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function media_youtube_variable_default in Media: YouTube 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \media_youtube_variable_default()

The default variables within the Media: YouTube namespace.


string $name: Optional variable name to retrieve the default. Note that it has not yet been pre-pended with the MEDIA_YOUTUBE_NAMESPACE namespace at this time.

Return value

unknown The default value of this variable, if it's been set, or NULL, unless $name is NULL, in which case we return an array of all default values.

See also




3 calls to media_youtube_variable_default()
media_youtube_uninstall in ./media_youtube.install
Implementation of hook_uninstall().
media_youtube_variable_get in includes/
Wrapper for variable_get() that uses the Media: YouTube variable registry.
_media_youtube_convert_old_variables in ./media_youtube.install
Convert pre-existing variables to the Media: YouTube variable namespace.


includes/, line 134
Contains the variables and defaults used by Media: YouTube.


function media_youtube_variable_default($name = NULL) {
  static $defaults;
  if (!isset($defaults)) {
    $defaults = array(
      // The YouTube API developer key.
      'api_key' => '',
      // Default YouTube user & password.
      'youtube_username' => '',
      'youtube_password' => '',
      // Player display options.
      'show_related_videos' => 0,
      'autoplay' => 0,
      'show_colors' => FALSE,
      'show_border' => FALSE,
      'colors_color1' => MEDIA_YOUTUBE_COLOR1_DEFAULT,
      'colors_color2' => MEDIA_YOUTUBE_COLOR2_DEFAULT,
      'full_screen' => 1,
      'high_quality' => FALSE,
      'display_info' => FALSE,
      'enablejsapi' => TRUE,
      // Use Longtail/JW FLV Media Player to display videos?
      'use_jw_flv' => FALSE,
      // Zend path.
      'zend_path' => '',
      // Status message to display when a video is unavailable.
      'status_display_' . EMFIELD_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE => '',
      // Whether to update the status on the fly.
      'status_update_frequency' => MEDIA_YOUTUBE_STATUS_UPDATE_NONE,
      // Status message to display for unavailable duplicate videos.
      'status_display_duplicates' => '',
      'check_for_duplicates' => FALSE,
      // Status message to display for rejected videos.
      'status_display_rejected' => '',
      'check_for_rejected' => FALSE,
      // Status message to display for failed video uploads.
      'status_display_upload_failed' => '',
      'check_for_failed' => FALSE,
      'cron_time' => 10,
      'cron_limit' => 50,
      // If TRUE, then store the entire metadata fetched from YouTube.
      'store_raw_metadata' => FALSE,
      // HTML5 Iframe variables.
      'iframe_title' => 'YouTube video player',
      'html5_player' => TRUE,
      // If TRUE, all urls will use https by default
      'force_https' => FALSE,
      // We accidentally destroyed all thumbnails in a bad update.
      // If that's been run improperly, then this will stay FALSE, and
      // we need to self-correct.
      'media_youtube_update_6012' => FALSE,
  if (!isset($name)) {
    return $defaults;
  if (isset($defaults[$name])) {
    return $defaults[$name];