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function _media_flickr_photoset_load_photos in Media: Flickr 6

Returns an array of all URLs for photos associated with a photoset, associated by photo code. These will be of the Flickr specified size (1-5), and may be local or remote, based on settings and availability.


$photoset: The Flickr photoset id. @param $size Optional. A number from 1-5 (small to large).

1 call to _media_flickr_photoset_load_photos()
media_flickr_photoset_load_photos in ./media_flickr.module
Returns an array of all URLs for photos associated with a photoset, associated by photo code. These will be of the Flickr specified size (1-5), and may be local or remote, based on settings and availability.


./, line 197
Utility functions for Media: Flickr.


function _media_flickr_photoset_load_photos($photoset, $size = 5) {
  static $photosets;
  if (is_null($photosets)) {
    $photosets = array();
  $id = $photoset['photoset']['id'];

  // We cache our results in a static variable.
  if (is_null($photosets[$id])) {

    // Reset the array of photos.
    $photosets[$id] = array();

    // If we're allowed to store images locally, then grab the latest list
    // of local URL's.
    if ($store_local = variable_get('media_flickr_store_local', FALSE)) {
      $results = db_query("SELECT z.code, f.filepath FROM {media_flickr_sets} s INNER JOIN {media_flickr_sizes} z ON z.code = s.code AND z.size = %d INNER JOIN {files} f ON f.fid = z.fid WHERE s.photoset = '%s'", $size, $photoset['photoset']['id']);
      while ($result = db_fetch_object($results)) {
        $photosets[$id][$result->code] = $result->filepath;

    // @TODO: remove 'dead' photos from photoset...
    // Ensure we have a URL for each photo in the photoset.
    // This can be local or remote.
    foreach ($photoset['photoset']['photo'] as $photo_code => $photo) {

      // If we don't have a URL yet, grab one.
      if (!isset($photosets[$id][$photo_code])) {

        // If we're allowed to store local photos, then attempt to do so now.
        if ($store_local) {

          // First ensure we have the photo associated with this photoset.
          if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {media_flickr_sets} WHERE photoset = '%s' AND code = '%s'", $id, $photo_code))) {

            // The photo is newly associated to this photoset. Put it in place.
            $record = array(
              'photoset' => $id,
              'code' => $photo_code,
            drupal_write_record('media_flickr_sets', $record);

            // Now record the metadata associated with a photo.

            // Now we'll try to grab the URL manually, as it may have already
            // been stored locally through another photoset. If not, this will
            // attempt to fetch a photo and store it, or return the remote URL.
            $photosets[$id][$photo_code] = media_flickr_photo_url_from_size($photo_code, $size);
          else {

            // We have the proper association; we just need this size photo.
            // Hopefully we'll grab a local photo. If not, we'll get the remote.
            $photosets[$id][$photo_code] = media_flickr_store_local($photo_code, $size);
        else {

          // Let's be happy with the remote URL.
          $photosets[$id][$photo_code] = media_flickr_photo_remote_url($photo_code, $size);
  return $photosets[$id];