class NodewordsEntities in Metatag 8
Migrate entity data from Nodewords on D6.
Plugin annotation
id = "d6_nodewords_entities",
handle_multiples = TRUE
- class \Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginBase implements DerivativeInspectionInterface, PluginInspectionInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase uses DependencySerializationTrait, MessengerTrait, StringTranslationTrait
- class \Drupal\migrate\ProcessPluginBase implements MigrateProcessInterface
- class \Drupal\metatag\Plugin\migrate\process\d6\NodewordsEntities
- class \Drupal\migrate\ProcessPluginBase implements MigrateProcessInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase uses DependencySerializationTrait, MessengerTrait, StringTranslationTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of NodewordsEntities
- src/
Plugin/ migrate/ process/ d6/ NodewordsEntities.php, line 18
Drupal\metatag\Plugin\migrate\process\d6View source
class NodewordsEntities extends ProcessPluginBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row, $destination_property) {
// If there's no data, there's no need to store anything.
if (empty($value)) {
return NULL;
// This is expected to be an array, if it isn't then something went wrong.
if (!is_array($value)) {
throw new MigrateException('Data from Nodewords-D6 was not a serialized array.');
$metatags = [];
// Restructure Nodewords-D6 data.
$tags_map = $this
// Re-shape D6 entries into for D8 entries.
$old_tags = array_map(static function ($value) {
return unserialize($value);
}, $value);
foreach ($old_tags as $d6_metatag_name => $metatag_value) {
// Convert the D6 nodewords name to the D8 equivalent. If this meta tag
// is not recognized, skip it.
if (empty($tags_map[$d6_metatag_name])) {
$d8_metatag_name = $tags_map[$d6_metatag_name];
// The 'value' element was required.
if (!isset($metatag_value['value'])) {
$metatag_value = $metatag_value['value'];
// Exclude empty values. Doesn't just use empty() because that would
// exclude the number 0, and that was an appropriate value for some
// meta tags.
if (is_scalar($metatag_value) && trim($metatag_value) === '') {
if (is_array($metatag_value) && empty($metatag_value)) {
// Convert the nested arrays to a flat structure.
// @todo Some meta tags have extra options besides the basic 'value'.
if (is_array($metatag_value)) {
// Remove empty values.
$metatag_value = array_filter($metatag_value);
// Convert the array into a comma-separated list.
$data = implode(', ', $metatag_value);
else {
$data = $metatag_value;
$metatags[$d8_metatag_name] = $data;
// Sort the meta tags alphabetically to make testing easier.
return serialize($metatags);
* Match Metatag-D6 meta tags with their D8 counterparts.
* @return array
* An array of D6 tags to their D8 counterparts.
public function tagsMap() {
$map = [
// From the main Metatag module.
'abstract' => 'abstract',
'cache-control' => 'cache_control',
'canonical' => 'canonical_url',
'content-language' => 'content_language',
'description' => 'description',
'expires' => 'expires',
'generator' => 'generator',
'geo.placename' => 'geo_placename',
'geo.position' => 'geo_position',
'geo.region' => 'geo_region',
'icbm' => 'icbm',
'image_src' => 'image_src',
'keywords' => 'keywords',
'news_keywords' => 'news_keywords',
'next' => 'next',
'original-source' => 'original_source',
'page_title' => 'title',
'pragma' => 'pragma',
'prev' => 'prev',
'rating' => 'rating',
'referrer' => 'referrer',
'refresh' => 'refresh',
'revisit-after' => 'revisit_after',
'rights' => 'rights',
'robots' => 'robots',
