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function migrate_save_content_set in Migrate 6

Save a new or updated content set


$content_set: An array or object representing the content set. This is passed by reference (so when adding a new content set the ID can be set)

$options: Array of additional options for saving the content set. Currently: base_table: The base table of the view - if provided, we don't need to load the view. base_database: The database of the base table - if base_table is present and base_database omitted, it defaults to 'default'

Return value

The ID of the content set that was saved, or NULL if nothing was saved

7 calls to migrate_save_content_set()
MigrateCommentTest::testComment in tests/modules/core/migrate_comment.test
Test comment migration
MigrateNodeTest::testNodeProcessing in tests/modules/core/migrate_node.test
Test UI for processing
MigrateUnitTest::testCRUD in tests/migrate_api.test
Test API for managing content sets
MigrateUserTest::testUserProcessing in tests/modules/core/migrate_user.test
Test user migration
migrate_content_set_mappings_submit in ./
Implementation of hook_submit().

... See full list


./migrate.module, line 121
This module provides tools at "administer >> content >> migrate" for analyzing data from various sources and importing them into Drupal tables.


function migrate_save_content_set(&$content_set, $options = array()) {

  // Deal with objects internally (but remember if we need to put the parameter
  // back to an array)
  if (is_array($content_set)) {
    $was_array = TRUE;
    $content_set = (object) $content_set;
  else {
    $was_array = FALSE;
  $schema_change = FALSE;

  // Update or insert the content set record as appropriate
  if (isset($content_set->mcsid)) {

    // If machine_name changes, need to rename the map/message tables
    $old_machine_name = db_query("SELECT machine_name FROM {migrate_content_sets}\n                                  WHERE mcsid=%d", $content_set->mcsid);
    if ($old_machine_name != $content_set->machine_name) {
      $old_maptablename = migrate_map_table_name($content_set->mcsid);
      $old_msgtablename = migrate_message_table_name($content_set->mcsid);
    drupal_write_record('migrate_content_sets', $content_set, 'mcsid');
    if (isset($old_maptablename) && db_table_exists($old_maptablename)) {
      $ret = array();
      $new_maptablename = migrate_map_table_name($content_set->mcsid);
      db_rename_table($ret, $old_maptablename, $new_maptablename);
      $schema_change = TRUE;
    if (isset($old_msgtablename) && db_table_exists($old_msgtablename)) {
      $ret = array();
      $new_msgtablename = migrate_message_table_name($content_set->mcsid);
      db_rename_table($ret, $old_msgtablename, $new_msgtablename);
      $schema_change = TRUE;
  else {
    drupal_write_record('migrate_content_sets', $content_set);

  // Create or modify map and message tables
  $maptablename = migrate_map_table_name($content_set->mcsid);
  $msgtablename = migrate_message_table_name($content_set->mcsid);

  // TODO: For now, PK must be in base_table
  // If the caller tells us the base table of the view, we don't need
  // to load the view (which would not work when called from hook_install())
  if (isset($options['base_table'])) {
    $tablename = $options['base_table'];
    if (isset($options['base_database'])) {
      $tabledb = $options['base_database'];
    else {
      $tabledb = 'default';
  else {

    // Get the proper field definition for the sourcekey
    $view = views_get_view($content_set->view_name);
    if (!$view) {
      drupal_set_message(t('View !view does not exist - either (re)create this view, or
        remove the content set using it.', array(
        '!view' => $content_set->view_name,
      return NULL;

    // Must do this to load the database
    $views_version = (string) views_api_version();
    if (views_api_version() >= '3') {
    if (isset($view->base_database)) {
      $tabledb = $view->base_database;
    else {
      $tabledb = 'default';
    $tablename = $view->base_table;
  $sourceschema = _migrate_inspect_schema($tablename, $tabledb);

  // If the PK of the content set is defined, make sure we have a mapping table
  if (isset($content_set->sourcekey) && $content_set->sourcekey) {
    $sourcefield = $sourceschema['fields'][$content_set->sourcekey];

    // The field name might be <table>_<column>...
    if (!$sourcefield) {
      $sourcekey = drupal_substr($content_set->sourcekey, drupal_strlen($tablename) + 1);
      $sourcefield = $sourceschema['fields'][$sourcekey];

    // But - we don't want serial fields to behave serially, so change to int
    if ($sourcefield['type'] == 'serial') {
      $sourcefield['type'] = 'int';
    if (!db_table_exists($maptablename)) {
      $schema = _migrate_map_table_schema($sourcefield);
      db_create_table($ret, $maptablename, $schema);

      // Expose map table to views
      if (module_exists('tw')) {
        tw_add_fk($maptablename, 'destid');
      $schema = _migrate_message_table_schema($sourcefield);
      db_create_table($ret, $msgtablename, $schema);

      // Expose messages table to views
      if (module_exists('tw')) {
        tw_add_fk($msgtablename, 'sourceid');
      $schema_change = TRUE;
    else {

      // TODO: Deal with varchar->int case where there is existing non-int data
      $desired_schema = _migrate_map_table_schema($sourcefield);
      $actual_schema = _migrate_inspect_schema($maptablename);
      if ($desired_schema['fields']['sourceid'] != $actual_schema['fields']['sourceid']) {
        $ret = array();
        db_drop_primary_key($ret, $maptablename);
        db_change_field($ret, $maptablename, 'sourceid', 'sourceid', $sourcefield, array(
          'primary key' => array(
        if (module_exists('tw')) {
        $schema_change = TRUE;
      $desired_schema = _migrate_message_table_schema($sourcefield);
      $actual_schema = _migrate_inspect_schema($msgtablename);
      if ($desired_schema['fields']['sourceid'] != $actual_schema['fields']['sourceid']) {
        $ret = array();
        db_drop_index($ret, $msgtablename, 'sourceid');
        db_change_field($ret, $msgtablename, 'sourceid', 'sourceid', $sourcefield, array(
          'indexes' => array(
            'sourceid' => array(
        if (module_exists('tw')) {
        $schema_change = TRUE;

    // Make sure the schema gets updated to reflect changes
    if ($schema_change) {
      cache_clear_all('schema', 'cache');
  if ($was_array) {
    $content_set = (array) $content_set;
    return $content_set['mcsid'];
  else {
    return $content_set->mcsid;