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function MigrateNodeTest::testNodeProcessing in Migrate 6

Test UI for processing


tests/modules/core/migrate_node.test, line 37
Tests for node migration


@file Tests for node migration


function testNodeProcessing() {

  // A couple of authors
  $user1 = $this
    'create page content',
  $user2 = $this
    'create page content',

  // Create test table
  $ret = array();
  $schema = array(
    'fields' => array(
      'id' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => TRUE,
      'title' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => TRUE,
      'body' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'authorname' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'authoruid' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'authoredon' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'changedon' => array(
        'type' => 'datetime',
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'published' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'tiny',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'moderate' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'tiny',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'promote' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'tiny',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'sticky' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'tiny',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'createrev' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'size' => 'tiny',
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'language' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 2,
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'format' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'not null' => FALSE,
    'primary key' => array(
  $tablename = 'migrate_node_sample';
  db_create_table($ret, $tablename, $schema);

  // Creates default view '$tablename'
  tw_add_tables($tablename, TRUE);
  $sql = "INSERT INTO {" . $tablename . "}\n            (id, title, body, authorname, authoruid, authoredon, changedon,\n             published, moderate, promote, sticky, createrev, language, format)\n            VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s',\n                   %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', %d)";
  db_query($sql, 893, 'Title 1', 'This is a body', $user1->name, NULL, mktime(13, 28, 51, 10, 15, 2009), '2009-10-17 09:03:59', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 'en', 1);
  db_query($sql, 1027, 'Title 2', 'This is another body', NULL, $user2->uid, mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 29, 2009), '2009-10-29 00:00:00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'fr', 2);
  db_query($sql, 653223, 'Title 3', 'This is yet another body', $user2->name, NULL, mktime(23, 59, 59, 11, 10, 2009), '2009-11-11 12:38:10', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 'en', 1);

  // Create content set
  $content_set = new stdClass();
  $content_set->machine_name = 'node_test';
  $content_set->description = 'Node test';
  $content_set->contenttype = 'node';
  $content_set->desttype = 'page';
  $content_set->view_name = $tablename;
  $content_set->sourcekey = 'id';
  $content_set->weight = 2;
  $mcsid = migrate_save_content_set($content_set, array(
    'base_table' => $tablename,
  cache_clear_all('schema', 'cache');
  if ($this
    ->assertNotNull($mcsid, t('Create simple page content set'))) {