'set_cookie' => 'set_cookie',
'shortlink' => 'shortlink',
'standout' => 'standout',
'syndication-source' => 'original_source',
'title' => 'title',
// From
'al:android:app_name' => 'al_android_app_name',
'al:android:class' => 'al_android_class',
'al:android:package' => 'al_android_package',
'al:android:url' => 'al_android_url',
'al:ios:app_name' => 'al_ios_app_name',
'al:ios:app_store_id' => 'al_ios_app_store_id',
'al:ios:url' => 'al_ios_url',
'al:ipad:app_name' => 'al_ipad_app_name',
'al:ipad:app_store_id' => 'al_ipad_app_store_id',
'al:ipad:url' => 'al_ipad_url',
'al:iphone:app_name' => 'al_iphone_app_name',
'al:iphone:app_store_id' => 'al_iphone_app_store_id',
'al:iphone:url' => 'al_iphone_url',
'al:web:should_fallback' => 'al_web_should_fallback',
'al:web:url' => 'al_web_url',
'al:windows:app_id' => 'al_windows_app_id',
'al:windows:app_name' => 'al_windows_app_name',
'al:windows:url' => 'al_windows_url',
'al:windows_phone:app_id' => 'al_windows_phone_app_id',
'al:windows_phone:app_name' => 'al_windows_phone_app_name',
'al:windows_phone:url' => 'al_windows_phone_url',
'al:windows_universal:app_id' => 'al_windows_universal_app_id',
'al:windows_universal:app_name' => 'al_windows_universal_app_name',
'al:windows_universal:url' => 'al_windows_universal_url',
// From
'dcterms.contributor' => 'dcterms_contributor',
'dcterms.coverage' => 'dcterms_coverage',
'dcterms.creator' => 'dcterms_creator',
'' => 'dcterms_date',
'dcterms.description' => 'dcterms_description',
'dcterms.format' => 'dcterms_format',
'dcterms.identifier' => 'dcterms_identifier',
'dcterms.language' => 'dcterms_language',
'dcterms.publisher' => 'dcterms_publisher',
'dcterms.relation' => 'dcterms_relation',
'dcterms.rights' => 'dcterms_rights',
'dcterms.source' => 'dcterms_source',
'dcterms.subject' => 'dcterms_subject',
'dcterms.title' => 'dcterms_title',
'dcterms.type' => 'dcterms_type',
// From
'copyright' => 'dcterms_date_copyrighted',
'dcterms.abstract' => 'dcterms_abstract',
'dcterms.accessRights' => 'dcterms_access_rights',
'dcterms.accrualMethod' => 'dcterms_accrual_method',
'dcterms.accrualPeriodicity' => 'dcterms_accrual_periodicity',
'dcterms.accrualPolicy' => 'dcterms_accrual_policy',
'dcterms.alternative' => 'dcterms_alternative',
'dcterms.audience' => 'dcterms_audience',
'dcterms.available' => 'dcterms_available',
'dcterms.bibliographicCitation' => 'dcterms_bibliographic_citation',
'dcterms.conformsTo' => 'dcterms_conforms_to',
'dcterms.created' => 'dcterms_created',
'dcterms.dateAccepted' => 'dcterms_date_accepted',
'dcterms.dateCopyrighted' => 'dcterms_date_copyrighted',
'dcterms.dateSubmitted' => 'dcterms_date_submitted',
'dcterms.educationLevel' => 'dcterms_education_level',
'dcterms.extent' => 'dcterms_extent',
'dcterms.hasFormat' => 'dcterms_has_format',
'dcterms.hasPart' => 'dcterms_has_part',
'dcterms.hasVersion' => 'dcterms_has_version',
'dcterms.instructionalMethod' => 'dcterms_instructional_method',
'dcterms.isFormatOf' => 'dcterms_is_format_of',
'dcterms.isPartOf' => 'dcterms_is_part_of',
'dcterms.isReferencedBy' => 'dcterms_is_referenced_by',
'dcterms.isReplacedBy' => 'dcterms_is_replaced_by',
'dcterms.isRequiredBy' => 'dcterms_is_required_by',
'dcterms.issued' => 'dcterms_issued',
'dcterms.isVersionOf' => 'dcterms_is_version_of',
'dcterms.license' => 'dcterms_license',
'dcterms.mediator' => 'dcterms_mediator',
'dcterms.medium' => 'dcterms_medium',
'dcterms.modified' => 'dcterms_modified',
'dcterms.provenance' => 'dcterms_provenance',
'dcterms.references' => 'dcterms_references',
