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function media_flickr_photo_url in Media: Flickr 6

Based on the Photo ID of a Flickr image, this will return the URL to the image itself.


$photo_code: The Flickr photo code. @param $width @param $height We use this to guess the actual size provided by Flickr. @param $cached If TRUE, then we'll cache the remote URL if the attempt to save the file locally fails.

1 call to media_flickr_photo_url()
emvideo_flickr_sets_thumbnail in providers/emvideo/
hook emvideo_PROVIDER_thumbnail returns the external url for a thumbnail of a specific video TODO: make the args: ($embed, $field, $item), with $field/$item provided if we need it, but otherwise simplifying things


./media_flickr.module, line 225
Embedded Video Field provider file for photosets.


function media_flickr_photo_url($photo_code, $width = 0, $height = 0, $cached = TRUE) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'media_flickr', 'media_flickr.utilities');
  return _media_flickr_photo_url($photo_code, $width = 0, $height = 0, $cached = TRUE);