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function memcache_requirements in Memcache API and Integration 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 memcache.install \memcache_requirements()
  2. 6 memcache.install \memcache_requirements()

Implements hook_requirements().


./memcache.install, line 83
Install, update and uninstall functions for the memcache module.


function memcache_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = array();
  $t = get_t();
  $memcache = extension_loaded('memcache');
  $memcached = extension_loaded('memcached');
  if ($phase == 'install' || $phase == 'runtime') {
    $requirements['memcache_extension']['title'] = $t('Memcache');
    if (!$memcache && !$memcached) {
      $requirements['memcache_extension']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
      $requirements['memcache_extension']['value'] = $t('Required PHP extension not found. Install the <a href="">memcache</a> (recommended) or <a href="">memcached</a> extension.');
    else {
      $requirements['memcache_extension']['value'] = $t('PHP %extension Extension', array(
        '%extension' => $memcache ? $t('Memcache') : $t('Memcached'),
  if ($phase == 'runtime') {
    $errors = array();
    $warnings = array();
    if (!$memcache && !$memcached) {
      $errors[] = $t('Required PHP extension not found. Install the <a href="">memcache</a> (recommended) or <a href="">memcached</a> extension.');
    if (!function_exists('dmemcache_set')) {

      // isn't loaded.
      $errors[] = $t('Failed to load required file %dmemcache.', array(
        '%dmemcache' => drupal_get_path('module', 'memcache') . '/' . '',
      $requirements['memcache_extension']['value'] = $t('Unknown');
    else {
      $extension = dmemcache_extension();
      if ($extension == 'Memcache') {
        $version = phpversion('memcache');
        if (version_compare(phpversion(), '7', '>=')) {
          $recommended = MEMCACHE_PECL_PHP7_RECOMMENDED;
        else {
          $recommended = MEMCACHE_PECL_RECOMMENDED;
      elseif ($extension == 'Memcached') {
        $version = phpversion('memcached');
        $recommended = MEMCACHED_PECL_RECOMMENDED;
      if (!$version) {
        $version = $t('Unknown');
      $requirements['memcache_extension']['value'] = $version . _memcache_statistics_link();
      if (!_memcache_pecl_version_valid()) {
        $warnings[] = $t('PECL !extension version %version is unsupported. Please update to %recommended or newer.', array(
          '!extension' => $extension,
          '%version' => $version,
          '%recommended' => $recommended,

      // If ASCII protocol authentication is enabled, perform extra tests.
      if (_dmemcache_use_ascii_auth()) {

        // Verify minimum required memcached version for ASCII protocol authentication is installed.
        $version = _memcached_ascii_auth_version_valid(MEMCACHED_ASCII_AUTH_MINIMUM);

        // TRUE means version valid, FALSE means we failed to connect and will throw a different error.
        if ($version !== TRUE && $version !== FALSE) {
          $errors[] = $t('ASCII protocol authentication is enabled but requires memcached v%minimum or greater. One or more memcached instances detected running memcache v%version.' . _memcache_statistics_link(), array(
            '%version' => $version,
            '%minimum' => MEMCACHED_ASCII_AUTH_MINIMUM,
        else {
          $version = _memcached_ascii_auth_version_valid(MEMCACHED_ASCII_AUTH_RECOMMENDED);

          // TRUE means version valid, FALSE means we failed to connect and will throw a different error.
          if ($version !== TRUE && $version !== FALSE) {
            $warnings[] = $t('Memcached v%recommended is recommended when using ASCII protocol authentication, to avoid a CPU race. One or more memcached instances detected are running memcache v%version.' . _memcache_statistics_link(), array(
              '%version' => $version,
              '%recommended' => MEMCACHED_ASCII_AUTH_RECOMMENDED,

        // Confirm ASCII authentication works on all memcached servers.
        $memcache_bins = variable_get('memcache_bins', array(
          'cache' => 'default',
        foreach ($memcache_bins as $bin => $_) {
          if ($mc = dmemcache_object($bin)) {
            $ascii_auth = _check_ascii_auth($mc);
            if ($ascii_auth !== TRUE) {
              $s = $ascii_auth[0];
              $message = $ascii_auth[1];
              $errors[] = $t('ASCII protocol authentication failed: %message (%host:%port).' . _memcache_statistics_link(), array(
                '%host' => $s['host'],
                '%port' => $s['port'],
                '%message' => $message,

      // Make a test connection to all configured memcache servers.
      $memcache_servers = variable_get('memcache_servers', array(
        '' => 'default',
      foreach ($memcache_servers as $server => $bin) {
        if ($cluster = dmemcache_object_cluster($bin)) {
          $memcache = dmemcache_instance($cluster['cluster']);
          if (dmemcache_connect($memcache, $server, $cluster['weight']) === FALSE) {
            $errors[] = $t('Failed to connect to memcached server instance at %server.', array(
              '%server' => $server,
          else {
            if (!variable_get('memcache_persistent', TRUE)) {

      // Set up a temporary bin to see if we can store a value and then
      // successfully retreive it.
      try {
        $cid = 'memcache_requirements_test';
        $value = 'OK';

        // Temporarily store a test value in memcache.
        cache_set($cid, $value);

        // Retreive the test value from memcache.
        $data = cache_get($cid);
        if (!isset($data->data) || $data->data !== $value) {
          $errors[] = $t('Failed to store to then retrieve data from memcache.');
        else {

          // Test a delete as well.
          cache_clear_all($cid, 'cache');
      } catch (Exception $e) {

        // An unexpected exception occurred.
        $errors[] = $t('Unexpected failure when testing memcache configuration.');

      // Core's lock implementation can cause worse performance together with
      // stampede protection. Plus, long keys will be truncated resulting in
      // dropped locks.
      if (variable_get('memcache_stampede_protection', FALSE) && strpos(variable_get('lock_inc', 'includes/'), 'includes/') !== FALSE) {
        $warnings[] = $t('Drupal\'s core lock implementation (%core) is not supported by memcache stampede protection. Enable the memcache lock implementation (%memcache) or disable memcache stampede protection.', array(
          '%core' => 'includes/',
          '%memcache' => drupal_get_path('module', 'memcache') . "/",
    if (!empty($errors)) {

      // Error takes precedence over warning, stack together errors and
      // warnings and display as error messages.
      $errors = array_merge($errors, $warnings);
      $requirements['memcache_extension']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
      $requirements['memcache_extension']['description'] = $t('There is a problem with your memcache configuration, check the Drupal logs for additional errors. Please review %readme for help resolving the following !issue: !errors', array(
        '%readme' => drupal_get_path('module', 'memcache') . '/' . 'README.txt',
        '!issue' => format_plural(count($errors), 'issue', 'issues'),
        '!errors' => '<ul><li>' . implode('<li>', $errors),
    elseif (!empty($warnings)) {
      $requirements['memcache_extension']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING;
      $requirements['memcache_extension']['description'] = $t('There is a problem with your memcache configuration. Please review %readme for help resolving the following !issue: !warnings', array(
        '%readme' => drupal_get_path('module', 'memcache') . '/' . 'README.txt',
        '!issue' => format_plural(count($warnings), 'issue', 'issues'),
        '!warnings' => '<ul><li>' . implode('<li>', $warnings),
    else {
      $requirements['memcache_extension']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
  return $requirements;