'dcterms.replaces' => 'dcterms_replaces',
'dcterms.requires' => 'dcterms_requires',
'dcterms.rightsHolder' => 'dcterms_rights_holder',
'dcterms.spatial' => 'dcterms_spatial',
'dcterms.tableOfContents' => 'dcterms_table_of_contents',
'dcterms.temporal' => 'dcterms_temporal',
'dcterms.valid' => 'dcterms_valid',
// From
'fb:admins' => 'fb_admins',
'fb:app_id' => 'fb_app_id',
'fb:pages' => 'fb_pages',
// From
'apple-touch-icon' => 'apple_touch_icon',
'apple-touch-icon-precomposed' => 'apple_touch_icon_precomposed',
'apple-touch-icon-precomposed_114x114' => 'apple_touch_icon_precomposed_114x114',
'apple-touch-icon-precomposed_120x120' => 'apple_touch_icon_precomposed_120x120',
'apple-touch-icon-precomposed_144x144' => 'apple_touch_icon_precomposed_144x144',
'apple-touch-icon-precomposed_152x152' => 'apple_touch_icon_precomposed_152x152',
'apple-touch-icon-precomposed_180x180' => 'apple_touch_icon_precomposed_180x180',
'apple-touch-icon-precomposed_72x72' => 'apple_touch_icon_precomposed_72x72',
'apple-touch-icon-precomposed_76x76' => 'apple_touch_icon_precomposed_76x76',
'apple-touch-icon_114x114' => 'apple_touch_icon_114x114',
'apple-touch-icon_120x120' => 'apple_touch_icon_120x120',
'apple-touch-icon_144x144' => 'apple_touch_icon_144x144',
'apple-touch-icon_152x152' => 'apple_touch_icon_152x152',
'apple-touch-icon_180x180' => 'apple_touch_icon_180x180',
'apple-touch-icon_72x72' => 'apple_touch_icon_72x72',
'apple-touch-icon_76x76' => 'apple_touch_icon_76x76',
'icon_16x16' => 'icon_16x16',
'icon_192x192' => 'icon_192x192',
'icon_32x32' => 'icon_32x32',
'icon_96x96' => 'icon_96x96',
'mask-icon' => 'mask-icon',
'shortcut icon' => 'shortcut_icon',
// From
'audience' => 'audience',
'department' => 'department',
'doc_status' => 'doc_status',
'google_rating' => 'google_rating',
'thumbnail' => 'thumbnail',
// From; not doing these, Google+ closed.
'itemtype' => '',
'itemprop:name' => '',
'itemprop:description' => '',
'itemprop:image' => '',
'author' => '',
'publisher' => '',
// From
'hreflang_xdefault' => 'hreflang_xdefault',
// @todo
// 'hreflang_' . $langcode => 'hreflang_per_language',
// From
'alternate_handheld' => 'alternate_handheld',
'android-app-link-alternative' => 'android_app_link_alternative',
'android-manifest' => 'android_manifest',
'apple-itunes-app' => 'apple_itunes_app',
'apple-mobile-web-app-capable' => 'apple_mobile_web_app_capable',
'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style' => 'apple_mobile_web_app_status_bar_style',
'apple-mobile-web-app-title' => 'apple_mobile_web_app_title',
'application-name' => 'application_name',
'cleartype' => 'cleartype',
'format-detection' => 'format_detection',
'HandheldFriendly' => 'handheldfriendly',
'ios-app-link-alternative' => 'ios_app_link_alternative',
'MobileOptimized' => 'mobileoptimized',
'msapplication-allowDomainApiCalls' => 'msapplication_allowDomainApiCalls',
'msapplication-allowDomainMetaTags' => 'msapplication_allowDomainMetaTags',
'msapplication-badge' => 'msapplication_badge',
'msapplication-config' => 'msapplication_config',
'msapplication-navbutton-color' => 'msapplication_navbutton_color',
'msapplication-notification' => 'msapplication_notification',
'msapplication-square150x150logo' => 'msapplication_square150x150logo',
'msapplication-square310x310logo' => 'msapplication_square310x310logo',
'msapplication-square70x70logo' => 'msapplication_square70x70logo',
'msapplication-starturl' => 'msapplication_starturl',
'msapplication-task' => 'msapplication_task',
'msapplication-task-separator' => 'msapplication_task_separator',
