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message_digest_test.module in Message Digest 8

Test hook implementations for the message digest module.


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 * @file
 * Test hook implementations for the message digest module.
use Drupal\message_notify\Plugin\Notifier\MessageNotifierInterface;
use Drupal\user\UserInterface;

 * Implements hook_message_digest_aggregate_alter().
function message_digest_test_message_digest_aggregate_alter(array &$context, UserInterface $account, MessageNotifierInterface $notifier) {

  // Set a state variable to verify this has been called.
    ->set(__FUNCTION__, TRUE);

 * Implements hook_message_digest_view_mode_alter().
function message_digest_test_message_digest_view_mode_alter(array &$context, MessageNotifierInterface $notifer, UserInterface $account) {

  // Set a state variable to verify this has been called.
    ->set(__FUNCTION__, TRUE);

  // If set to do so, remove the given view mode.
  if ($view_mode = \Drupal::state()
    ->get('message_digest_test_remove_view_mode', FALSE)) {