11 string references to 'Migration' in Migrate 7.2
- drush_migrate_messages in ./
migrate.drush.inc - Display messages for a migration.
- MigrateUIWizard::formSaveSettings in migrate_ui/
migrate_ui.wizard.inc - Take the information we've accumulated throughout the wizard, and create the Migrations to perform the import.
- migrate_module_implements_alter in ./
migrate.module - Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
- migrate_static_registration in ./
migrate.module - Register any migrations defined in hook_migrate_api().
- migrate_ui_edit_mappings in migrate_ui/
migrate_ui.pages.inc - Page callback to edit field mappings for a given migration.
- migrate_ui_edit_mappings_submit in migrate_ui/
migrate_ui.pages.inc - Submit callback for the edit mappings form. Save any choices made in the UI which override mappings made in code.
- migrate_ui_migrate_group in migrate_ui/
migrate_ui.pages.inc - Menu callback
- migrate_update_7008 in ./
migrate.install - Update map tables to reflect change of needs_update to a status column.
- migrate_watchdog in ./
migrate.module - Implements hook_watchdog(). Find the migration that is currently running and notify it.
- MigrationBase::machineFromClass in includes/
base.inc - Given only a class name, derive a machine name (the class name with the "Migration" suffix, if any, removed).
- theme_migrate_ui_field_mapping_dependencies in migrate_ui/
migrate_ui.pages.inc - Theme function to layout dependencies in a table.