'msapplication-tilecolor' => 'msapplication_tilecolor',
'msapplication-tileimage' => 'msapplication_tileimage',
'msapplication-tooltip' => 'msapplication_tooltip',
'msapplication-wide310x150logo' => 'msapplication_wide310x150logo',
'msapplication-window' => 'msapplication_window',
'theme-color' => 'theme_color',
'viewport' => 'viewport',
'x-ua-compatible' => 'x_ua_compatible',
// From
'article:author' => 'article_author',
'article:expiration_time' => 'article_expiration_time',
'article:modified_time' => 'article_modified_time',
'article:published_time' => 'article_published_time',
'article:publisher' => 'article_publisher',
'article:section' => 'article_section',
'article:tag' => 'article_tag',
'book:author' => 'book_author',
'book:isbn' => 'book_isbn',
'book:release_date' => 'book_release_date',
'book:tag' => 'book_tag',
// @todo 'og:audio' => '',
// @todo 'og:audio:secure_url' => '',
// @todo 'og:audio:type' => '',
'og:country_name' => 'og_country_name',
'og:description' => 'og_description',
'og:determiner' => 'og_determiner',
'og:email' => 'og_email',
'og:fax_number' => 'og_fax_number',
'og:image' => 'og_image',
// @todo '' => 'og_image_alt',
'og:image:height' => 'og_image_height',
'og:image:secure_url' => 'og_image_secure_url',
'og:image:type' => 'og_image_type',
'og:image:url' => 'og_image_url',
'og:image:width' => 'og_image_width',
'og:latitude' => 'og_latitude',
'og:locale' => 'og_locale',
'og:locale:alternate' => 'og_locale_alternative',
'og:locality' => 'og_locality',
'og:longitude' => 'og_longitude',
'og:phone_number' => 'og_phone_number',
'og:postal_code' => 'og_postal_code',
'og:region' => 'og_region',
'og:see_also' => 'og_see_also',
'og:site_name' => 'og_site_name',
'og:street_address' => 'og_street_address',
'og:title' => 'og_title',
'og:type' => 'og_type',
'og:updated_time' => 'og_updated_time',
'og:url' => 'og_url',
// @todo '' => 'og_video',
// @todo '' => 'og_video_duration',
'og:video:height' => 'og_video_height',
'og:video:secure_url' => 'og_video_secure_url',
'og:video:type' => 'og_video_type',
'og:video:url' => 'og_video_url',
'og:video:width' => 'og_video_width',
// @todo 'profile:first_name' => '',
// @todo 'profile:gender' => '',
// @todo 'profile:last_name' => '',
// @todo 'profile:username' => '',
// @todo 'video:actor' => '',
// @todo 'video:actor:role' => '',
// @todo 'video:director' => '',
// @todo 'video:duration' => '',
// @todo 'video:release_date' => '',
// @todo 'video:series' => '',
// @todo 'video:tag' => '',
// @todo 'video:writer' => '',
// From
'product:price:amount' => 'product_price_amount',
'product:price:currency' => 'product_price_currency',
// @todo 'product:availability' => '',
// @todo 'product:brand' => '',
// @todo 'product:upc' => '',
// @todo 'product:ean' => '',
// @todo 'product:isbn' => '',
// @todo 'product:plural_title' => '',
// @todo 'product:retailer' => '',
// @todo 'product:retailer_title' => '',
// @todo 'product:retailer_part_no' => '',
// @todo 'product:mfr_part_no' => '',
// @todo 'product:size' => '',
// @todo 'product:product_link' => '',
// @todo 'product:category' => '',
// @todo 'product:color' => '',
// @todo 'product:material' => '',
// @todo 'product:pattern' => '',
// @todo 'product:shipping_cost:amount' => '',
// @todo 'product:shipping_cost:currency' => '',
// @todo 'product:weight:value' => '',
// @todo 'product:weight:units' => '',
// @todo 'product:shipping_weight:value' => '',
// @todo 'product:shipping_weight:units' => '',
// @todo 'product:expiration_time' => '',
// @todo 'product:condition' => '',
// Pinterest.
