase::setTeam public function
MigrationBase::staticInitialize public static function Initialize static members, before any class instances are created.
MigrationBase::STATUS_DISABLED constant
MigrationBase::STATUS_IDLE constant Codes representing the current status of a migration, and stored in the migrate_status table.
MigrationBase::STATUS_IMPORTING constant
MigrationBase::STATUS_ROLLING_BACK constant
MigrationBase::STATUS_STOPPING constant
MigrationBase::stopProcess public function Signal that any current import or rollback process should end itself at the earliest opportunity
MigrationBase::timeExceeded protected function Test whether we're approaching the PHP time limit.
MigrationBase::timeOptionExceeded protected function Test whether we've exceeded the designated time limit.
MigrationBase::timestamp public static function Convert an incoming string (which may be a UNIX timestamp, or an arbitrarily-formatted date/time string) to a UNIX timestamp.
WinePrepMigration::$wasEnabled public static property
WinePrepMigration::import public function
WinePrepMigration::isComplete public function Reports whether this migration process is complete. For a Migration, for example, this would be whether all available source rows have been processed. Other MigrationBase classes will need to return TRUE/FALSE appropriately. Overrides MigrationBase::isComplete
WinePrepMigration::__construct public function Construction of a MigrationBase instance. Overrides MigrationBase::__construct