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Functions in Memcache API and Integration 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
memcache_test_lock_exit tests/memcache_test.module Try to acquire a specific lock, and then exit. 2
memcache_test_menu tests/memcache_test.module Implements hook_menu().
memcache_variable_set ./ Re-implementation of variable_set() that writes through instead of clearing. 2
memcache_wildcards ./ Utilize multiget to retrieve all possible wildcard matches, storing statically so multiple cache requests for the same item on the same page load doesn't add overhead. 3
memcache_wildcard_flushes ./ Sum of all matching wildcards. Checking any single cache item's flush value against this single-value sum tells us whether or not a new wildcard flush has affected the cached item. 2 2
session_save_session ./ Determine whether to save session data of the current request. 1
sess_close ./
sess_count ./ Counts how many users have sessions. Can count either anonymous sessions, authenticated sessions, or both. Would be insane slow with memcached as we would need to retrieve at least the stats of all object. Not implemented.
sess_destroy_sid ./ Called by PHP session handling with the PHP session ID to end a user's session.
sess_destroy_uid ./ End a specific user's session.
sess_gc ./
sess_open ./
sess_read ./
sess_regenerate ./
sess_user_load ./ Create the user object. 2
sess_write ./ Write a session to session storage.
theme_memcache_admin_stats_raw_table memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module
theme_memcache_admin_stats_table memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Theme function for rendering the output from memcache_admin_stats
_cache_clear_all ./ Expire data from the cache. If called without arguments, expirable entries will be cleared from the cache_page and cache_block tables. 1
_cache_get ./ Return data from the persistent cache. Data may be stored as either plain text or as serialized data. cache_get will automatically return unserialized objects and arrays. 1
_cache_set ./ Store data in the persistent cache. 1
_dmemcache_error_handler ./ A temporary error handler which keeps track of the most recent error. 1
_dmemcache_get_pieces ./ Retrieve a value from the cache. 2
_dmemcache_key_piece ./ Generates a key name for a multi-part data piece based on the sequence ID. 3
_dmemcache_set_pieces ./ Split a large item into pieces and place them into memcache 1
_lock_id ./ Generate a unique identifier for locks generated during this request. 1
_memcache_admin_default_bin memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module 1
_memcache_admin_get_bin_for_cluster memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Retrieve the cluster for any given bin 1
_memcache_admin_stats_average memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Statistics report: calculate per-connection averages. 1
_memcache_admin_stats_connections memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module 1
_memcache_admin_stats_counters memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Statistics report: calculate # of increments and decrements. 1
_memcache_admin_stats_gets memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Statistics report: calculate # of get cmds, broken down by hits and misses. 1
_memcache_admin_stats_memory memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Statistics report: calculate available memory. 1
_memcache_admin_stats_percent memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Helper function. Calculate a percentage. 1
_memcache_admin_stats_sets memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Statistics report: calculate # of set cmds and total cmds. 1
_memcache_admin_stats_transfer memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module Statistics report: calculate bytes transferred. 1
_memcache_statistics_link ./memcache.install Add "(more information)" link after memcache version if memcache_admin module is enabled and user has access to memcache statistics. 1
_memcache_version_valid ./memcache.install Validate whether the current PECL version is supported. 2


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