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function hook_message_digest_view_mode_alter in Message Digest 8

Allow modules to change view modes prior to rendering, or stop delivery.


array $context: An array consisting of the following data:

  • 'view_modes': An array of view mode names that will be used to render the messages. Add or remove to change what information is rendered.
  • 'deliver': A boolean indicating if this digest should be delivered. It defaults to TRUE. Set to FALSE to stop delivery. The digest will still be marked as being sent.
  • 'entity_type': The entity type. This will be an empty string for global, non-grouped digests.
  • 'entity_id': The entity ID. This will be an empty string for global, non- grouped digests.
  • 'messages: An array of message IDs that are being assembled for the digest.

\Drupal\message_notify\Plugin\Notifier\MessageNotifierInterface $notifier: The message notifier being used.

\Drupal\user\UserInterface $account: The recipient of the digest.

1 function implements hook_message_digest_view_mode_alter()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

message_digest_test_message_digest_view_mode_alter in tests/modules/message_digest_test/message_digest_test.module
Implements hook_message_digest_view_mode_alter().
1 invocation of hook_message_digest_view_mode_alter()
DigestManager::processSingleUserDigest in src/DigestManager.php
Processes and sends an individual digest for a given user.


./message_digest.api.php, line 58
Hooks provided by the Message Digest module.


function hook_message_digest_view_mode_alter(array &$context, MessageNotifierInterface $notifier, UserInterface $account) {

  // Remove the email subject view mode.
  if (isset($context['view_modes']['mail_subject'])) {

  // If the account is blocked, do not deliver.
  if ($account
    ->isBlocked()) {
    $context['deliver'] = FALSE;