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Functions in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
add_cost_fields_and_group_taxonomy ./merci.install 2
import_access_denied_page import/merci_import.php 1
import_data import/merci_import.php Perform one import and store the results which will later be displayed on the finished page. 1
import_do_imports import/merci_import.php Perform imports for one second or until finished. 2
import_do_import_page import/merci_import.php Perform imports for the JS version and return progress. 1
import_finished_page import/merci_import.php 1
import_import_page import/merci_import.php 1
import_info_page import/merci_import.php 1
import_js import/merci_import.php Custom import JS function. 2
import_progress_page import/merci_import.php 1
import_progress_page_nojs import/merci_import.php Perform imports for the non-JS version and return the status page. 1
import_script_selection_form import/merci_import.php 1
import_selection_page import/merci_import.php 1
merci_access ./merci.module Implementation of hook_access().
merci_add_reservation_items ./merci.module Adds items to reservation on creation/update. 2
merci_admin_settings ./merci.module Builds the MERCI admininstration settings form. 1
merci_build_reservable_items ./merci.module Builds the list of all currently reservable items, filtered by date. 2
merci_build_reservation_table_form ./merci.module Builds the table of existing reserved items. 1 1
merci_by_vid ./merci.module Sort by vid 1
merci_check_content_type_restrictions ./merci.module 2
merci_check_content_type_user_permissions ./merci.module Ensures the user has 'edit own [type] content' and 'delete own [type] content' permissions, otherwise they are not allowed to reserve the content type. 1
merci_check_dependencies import/merci_import.php Helper function for determining module dependencies. 1
merci_check_existing_bucket_items ./merci.module Check for existing items in a bucket. 2
merci_choice_js ./merci.module Menu callback for AHAH additions. 1
merci_confirm_reservation ./merci.module 1
merci_content_type_rules ./merci.module Loads MERCI rules for a content type. 2
merci_create_local_date_object ./merci.module Creates a date object based on the site's local timezone. 2
merci_cron ./merci.module Implementation of hook_cron().
merci_date_filter ./merci.module Submit handler to date filter items on a reservation form. It makes changes to the form state and the entire form is rebuilt during the page reload. 1
merci_delete ./merci.module Implementation of hook_delete().
merci_delete_item_validate ./merci.module Validates if an item node can be deleted. 2
merci_delete_node_type_validate ./merci.module Validates deletion of node types. 1
merci_display_reservation_status ./merci.module Builds the form item for the status display. 1
merci_enable ./merci.install Implementation of hook_enable().
merci_form ./merci.module Implementation of hook_form().
merci_format_time ./merci.module Formats a time value into the site's preferred format. 1
merci_form_alter ./merci.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
merci_get_available_bucket_count ./merci.module Calculates the total number of available bucket items for a reservation. 1
merci_get_available_bucket_items ./merci.module Pulls items available to assign to a bucket for a reservation. 2
merci_get_reservable_items ./merci.module Pulls an array of items that are reservable for the content type and date range. 2
merci_has_accessories ./merci.module 1
merci_hours_str_to_array ./merci.module 1
merci_import_1 import/merci_import.php Add issue files.
merci_import_2 import/merci_import.php Add followup files.
merci_init ./merci.module Implementation of hook_init().
merci_insert ./merci.module Implementation of hook_insert().
merci_install ./merci.install Implementation of hook_install().
merci_inventory_admin_page modules/merci_inventory/merci_inventory.module Menu callback; sync fields 1
merci_inventory_enable modules/merci_inventory/merci_inventory.install
merci_inventory_install modules/merci_inventory/merci_inventory.install Implementation of hook_install().


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