function _microdata_get_schema_url in Microdata 7
Helper function.
Gets an array of attributes for the Schema URL.
@todo Remove this function once Google recognizes itemid.
1 call to _microdata_get_schema_url()
- microdata_mapping_to_attributes in ./
microdata.module - Converts a mapping array to an attibute array.
- ./
microdata.module, line 1131
function _microdata_get_schema_url($entity_type, $entity) {
$entity_uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity);
// Ensure the options parameter is an array.
if (!isset($entity_uri['options']) || !is_array($entity_uri['options'])) {
$entity_uri['options'] = array();
return array(
'#attributes' => array(
'href' => url($entity_uri['path'], $entity_uri['options']),
'itemprop' => 'url',