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function metatags_quick_update_7006 in Meta tags quick 7.2

Ensure all existing metatags_quick fields have the default display formatter if set.


./metatags_quick.install, line 183
Defines schema for metatags_quick fields


function metatags_quick_update_7006() {
  $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'metatags_quick');
  include_once $module_path . '/';
  $known_tags = _metatags_quick_known_fields();

  // Get the known tag names and formatters
  $known_tag_names_and_formatters = array();
  foreach ($known_tags as $tagkey => $tagvalue) {
    if (isset($tagvalue['formatter'])) {
      $this_name_and_formatter = array(
        'name' => 'meta_' . $tagkey,
        'formatter' => $tagvalue['formatter'],
      array_push($known_tag_names_and_formatters, $this_name_and_formatter);

  // Get info on all instances
  $metatags_quick_fields = field_info_field_map();
  $metatags_quick_instances = array();

  // Loop to get name, entity, bundle and formatter
  foreach ($known_tag_names_and_formatters as $nfkey => $nfvalue) {

    // Within this loop through the metatags_quick_fields
    foreach ($metatags_quick_fields as $key => $value) {

      // If the type is metatags_quick and if the name == the known_tags_name_and_formatter key (nfkey)
      if ($value['type'] == 'metatags_quick' && $key == $nfvalue['name']) {
        foreach ($value['bundles'] as $thiskey => $thisvalue) {
          $this_instance = array(
            'name' => $key,
            'entity' => $thiskey,
            'bundle' => $thisvalue,
            'formatter' => $nfvalue['formatter'],
          array_push($metatags_quick_instances, $this_instance);
  foreach ($metatags_quick_instances as $instance => $value) {
    $name = $value['name'];
    if (is_array($value['entity'])) {
      foreach ($value['entity'] as $entity) {
        $this_entity = $entity;
    else {
      $this_entity = $value['entity'];
    foreach ($value['bundle'] as $bundle) {
      $this_bundle = $bundle;
      $field = field_info_instance($this_entity, $name, $this_bundle);
      $field['display']['default']['type'] = $value['formatter'];