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media_flickr.module in Media: Flickr 6

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  1. 7.2 media_flickr.module
  2. 7 media_flickr.module

Embedded Video Field provider file for photosets.


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define('MEDIA_FLICKR_MAIN_URL', '');

 *  @file
 *  Embedded Video Field provider file for photosets.

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function media_flickr_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['media/flickr/remote/%media_flickr_photoset'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'media_flickr_remote_page',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'access content',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

 *  Implements hook_load().
 *  Load the XML data for a Flickr photoset.
function media_flickr_photoset_load($photoset) {
  static $xml;

  // Reset our static array.
  if (is_null($xml)) {
    $xml = array();

  // If we try to load this with an already loaded photoset,
  // then attempt to grab the ID from that.
  if (is_array($photoset)) {
    $photoset = $photoset['photoset']['id'];

  // If we haven't retrieved the XML from flickr, then do so now.
  if (is_null($xml[$photoset])) {
    if ($cache = cache_get('media_flickr:photoset:' . $photoset)) {
      $xml[$photoset] = $cache->data;
    else {

      // If we aren't storing the photoset in any field, then don't allow this page load.
      if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT instances FROM {media_flickr_photoset_count} WHERE photoset = '%s'", $photoset))) {
        $xml[$photoset] = FALSE;
      else {

        // Grab the cached photoset XML from flickr.
        $xml[$photoset] = media_flickr_sets_request('flickr.photosets.getPhotos', array(
          'photoset_id' => $photoset,
        if ($xml[$photoset]['stat'] != 'ok') {
          $xml[$photoset] = FALSE;
        else {

          // Associate each photo in its array by Flickr's photo ID.
          $photos = array();
          foreach ($xml[$photoset]['photoset']['photo'] as $photo) {
            $photos[$photo['id']] = media_flickr_photo_load($photo['id']);
          $xml[$photoset]['photoset']['photo'] = $photos;
      cache_set('media_flickr:photoset:' . $photoset, $xml[$photoset], 'cache', time() + variable_get('media_flickr_cache_time', 3600));

  // Return the static XML for the photoset, or FALSE if not available.
  return $xml[$photoset];

 *  Implements hook_load().
 *  Load the XML data for a flickr photo.
function media_flickr_photo_load($photoid) {
  static $xml;

  // Reset our static array.
  if (is_null($xml)) {
    $xml = array();

  // If we try to load this with an already loaded photo,
  // then attempt to grab the ID from that.
  if (is_array($photoid)) {
    $photoid = $photoid['photo']['id'];

  // If we haven't retrieved the XML from flickr, then do so now.
  if (is_null($xml[$photoid])) {
    if ($cache = cache_get('media_flickr:photoid:' . $photoid)) {
      $xml[$photoset] = $cache->data;
    else {

      // Grab the cached photoset XML from flickr.
      $xml[$photoid] = media_flickr_sets_request('', array(
        'photo_id' => $photoid,
      if ($xml[$photoid]['stat'] != 'ok') {
        $xml[$photoid] = FALSE;
      cache_set('media_flickr:photoid:' . $photoid, $xml[$photoid], 'cache', time() + variable_get('media_flickr_cache_time', 3600));

  // Return the static XML for the photoset, or FALSE if not available.
  return $xml[$photoid];

 *  Returns an array of all URLs for photos associated with a photoset,
 *  associated by photo code. These will be of the Flickr specified size (1-5),
 *  and may be local or remote, based on settings and availability.
 *  @param $photoset
 *    The Flickr photoset id.
 *  @param $size
 *    Optional. A number from 1-5 (small to large).
function media_flickr_photoset_load_photos($photoset, $size = 5) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'media_flickr', 'media_flickr.utilities');
  return _media_flickr_photoset_load_photos($photoset, $size);

 *  Pass Flickr's remote XML for a photoset as a local file. This allows us
 *  to grab an XML without registering an external cookie.
function media_flickr_remote_page($photoset) {
  drupal_set_header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
  readfile(url("", array(
    'query' => "set={$photoset['photoset']['id']}&nsid={$photoset['photoset']['owner']}",

