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function _memcache_pecl_version_valid in Memcache API and Integration 7

Validate whether the current PECL version is supported.

2 calls to _memcache_pecl_version_valid()
memcache_enable in ./memcache.install
Implements hook_enable().
memcache_requirements in ./memcache.install
Implements hook_requirements().


./memcache.install, line 262
Install, update and uninstall functions for the memcache module.


function _memcache_pecl_version_valid() {
  $extension = dmemcache_extension();
  if ($extension == 'Memcache') {

    // The latest PECL Memcache releases are using a 4 digit version
    // which version_compare doesn't support. At this time the 4th
    // digit isn't important to us, so we just look at the first 3
    // digits. If a future release requires 4 digit precision
    // it will require a replacement for version_compare().
    $full_version = phpversion('memcache');
    $version = implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $full_version), 0, 3));
    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '7' . '>=')) {
      return version_compare($version, MEMCACHE_PECL_PHP7_RECOMMENDED, '>=');
    else {
      return version_compare($version, MEMCACHE_PECL_RECOMMENDED, '>=');
  elseif ($extension == 'Memcached') {
    return version_compare(phpversion('memcached'), MEMCACHED_PECL_RECOMMENDED, '>=');