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function hook_metatag_migrate_metatagd7_tags_map_alter in Metatag 8

Allow the list of Metatag D7's tags to be changed.

This is only used when migrating meta tags from Metatag-D7.


array $tags_map: An array of D7 tag names mapped against the D8 tag's IDs.

2 invocations of hook_metatag_migrate_metatagd7_tags_map_alter()
MetatagEntities::tagsMap in src/Plugin/migrate/process/d7/MetatagEntities.php
Match Metatag-D7 meta tags with their D8 counterparts.
NodewordsEntities::tagsMap in src/Plugin/migrate/process/d6/NodewordsEntities.php
Match Metatag-D6 meta tags with their D8 counterparts.


./metatag.api.php, line 69
Document all supported APIs.


function hook_metatag_migrate_metatagd7_tags_map_alter(array $tags_map) {

  // This tag was renamed in D8.
  $tags_map['custom:tag'] = 'custom_tag';