 *  Implements hook_emfield_providers().
function media_flickr_emfield_providers($module, $provider = NULL) {

  // This will return a listing of all provider files supported by the module.
  return drupal_system_listing("{$provider}\\.inc\$", drupal_get_path('module', 'media_flickr') . "/providers/{$module}", 'name', 0);

 *  This will return the appropriate array key for the image size we wish.
function media_flickr_guess_size($width = 0, $height = 0) {
  $max = max($width, $height);
  if ($max) {
    foreach (array(
      '0' => 75,
      '1' => 100,
      '2' => 240,
      '3' => 500,
      '4' => 1024,
    ) as $size => $value) {
      if ($max <= $value) {
        return $size;

  // If we don't have width or height set, then get the original size.
  return '5';

 *  This will log an error if we don't have a key yet.
 *  In addition, if the user is an admin, we'll display an error.
function media_flickr_error_check() {
  static $checked;
  if (is_null($checked)) {
    if (variable_get('emimage_flickr_api_key', '') == '') {
      global $user;
      $error = 'You do not yet have a Flickr API key set. You will need to !apply and enter your key at the !settings before Flickr images may be displayed.';
      $arguments = array(
        '!apply' => l(t('apply for a Flickr API key'), MEDIA_FLICKR_API_APPLICATION_URL),
        '!settings' => l(t('Embedded Media Field administration page'), 'admin/content/emfield/emvideo'),
      if (user_access('administer site configuration')) {
        drupal_set_message(t($error, $arguments), 'error');
      watchdog('media_flickr', $error, $arguments);
      $checked = FALSE;
    else {
      $checked = TRUE;
  return $checked;

 *  This is a wrapper for emfield_request_xml that includes flickr's api key.
function media_flickr_sets_request($method, $args = array(), $cached = TRUE) {

  // Display an error if we don't have an API key yet.
  if (!media_flickr_error_check()) {
    return array();
  $args['api_key'] = trim(variable_get('emimage_flickr_api_key', ''));
  if ($secret = trim(variable_get('emimage_flickr_api_secret', ''))) {
    $args['secret'] = md5($secret);
  $args['method'] = $method;
  $args['format'] = 'php_serial';
  $xml = emfield_request_xml('flickr', MEDIA_FLICKR_RESTPOINT, $args, $cached, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
  return $xml;

 *  Based on the Photo ID of a Flickr image, this will return the URL to the
 *  image itself.
 *  @param $photo_code
 *    The Flickr photo code.
 *  @param $width
 *  @param $height
 *    We use this to guess the actual size provided by Flickr.
 *  @param $cached
 *    If TRUE, then we'll cache the remote URL if the attempt to save the file
 *    locally fails.
function media_flickr_photo_url($photo_code, $width = 0, $height = 0, $cached = TRUE) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'media_flickr', 'media_flickr.utilities');
  return _media_flickr_photo_url($photo_code, $width = 0, $height = 0, $cached = TRUE);
function media_flickr_photo_url_from_size($photo_code, $size = 5) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'media_flickr', 'media_flickr.utilities');
  return _media_flickr_photo_url_from_size($photo_code, $size);

 *  This returns a cached photo stream from the Flickr farm servers.
function media_flickr_photo_remote_url($photo_code, $size) {
  $getsize = media_flickr_sets_request('', array(
    'photo_id' => $photo_code,

