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function merci_load_merci_type_settings in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 6

Loads the settings for an entire MERCI type (bucket/resource).


$merci_type: The MERCI type: bucket|resource.

Return value

A database object containing all content types for the specified MERCI type.

1 call to merci_load_merci_type_settings()
merci_build_reservable_items in ./merci.module
Builds the list of all currently reservable items, filtered by date.


./merci.module, line 1269
MERCI - Managed Equipment Reservation Checkout and Inventory


function merci_load_merci_type_settings($merci_type) {
  return db_query("SELECT nt.type,, m.type_setting, m.max_hours_per_reservation, m.allow_overnight, m.allow_weekends, m.late_fee_per_hour, m.rate_per_hour, m.fee_free_hours, m.status, m.spare_items, m.min_cancel_hours, m.autocheckout, m.autocheckin, m.selfcheckout FROM {node_type} nt INNER JOIN {merci_node_type} m ON nt.type = m.type WHERE m.type_setting = '%s' ORDER BY", $merci_type);