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Functions in Memcache API and Integration 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
cache_clear_all ./ Expire data from the cache. If called without arguments, expirable entries will be cleared from the cache_page table. 7
cache_clear_all ./ Expire data from the cache. If called without arguments, expirable entries will be cleared from the cache_page and cache_block tables. 7
cache_get ./ Return data from the persistent cache. Data may be stored as either plain text or as serialized data. cache_get will automatically return unserialized objects and arrays. 6
cache_get ./ Return data from the persistent cache. 6
cache_set ./ Store data in the persistent cache. 9
cache_set ./ Store data in memcache. 9
dmemcache_add ./ Add an item into memcache 1
dmemcache_close ./ Close the connection to the memcache instance. 2
dmemcache_connect ./ Initiate a connection to memcache. 3
dmemcache_delete ./ Deletes an item from the cache. 9
dmemcache_extension ./ Determine which memcache extension to use: memcache or memcached. 6
dmemcache_flush ./ Immediately invalidates all existing items. dmemcache_flush doesn't actually free any resources, it only marks all the items as expired, so occupied memory will be overwritten by new items. 1
dmemcache_get ./ Retrieve a value from the cache. 13
dmemcache_get_multi ./ Retrieve multiple values from the cache. 2
dmemcache_instance ./ Return a new memcache instance. 3
dmemcache_key ./ 10
dmemcache_object ./ Returns an Memcache object based on the bin requested. Note that there is nothing preventing developers from calling this function directly to get the Memcache object. Do this if you need functionality not provided by this API or if you need to use… 12 1
dmemcache_piece_cache_get ./ Determine if a key has multi-piece values. 1
dmemcache_piece_cache_set ./ Track active keys with multi-piece values, necessary for efficient cleanup. 2
dmemcache_set ./ Place an item into memcache 10 1
dmemcache_static ./ Provides central static variable storage. 8
dmemcache_static_reset ./ Resets one or all centrally stored static variable(s). 1
dmemcache_stats ./ 3 1
dmemcache_stats_init ./ Collect statistics if enabled. 6
dmemcache_stats_write ./ Save memcache statistics to be displayed at end of page generation. 6
filter_user ./ Implement hook_user() using a required module's namespace since memcache is not a module and thus can't implement hooks directly.
lock_acquire ./ Acquire (or renew) a lock, but do not block if it fails. 4
lock_init ./ Initialize the locking system.
lock_may_be_available ./ Check if lock acquired by a different process may be available.
lock_release ./ Release a lock previously acquired by lock_acquire(). 3
lock_release_all ./ Release all locks acquired by this request. 1
lock_wait ./ Wait for a lock to be available. 1
memcache_admin_admin_settings memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Settings form. 1
memcache_admin_bin_mapping memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Helper function, reverse map the memcache_bins variable. 2
memcache_admin_init memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module For the collection of memcache stats. This small .js file makes sure that the HTML displaying the stats is inside of the <body> part of the HTML document.
memcache_admin_menu memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Implementation of hook_menu().
memcache_admin_perm memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Implementation of hook_perm().
memcache_admin_requirements memcache_admin/memcache_admin.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
memcache_admin_shutdown memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module See memcache_admin_init() which registers this function as a shutdown function. Displays memcache stats in the footer. 1
memcache_admin_stats memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Memcahe Stats page 1
memcache_admin_stats_raw memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module 1
memcache_admin_stats_types memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module 2
memcache_admin_theme memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Implementation of hook_theme().
memcache_admin_update_6001 memcache_admin/memcache_admin.install
memcache_clone ./ Provide a substitute clone() function for PHP4. This is a copy of drupal_clone because isn't included early enough in the bootstrap process to be able to depend on drupal_clone. 2
memcache_clone ./ Provide a substitute clone() function for PHP4. This is a copy of drupal_clone because isn't included early enough in the bootstrap process to be able to depend on drupal_clone. 2
memcache_enable ./memcache.install Implements hook_enable().
memcache_requirements ./memcache.install Implements hook_requirements().
memcache_stampede_protected ./ Determines whether stampede protection is enabled for a given bin/cid. 1
memcache_test_lock_acquire tests/memcache_test.module Try to acquire a named lock and report the outcome. 2


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