  // For small images, there may not be the sizes 0..4 that
  // media_flickr_guess_size assumes, so:
  $size = min($size, count($getsize['sizes']['size']) - 1);
  return $getsize['sizes']['size'][$size]['source'];
function media_flickr_store_local($photo_code, $size) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'media_flickr', 'media_flickr.utilities');
  return _media_flickr_store_local($photo_code, $size);
function media_flickr_emfield_widget_settings_extra($op, $widget) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'media_flickr', 'media_flickr.cck');
  return _media_flickr_emfield_widget_settings_extra($op, $widget);
function media_flickr_emfield_field_extra($op, &$node, $field, &$items, $teaser, $page, $module) {
  if (($op == 'insert' || $op == 'update') && $field['module'] == 'emvideo') {
    foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
      if ($item['value'] && $item['provider'] == 'flickr_sets') {
        media_flickr_record_photoset($item['value'], array(
          'node' => $node,
          'field' => $field,
          'delta' => $delta,
          'item' => $item,

 *  Record any associated metadata with a specific photo.
 *  @param $id
 *    The Photo ID from Flickr.
 *  @param $options
 *    Reserved for future use. Contains instanciated node information, etc.
function media_flickr_record_photo($id, $options = array()) {
  $instances = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {media_flickr} WHERE code = '%s'", $id));

  // If the photo already exists, then we'll update the metadata in the db.
  $update = $instances ? array(
  ) : array();

  // Load the metadata from the Flickr XML.
  $photo = media_flickr_photo_load($id);

  // Write any metadata associated with an individual photo.
  $record = array(
    'code' => $id,
    'title' => $photo['photo']['title']['_content'],
    'owner' => $photo['photo']['owner']['username'],
    'description' => $photo['photo']['description']['_content'],
    'url' => $photo['photo']['urls']['url'][0]['_content'],
  drupal_write_record('media_flickr', $record, $update);

  // @TODO: record each instance per node.
  // This is stored in the $options array, but not currently used.

 *  Record the photoset and all its photos.
 *  @param $id
 *    Flickr's Photoset ID.
 *  @param $options
 *    Reserved for future use. Contains instanciated node information, etc.
function media_flickr_record_photoset($id, $options = array()) {
  $instances = db_result(db_query("SELECT instances FROM {media_flickr_photoset_count} WHERE photoset = '%s'", $id));

  // @TODO: check for 0.
  if (!$instances) {
    $record = array(
      'photoset' => $id,
      'instances' => 1,
    drupal_write_record('media_flickr_photoset_count', $record);

  // Now we want to associate individual photos with their photoset.
  $photoset = media_flickr_photoset_load($id);
  if ($photoset) {

    // Remove already recorded photos from this array so we can record any not
    // already in place.
    $results = db_query("SELECT code FROM {media_flickr_sets} WHERE photoset = '%s'", $id);
    while ($result = db_fetch_array($results)) {

    // Now record any remaining photos that are not yet associated.
    foreach ($photoset['photoset']['photo'] as $code => $photo) {

      // This records the association between photoset & photo.
      $record = array(
        'photoset' => $id,
        'code' => $code,
      drupal_write_record('media_flickr_sets', $record);

      // Now record the metadata associated with a photo.

    // @TODO: record each instance per node.
    // This is stored in the $options array, but not currently used.


Namesort descending Description
media_flickr_emfield_providers Implements hook_emfield_providers().
media_flickr_error_check This will log an error if we don't have a key yet. In addition, if the user is an admin, we'll display an error.
media_flickr_guess_size This will return the appropriate array key for the image size we wish.
media_flickr_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
media_flickr_photoset_load Implements hook_load().
media_flickr_photoset_load_photos Returns an array of all URLs for photos associated with a photoset, associated by photo code. These will be of the Flickr specified size (1-5), and may be local or remote, based on settings and availability.
media_flickr_photo_load Implements hook_load().
media_flickr_photo_remote_url This returns a cached photo stream from the Flickr farm servers.
media_flickr_photo_url Based on the Photo ID of a Flickr image, this will return the URL to the image itself.
media_flickr_record_photo Record any associated metadata with a specific photo.
media_flickr_record_photoset Record the photoset and all its photos.
media_flickr_remote_page Pass Flickr's remote XML for a photoset as a local file. This allows us to grab an XML without registering an external cookie.
media_flickr_sets_request This is a wrapper for emfield_request_xml that includes flickr's api key.
