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7 calls to _media_youtube_protocol() in Media: YouTube 6

emvideo_youtube_thumbnail in providers/emvideo/
hook emvideo_PROVIDER_thumbnail returns the external url for a thumbnail of a specific video TODO: make the args: ($video_id, $field, $item), with $field/$item provided if we need it, but otherwise simplifying things
media_youtube_emfield_data in ./media_youtube.module
media_youtube_upload_video in includes/
Upload a video to YouTube through Media Mover.
media_youtube_video_url in ./media_youtube.module
Return the direct URL to this video.
template_preprocess_media_youtube_default_external in themes/
template_preprocess_media_youtube_flash in themes/
The embedded flash displaying the youtube video.
template_preprocess_media_youtube_html5 in themes/