    // Add mappings to content set
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_title';
    $edit->destfield = 'title';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup title mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_body';
    $edit->destfield = 'body';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup body mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_authorname';
    $edit->destfield = 'name';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup author name mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_authoruid';
    $edit->destfield = 'uid';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup author uid mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_authoredon';
    $edit->destfield = 'created';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup created mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_changedon';
    $edit->destfield = 'changed';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup changed mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_published';
    $edit->destfield = 'status';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup published mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_moderate';
    $edit->destfield = 'moderate';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup moderate mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_promote';
    $edit->destfield = 'promote';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup promote mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_sticky';
    $edit->destfield = 'sticky';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup sticky mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_createrev';
    $edit->destfield = 'revision';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup revision mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_language';
    $edit->destfield = 'language';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup language mapping'));
    $edit = new stdClass();
    $edit->mcsid = $mcsid;
    $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_format';
    $edit->destfield = 'format';
    $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
      ->assertTrue($mcmid, t('Setup format mapping'));
    $edit = array(
      "importing[{$mcsid}]" => $mcsid,
      ->drupalPost('admin/content/migrate', $edit, t('Run'));
    if (!$this
      ->assertText('Imported 3 in', t('Migration completed successfully'))) {
      $result = preg_match('|<div class="messages status">(.*?)</div>|si', $this->content, $matches);
        ->error('Actual messages: ' . $matches[1]);
    else {
      $node = node_load(array(
        'title' => 'Title 1',
      $nid1 = $node->nid;
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->body, 'This is a body', t('Validate first node body'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->uid, $user1->uid, t('Validate first node author'))) {
          ->error('user1 uid=' . $user1->uid);
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      $created = mktime(13, 28, 51, 10, 15, 2009);
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->created, $created, t('Validate first node created'))) {
          ->error('Expected: ' . $created);
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      $changed = mktime(9, 3, 59, 10, 17, 2009);
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->changed, $changed, t('Validate first node changed'))) {
          ->error('Expected: ' . $changed);
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->status, 1, t('Validate first node status'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->moderate, 1, t('Validate first node moderate'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->promote, 1, t('Validate first node promote'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->sticky, 1, t('Validate first node sticky'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->language, 'en', t('Validate first node language'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->format, 1, t('Validate first node format'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      $node = node_load(array(
        'title' => 'Title 2',
      $nid2 = $node->nid;
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->body, 'This is another body', t('Validate second node body'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->uid, $user2->uid, t('Validate second node author'))) {
          ->error('user2 uid=' . $user2->uid);
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      $created = mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 29, 2009);
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->created, $created, t('Validate second node created'))) {
          ->error('Expected: ' . $created);
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      $changed = mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 29, 2009);
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->changed, $changed, t('Validate second node changed'))) {
          ->error('Expected: ' . $changed);
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->status, 0, t('Validate second node status'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->moderate, 0, t('Validate second node moderate'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->promote, 0, t('Validate second node promote'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->sticky, 0, t('Validate second node sticky'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->language, 'fr', t('Validate second node language'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->format, 2, t('Validate second node format'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      $node = node_load(array(
        'title' => 'Title 3',
      $nid3 = $node->nid;
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->body, 'This is yet another body', t('Validate third node body'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->uid, $user2->uid, t('Validate third node author'))) {
          ->error('user2 uid=' . $user2->uid);
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      $created = mktime(23, 59, 59, 11, 10, 2009);
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->created, $created, t('Validate third node created'))) {
          ->error('Expected: ' . $created);
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      $changed = mktime(12, 38, 10, 11, 11, 2009);
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->changed, $changed, t('Validate third node changed'))) {
          ->error('Expected: ' . $changed);
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->status, 1, t('Validate third node status'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->moderate, 0, t('Validate third node moderate'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->promote, 0, t('Validate third node promote'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->sticky, 1, t('Validate third node sticky'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->language, 'en', t('Validate third node language'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
      if (!$this
        ->assertEqual($node->format, 1, t('Validate third node format'))) {
          ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));

