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function migrate_ui_edit_mappings_submit in Migrate 7.2

Submit callback for the edit mappings form. Save any choices made in the UI which override mappings made in code.





migrate_ui/, line 1329
Pages for managing migration processes.


function migrate_ui_edit_mappings_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $machine_name = $form_state['values']['machine_name'];
  $row = db_select('migrate_status', 'ms')
    ->fields('ms', array(
    ->condition('machine_name', $machine_name)
  $class_name = $row->class_name;
  $group_name = $row->group_name;
  $arguments = unserialize($row->arguments);
  $arguments['field_mappings'] = array();
  $arguments['group_name'] = $group_name;
  $field_mappings = array();
  $default_values = array();
  $issue_group_values = array();
  $xpaths = array();
  $migration = Migration::getInstance($machine_name);
  if (is_a($migration, 'Migration')) {
    $xml = is_a($migration, 'XMLMigration') ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $existing_mappings = $migration
    $coded_mappings = $migration
    foreach ($form_state['values']['field_mappings'] as $destination_field => $info) {

      // Treat empty strings as NULL.
      if ($info['default_value'] === '') {
        $info['default_value'] = NULL;
      if ($xml && $info['xpath'] === '') {
        $info['xpath'] = NULL;

      // If this mapping matches a coded mapping but not a stored mapping, remove
      // it entirely (don't store it in the database) so the coded mapping is not
      // overwritten.
      if (isset($coded_mappings[$destination_field])) {
        $coded_source_field = $coded_mappings[$destination_field]
        $coded_default_value = $coded_mappings[$destination_field]
        $coded_source_migration = $coded_mappings[$destination_field]
        if ($xml) {
          $coded_xpath = $coded_mappings[$destination_field]
        if ($info['mapping'] == '-1') {
          $info['mapping'] = NULL;
        if ($info['source_migration'] == '-1') {
          $info['source_migration'] = NULL;
        if ($info['issue_group'] == 0 && $coded_mappings[$destination_field]
          ->getIssueGroup() != t('DNM') || $info['issue_group'] == 1 && $coded_mappings[$destination_field]
          ->getIssueGroup() == t('DNM')) {
          $dnm_matches = TRUE;
        else {
          $dnm_matches = FALSE;
        if ($info['mapping'] == $coded_source_field && $info['default_value'] == $coded_default_value && $info['source_migration'] == $coded_source_migration && (!$xml || $xml && $info['xpath'] == $coded_xpath) && $dnm_matches) {

      // This is not a match for a coded mapping, so we will want to save it.
      $field_mappings[$destination_field] = $info['mapping'];
      $default_values[$destination_field] = $info['default_value'];
      $source_migrations[$destination_field] = $info['source_migration'];
      $issue_group_values[$destination_field] = $info['issue_group'];
      if ($xml) {
        $xpaths[$destination_field] = $info['xpath'];
    foreach ($field_mappings as $destination_field => $source_field) {
      if ($source_field == -1) {
        $source_field = NULL;
      if ($issue_group_values[$destination_field]) {
        $source_field = NULL;
        $default = NULL;
      else {
        $default = $default_values[$destination_field];

      // Until we can provide editing of all the options that go along with
      // field mappings, we want to avoid overwriting pre-existing mappings and
      // losing important bits.
      $mapping = NULL;
      if (isset($existing_mappings[$destination_field]) && $issue_group_values[$destination_field] != 0) {

        /** @var MigrateFieldMapping $old_mapping */
        $old_mapping = $existing_mappings[$destination_field];
        if ($source_field == $old_mapping
          ->getSourceField() && $default_values[$destination_field] == $old_mapping
          ->getDefaultValue() && $source_migrations[$destination_field] == $old_mapping
          ->getSourceMigration() && (!$xml || $xml && $xpaths[$destination_field] == $old_mapping
          ->getXpath())) {

          // First, if this mapping matches a previously-stored mapping, we want to
          // preserve it as it was originally stored.
          if ($old_mapping
            ->getMappingSource() == MigrateFieldMapping::MAPPING_SOURCE_DB) {
            $mapping = $old_mapping;
          else {

      // We're not skipping this mapping, or preserving an old one, so create the
      // new mapping.
      if (!$mapping) {
        $mapping = _migrate_ui_get_mapping_object($migration, $destination_field, $source_field);
        if ($xml && $xpaths[$destination_field]) {
      if ($issue_group_values[$destination_field]) {
      else {
      if ($source_migrations[$destination_field] && $source_migrations[$destination_field] != '-1') {
      $arguments['field_mappings'][] = $mapping;

    // Handle any source fields marked DNM.
    foreach ($form_state['values']['source_fields'] as $source_field => $value) {

      // Is this field ignored in the code?
      $code_ignored = FALSE;
      foreach ($coded_mappings as $destination_field => $mapping) {
        if (is_numeric($destination_field) && $mapping
          ->getSourceField() == $source_field) {
          $code_ignored = TRUE;

      // If it is marked DNM in the UI, but is not ignored in the code,
      // generate a DNM mapping.
      if ($value && !$code_ignored) {
        $mapping = _migrate_ui_get_mapping_object($migration, NULL, $source_field);
        $arguments['field_mappings'][] = $mapping;
      elseif (!$value && $code_ignored) {
        $mapping_found = FALSE;
        foreach ($field_mappings as $destination_field => $mapped_source_field) {
          if ($source_field == $mapped_source_field) {
            $mapping_found = TRUE;
        if (!$mapping_found) {
          $mapping = _migrate_ui_get_mapping_object($migration, NULL, $source_field);
          $arguments['field_mappings'][] = $mapping;
  $arguments['dependencies'] = $arguments['soft_dependencies'] = array();
  if (isset($form_state['values']['dependencies'])) {
    foreach ($form_state['values']['dependencies'] as $dependency => $value) {
      if ($value == 1) {
        $arguments['dependencies'][] = $dependency;
      elseif ($value == 2) {
        $arguments['soft_dependencies'][] = $dependency;
  Migration::registerMigration($class_name, $machine_name, $arguments);
  drupal_set_message(t('Migration changes applied.'));
  $form_state['redirect'] = "admin/content/migrate/groups/{$group_name}/{$machine_name}";