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function metatag_get_route_entity in Metatag 8

Returns the entity of the current route.

Return value

Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface The entity or NULL if this is not an entity route.

4 calls to metatag_get_route_entity()
MetatagManager::getDefaultMetatags in src/MetatagManager.php
Returns default meta tags for an entity.
metatag_get_default_tags in ./metatag.module
Returns default tags for the current route.
metatag_get_tags_from_route in ./metatag.module
Load the meta tags by processing the route parameters.
metatag_tokens in ./
Implements hook_tokens().


./metatag.module, line 353
Contains metatag.module.


function metatag_get_route_entity() {
  $route_match = \Drupal::routeMatch();
  $route_name = $route_match

  // Look for a canonical entity view page, e.g. node/{nid}, user/{uid}, etc.
  $matches = [];
  preg_match('/entity\\.(.*)\\.(latest[_-]version|canonical)/', $route_name, $matches);
  if (!empty($matches[1])) {
    $entity_type = $matches[1];
    return $route_match

  // Look for a rest entity view page, e.g. "node/{nid}?_format=json", etc.
  $matches = [];

  // Matches e.g. "rest.entity.node.GET.json".
  preg_match('/rest\\.entity\\.(.*)\\.(.*)\\.(.*)/', $route_name, $matches);
  if (!empty($matches[1])) {
    $entity_type = $matches[1];
    return $route_match

  // Look for entity object 'add' pages, e.g. "node/add/{bundle}".
  $route_name_matches = [];
  preg_match('/(entity\\.)?(.*)\\.add(_form)?/', $route_name, $route_name_matches);
  if (!empty($route_name_matches[2])) {
    $entity_type = $route_name_matches[2];
    $definition = Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      ->getDefinition($entity_type, FALSE);
    if (!empty($definition)) {
      $type = $route_match
      if (!empty($type)) {
        return \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
            ->get('entity_keys')['bundle'] => $type,

  // Look for entity object 'edit' pages, e.g. "node/{entity_id}/edit".
  $route_name_matches = [];
  preg_match('/entity\\.(.*)\\.edit_form/', $route_name, $route_name_matches);
  if (!empty($route_name_matches[1])) {
    $entity_type = $route_name_matches[1];
    $entity_id = $route_match
    if (!empty($entity_id)) {
      return \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

  // Look for entity object 'add content translation' pages, e.g.
  // "node/{nid}/translations/add/{source_lang}/{translation_lang}".
  $route_name_matches = [];
  preg_match('/(entity\\.)?(.*)\\.content_translation_add/', $route_name, $route_name_matches);
  if (!empty($route_name_matches[2])) {
    $entity_type = $route_name_matches[2];
    $definition = Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      ->getDefinition($entity_type, FALSE);
    if (!empty($definition)) {
      $node = $route_match
      $type = $node
      if (!empty($type)) {
        return \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
            ->get('entity_keys')['bundle'] => $type,

  // Special handling for the admin user_create page. In this case, there's only
  // one bundle and it's named the same as the entity type, so some shortcuts
  // can be used.
  if ($route_name == 'user.admin_create') {
    $entity_type = $type = 'user';
    $definition = Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    if (!empty($type)) {
      return \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
          ->get('entity_keys')['bundle'] => $type,

  // Trigger hook_metatag_route_entity().
  if ($entities = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
    ->invokeAll('metatag_route_entity', [
  ])) {
    return reset($entities);
  return NULL;