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function merci_inventory_sync_fields_submit in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 6

Field sync form submission handler

1 string reference to 'merci_inventory_sync_fields_submit'
merci_inventory_sync_fields in modules/merci_inventory/merci_inventory.module
Field sync form


modules/merci_inventory/merci_inventory.module, line 101
Hooks and functions for MERCI Inventory


function merci_inventory_sync_fields_submit($form_id, $form_values) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'content', 'includes/content.crud');
  $added = 0;
  $values = $form_values['values'];
  $base_type = $values['merci_inventory_type'];
  $params = array(
    'type_name' => $base_type,
  $fields = content_field_instance_read($params);

  // Sync groups if fieldgroup module is enabled
  if (module_exists('fieldgroup')) {
    $groups = fieldgroup_groups($base_type);
  else {
    $groups = array();

  // else
  foreach ($values['merci_inventory_sync_to_types'] as $type => $value) {
    if ($value !== 0) {
      foreach ($fields as $field) {
        $field['type_name'] = $type;
        $params['type_name'] = $type;
        $params['field_name'] = $field['field_name'];
        $field_exists = content_field_instance_read($params);
        if (count($field_exists) == 0) {

          // Sync field
          drupal_set_message('<i>' . check_plain($field['field_name']) . '</i> ' . t('was added to') . ' <i>' . check_plain($type) . '</i>');
        else {

          // Update all weights (faster than checking for which weights need updating)
          $field_exists[0]['widget']['weight'] = $field['widget']['weight'] + 1000;

        // else

      // foreach
      if (module_exists('fieldgroup')) {
        $existing_groups = fieldgroup_groups($type);
        foreach ($groups as $group_name => $group) {
          if (!isset($existing_groups[$group_name])) {

            // Add group
            fieldgroup_save_group($type, $group);
            drupal_set_message('<i>' . check_plain($group_name) . '</i> ' . t('was added to') . ' <i>' . check_plain($type) . '</i>');
            $existing_groups = fieldgroup_groups($type, FALSE, TRUE);
          else {

            // Update all weights
            db_query("UPDATE {" . fieldgroup_tablename() . "} SET weight = %d WHERE type_name = '%s' AND group_name = '%s'", $group['weight'] + 1000, $type, $group_name);

          // else
          // Sync fields in group
          foreach ($group['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {
            if (!isset($existing_groups[$group_name]['fields'][$field_name])) {
              $group_field_params = array(
                'group' => $group_name,
                'field_name' => $field_name,
                'type_name' => $type,
              drupal_set_message('<i>' . check_plain($field_name) . '</i> ' . t('was moved into group') . ' <i>' . check_plain($group_name) . '</i> ' . t('of') . ' <i>' . check_plain($type) . '</i>');

            // if

          // foreach

        // foreach

      // if

    // if

  // foreach
  if ($added == 0) {
    drupal_set_message(t('No fields were synced, because all fields in') . ' <i>' . check_plain($values['merci_inventory_type']) . '</i> ' . t('are already synced in all selected types'));

  // if