      // Test updating of the content set
      $sql = "UPDATE {" . $tablename . "}\n                SET title='%s', body='%s', authorname='%s', changedon='%s'\n                WHERE id=%d";
      db_query($sql, 'New title 1', 'This was a body', $user2->name, '2009-11-02 18:01:23', 893);
      $sql = "UPDATE {" . $tablename . "}\n                SET authoruid='%d', authoredon=%d, published=%d, moderate=%d\n                WHERE id=%d";
      db_query($sql, $user1->uid, mktime(2, 3, 4, 11, 13, 2009), 1, 1, 1027);
      $sql = "UPDATE {" . $tablename . "}\n                SET promote=%d, sticky=%d, createrev=%d, language='%s', format=%d\n                WHERE id=%d";
      db_query($sql, 1, 0, 0, 'fr', 2, 653223);
      $edit = array(
        "importing[{$mcsid}]" => $mcsid,
        'update' => 1,
        ->drupalPost('admin/content/migrate', $edit, t('Run'));
      if (!$this
        ->assertText('Imported 3 in', t('Migration (update) completed successfully'))) {
        $result = preg_match('|<div class="messages status">(.*?)</div>|si', $this->content, $matches);
          ->error('Actual messages: ' . $matches[1]);
      else {
        $node = node_load(array(
          'title' => 'New title 1',
          ->assertEqual($node->nid, $nid1, 'Node updated, not inserted');
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->body, 'This was a body', t('Validate first node body'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->uid, $user2->uid, t('Validate first node author'))) {
            ->error('user2 uid=' . $user2->uid);
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        $created = mktime(13, 28, 51, 10, 15, 2009);
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->created, $created, t('Validate first node created'))) {
            ->error('Expected: ' . $created);
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        $changed = mktime(18, 01, 23, 11, 02, 2009);
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->changed, $changed, t('Validate first node changed'))) {
            ->error('Expected: ' . $changed);
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->status, 1, t('Validate first node status'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->moderate, 1, t('Validate first node moderate'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->promote, 1, t('Validate first node promote'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->sticky, 1, t('Validate first node sticky'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->language, 'en', t('Validate first node language'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->format, 1, t('Validate first node format'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        $node = node_load(array(
          'title' => 'Title 2',
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->body, 'This is another body', t('Validate second node body'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->uid, $user1->uid, t('Validate second node author'))) {
            ->error('user1 uid=' . $user1->uid);
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        $created = mktime(2, 3, 4, 11, 13, 2009);
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->created, $created, t('Validate second node created'))) {
            ->error('Expected: ' . $created);
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        $changed = mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 29, 2009);
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->changed, $changed, t('Validate second node changed'))) {
            ->error('Expected: ' . $changed);
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->status, 1, t('Validate second node status'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->moderate, 1, t('Validate second node moderate'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->promote, 0, t('Validate second node promote'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->sticky, 0, t('Validate second node sticky'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->language, 'fr', t('Validate second node language'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->format, 2, t('Validate second node format'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        $node = node_load(array(
          'title' => 'Title 3',
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->body, 'This is yet another body', t('Validate third node body'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->uid, $user2->uid, t('Validate third node author'))) {
            ->error('user2 uid=' . $user2->uid);
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        $created = mktime(23, 59, 59, 11, 10, 2009);
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->created, $created, t('Validate third node created'))) {
            ->error('Expected: ' . $created);
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        $changed = mktime(12, 38, 10, 11, 11, 2009);
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->changed, $changed, t('Validate third node changed'))) {
            ->error('Expected: ' . $changed);
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->status, 1, t('Validate third node status'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->moderate, 0, t('Validate third node moderate'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->promote, 1, t('Validate third node promote'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->sticky, 0, t('Validate third node sticky'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->language, 'fr', t('Validate third node language'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($node->format, 2, t('Validate third node format'))) {
            ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));

      // Test an update content set
      db_query('TRUNCATE TABLE {' . $tablename . '}');
      $sql = 'INSERT INTO {' . $tablename . "}\n                (id, title)\n                VALUES(%d, '%s')";
      db_query($sql, $nid1, 'Updated title 1');
      db_query($sql, $nid2, 'Updated title 2');
      db_query($sql, $nid3, 'Updated title 3');
      $upd_content_set = new stdClass();
      $upd_content_set->machine_name = 'node_update_test';
      $upd_content_set->description = 'Node update test';
      $upd_content_set->contenttype = 'node';
      $upd_content_set->desttype = 'page';
      $upd_content_set->view_name = $tablename;
      $upd_content_set->sourcekey = 'id';
      $upd_content_set->weight = 3;
      $upd_mcsid = migrate_save_content_set($upd_content_set, array(
        'base_table' => $tablename,
      cache_clear_all('schema', 'cache');
      if ($this
        ->assertNotNull($upd_mcsid, t('Create update content set'))) {

        // Add mappings to content set
        $edit = new stdClass();
        $edit->mcsid = $upd_mcsid;
        $edit->srcfield = 'id';
        $edit->destfield = 'nid';
        $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
        $edit = new stdClass();
        $edit->mcsid = $upd_mcsid;
        $edit->srcfield = $tablename . '_title';
        $edit->destfield = 'title';
        $mcmid = migrate_save_content_mapping($edit);
        $edit = array(
          "importing[{$upd_mcsid}]" => $upd_mcsid,
          ->drupalPost('admin/content/migrate', $edit, t('Run'));
        if (!$this
          ->assertText('Imported 3 in', t('Migration (update) completed successfully'))) {
          $result = preg_match('|<div class="messages status">(.*?)</div>|si', $this->content, $matches);
            ->error('Actual messages: ' . $matches[1]);
        else {
          $node = node_load(array(
            'title' => 'Updated title 1',
            ->assertEqual($node->nid, $nid1, 'Node updated, not inserted');
          global $dump;
          $dump = TRUE;

