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function hook_metatag_route_entity in Metatag 8

Provides a ability to integrate alternative routes with metatags.

Return an entity when the given route/route parameters matches a certain entity. All meta tags will be rendered on that page.


\Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface $route_match: The route match.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface|null Return an entity, if the route should use metatags.

3 functions implement hook_metatag_route_entity()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

metatag_page_manager_metatag_route_entity in metatag_page_manager/metatag_page_manager.module
Implements hook_metatag_route_entity().
metatag_test_custom_route_metatag_route_entity in tests/modules/metatag_test_custom_route/metatag_test_custom_route.module
Implements hook_metatag_route_entity().
metatag_views_metatag_route_entity in metatag_views/metatag_views.module
Implements hook_metatag_route_entity().
1 invocation of hook_metatag_route_entity()
metatag_get_route_entity in ./metatag.module
Returns the entity of the current route.


./metatag.api.php, line 20
Document all supported APIs.


function hook_metatag_route_entity(\Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  if ($route_match
    ->getRouteName() === 'example.test_route') {
    if ($node = $route_match
      ->getParameter('node')) {
      return $node;