// @todo '' => 'pinterest_id',
// @todo '' => 'pinterest_description',
// @todo '' => 'pinterest_nohover',
// @todo '' => 'pinterest_url',
// @todo '' => 'pinterest_media',
// @todo '' => 'pinterest_nopin',
// @todo '' => 'pinterest_nosearch',
// From
'twitter:app:country' => 'twitter_cards_app_store_country',
'twitter:app:id:googleplay' => 'twitter_cards_app_id_googleplay',
'twitter:app:id:ipad' => 'twitter_cards_app_id_ipad',
'twitter:app:id:iphone' => 'twitter_cards_app_id_iphone',
'twitter:app:name:googleplay' => 'twitter_cards_app_name_googleplay',
'twitter:app:name:ipad' => 'twitter_cards_app_name_ipad',
'twitter:app:name:iphone' => 'twitter_cards_app_name_iphone',
'twitter:app:url:googleplay' => 'twitter_cards_app_url_googleplay',
'twitter:app:url:ipad' => 'twitter_cards_app_url_ipad',
'twitter:app:url:iphone' => 'twitter_cards_app_url_iphone',
'twitter:card' => 'twitter_cards_type',
'twitter:creator' => 'twitter_cards_creator',
'twitter:creator:id' => 'twitter_cards_creator_id',
'twitter:data1' => 'twitter_cards_data1',
'twitter:data2' => 'twitter_cards_data2',
'twitter:description' => 'twitter_cards_description',
'twitter:dnt' => 'twitter_cards_donottrack',
'twitter:image' => 'twitter_cards_image',
'twitter:image0' => 'twitter_cards_gallery_image0',
'twitter:image1' => 'twitter_cards_gallery_image1',
'twitter:image2' => 'twitter_cards_gallery_image2',
'twitter:image3' => 'twitter_cards_gallery_image3',
'twitter:image:alt' => 'twitter_cards_image_alt',
'twitter:image:height' => 'twitter_cards_image_height',
'twitter:image:width' => 'twitter_cards_image_width',
'twitter:label1' => 'twitter_cards_label1',
'twitter:label2' => 'twitter_cards_label2',
'twitter:player' => 'twitter_cards_player',
'twitter:player:height' => 'twitter_cards_player_height',
'twitter:player:stream' => 'twitter_cards_player_stream',
'twitter:player:stream:content_type' => 'twitter_cards_player_stream_content_type',
'twitter:player:width' => 'twitter_cards_player_width',
'twitter:site' => 'twitter_cards_site',
'twitter:site:id' => 'twitter_cards_site_id',
'twitter:title' => 'twitter_cards_title',
'twitter:url' => 'twitter_cards_page_url',
// From
'baidu-site-verification' => 'baidu',
'facebook-domain-verification' => 'facebook_domain_verification',
'google-site-verification' => 'bing',
'msvalidate.01' => 'google',
'norton-safeweb-site-verification' => 'norton_safe_web',
'p:domain_verify' => 'pinterest',
// @todo '' => 'pocket',
'yandex-verification' => 'yandex',
// Trigger hook_metatag_migrate_metatagd7_tags_map_alter().
// Allow modules to override tags or the entity used for token replacements.
->alter('metatag_migrate_metatagd7_tags_map', $map);
return $map;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
protected | property | An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages. | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
protected | property | An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization. | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
public | function | 1 | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
public | function | 2 | |
MessengerTrait:: |
protected | property | The messenger. | 29 |
MessengerTrait:: |
public | function | Gets the messenger. | 29 |
MessengerTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the messenger. | |
NodewordsEntities:: |
public | function | Match Metatag-D6 meta tags with their D8 counterparts. | |
NodewordsEntities:: |
public | function |
Performs the associated process. Overrides ProcessPluginBase:: |
PluginBase:: |
protected | property | Configuration information passed into the plugin. | 1 |
PluginBase:: |
protected | property | The plugin implementation definition. | 1 |
PluginBase:: |
protected | property | The plugin_id. | |
PluginBase:: |
constant | A string which is used to separate base plugin IDs from the derivative ID. | ||
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the base_plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the derivative_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the definition of the plugin implementation. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface:: |
3 |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function | Determines if the plugin is configurable. | |
PluginBase:: |
public | function | Constructs a \Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginBase object. | 92 |
ProcessPluginBase:: |
public | function |
Indicates whether the returned value requires multiple handling. Overrides MigrateProcessInterface:: |
3 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | property | The string translation service. | 1 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Formats a string containing a count of items. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the string translation service. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the string translation service to use. | 2 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Translates a string to the current language or to a given language. |