          /*            if (!$this->assertEqual($node->body, 'This was a body', t('Validate first node body'))) {
                        $this->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          $dump = FALSE;
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->uid, $user2->uid, t('Validate first node author'))) {
              ->error('user2 uid=' . $user2->uid);
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          $created = mktime(13, 28, 51, 10, 15, 2009);
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->created, $created, t('Validate first node created'))) {
              ->error('Expected: ' . $created);
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          $changed = mktime(18, 01, 23, 11, 02, 2009);
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->changed, $changed, t('Validate first node changed'))) {
              ->error('Expected: ' . $changed);
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->status, 1, t('Validate first node status'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->moderate, 1, t('Validate first node moderate'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->promote, 1, t('Validate first node promote'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->sticky, 1, t('Validate first node sticky'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->language, 'en', t('Validate first node language'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->format, 1, t('Validate first node format'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          $node = node_load(array(
            'title' => 'Updated title 2',

          /*            if (!$this->assertEqual($node->body, 'This is another body', t('Validate second node body'))) {
                        $this->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->uid, $user1->uid, t('Validate second node author'))) {
              ->error('user1 uid=' . $user1->uid);
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          $created = mktime(2, 3, 4, 11, 13, 2009);
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->created, $created, t('Validate second node created'))) {
              ->error('Expected: ' . $created);
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          $changed = mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 29, 2009);
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->changed, $changed, t('Validate second node changed'))) {
              ->error('Expected: ' . $changed);
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->status, 1, t('Validate second node status'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->moderate, 1, t('Validate second node moderate'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->promote, 0, t('Validate second node promote'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->sticky, 0, t('Validate second node sticky'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->language, 'fr', t('Validate second node language'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->format, 2, t('Validate second node format'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          $node = node_load(array(
            'title' => 'Updated title 3',

          /*            if (!$this->assertEqual($node->body, 'This is yet another body', t('Validate third node body'))) {
                        $this->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->uid, $user2->uid, t('Validate third node author'))) {
              ->error('user2 uid=' . $user2->uid);
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          $created = mktime(23, 59, 59, 11, 10, 2009);
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->created, $created, t('Validate third node created'))) {
              ->error('Expected: ' . $created);
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          $changed = mktime(12, 38, 10, 11, 11, 2009);
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->changed, $changed, t('Validate third node changed'))) {
              ->error('Expected: ' . $changed);
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->status, 1, t('Validate third node status'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->moderate, 0, t('Validate third node moderate'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->promote, 1, t('Validate third node promote'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->sticky, 0, t('Validate third node sticky'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->language, 'fr', t('Validate third node language'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));
          if (!$this
            ->assertEqual($node->format, 2, t('Validate third node format'))) {
              ->error('Actual node: ' . print_r($node, TRUE));

      // Test clearing of the content set
      $edit = array(
        "clearing[{$mcsid}]" => $mcsid,
        ->drupalPost('admin/content/migrate', $edit, t('Run'));
      if (!$this
        ->assertText(t('Deleted 3 in'), t('Clearing completed successfully'))) {
        $result = preg_match('|<div class="messages status">(.*?)</div>|si', $this->content, $matches);
          ->error('Actual messages: ' . $matches[1]);
      else {
        $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} WHERE type='page'"));
        if (!$this
          ->assertEqual($count, 0, t('All page nodes cleared'))) {
            ->error(t('!count page nodes exist', array(
            '!count' => $count,
        $maptable = migrate_map_table_name($mcsid);
        $count = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {' . $maptable . '}'));
          ->assertEqual($count, 0, t('Map table cleared'));