function microdata_mapping_to_attributes in Microdata 7
Converts a mapping array to an attibute array.
array $mapping: The $mapping for the field or property.
string $entity_type: (optional) The entity type of the entity, used to generate tokens.
object $entity: (optional) The entity, used to generate tokens.
Return value
array A nested array of field and property attributes.
1 call to microdata_mapping_to_attributes()
- microdata_entity_load in ./
microdata.module - Implements hook_entity_load().
- ./
microdata.module, line 901
function microdata_mapping_to_attributes($mapping, $entity_type = NULL, $entity = NULL) {
if (is_string($mapping)) {
return $mapping;
// If the user has overriden the item handling, change the type to struct.
if (isset($mapping['#is_item'])) {
if ($mapping['#is_item'] === TRUE) {
$mapping['#value_type'] = 'item';
else {
$mapping['#value_type'] = 'struct';
$return['#attributes'] = array();
// If there is an itemprop mapping, add the attribute.
if (!empty($mapping['#itemprop'])) {
$return['#attributes']['itemprop'] = $mapping['#itemprop'];
// If the value for this property is an item, add itemscope.
if (isset($mapping['#value_type']) && $mapping['#value_type'] === 'item') {
$return['#attributes']['itemscope'] = '';
// If an itemtype is defined, add that as well.
if (!empty($mapping['#itemtype'])) {
$return['#attributes']['itemtype'] = $mapping['#itemtype'];
// Get the appropriate token for the itemid.
if (isset($mapping['#itemid_token'])) {
// Because some token groups aren't named with the entity type, we have to
// change the group.
switch ($entity_type) {
case 'taxonomy_term':
$group = 'term';
case 'taxonomy_vocabulary':
$group = 'vocabulary';
$group = $entity_type;
$return['#attributes']['itemid'] = token_replace($mapping['#itemid_token'], array(
$group => $entity,
foreach (array_keys($mapping) as $property) {
if ($property[0] != '#') {
$return[$property] = microdata_mapping_to_attributes($mapping[$property]);
// Google's Rich Snippets requires (for some types) a 'url' itemprop with the
// page's URI as the value.
// @todo Remove this once Google recognizes itemid #1784580.
if (isset($mapping['#use_schema_url'])) {
$return['microdata_schema_url'] = _microdata_get_schema_url($entity_type, $entity);
// @todo Add a hook_microdata_attributes_attach to allow modules to insert
// or change attributes. For example, field collection might want to allow
// a field within the collection to be used as itemid.
return $return;