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function media_get_type in D7 Media 7

Determines the type of media a passed in $file is.

@todo: integrate this properly with other APIs in media when fields is done


unknown_type $file:

Return value


2 calls to media_get_type()
media_file_validate_types in ./media.module
Check that the media is one of the selected types.
media_get_thumbnail_preview in ./media.module
Returns a renderable array with the necessary classes to support a media thumbnail. Also provides default fallback images if no image is available.


includes/, line 170
Helper functions related to media types. CRUD for saving their settings mainly.


function media_get_type($file) {
  $types = media_type_get_types();
  foreach ($types as $name => $type) {
    if (call_user_func_array($type->type_callback, array(
    ))) {
      return $name;
  throw new Exception('Unable to determine type of media from ' . var_export($file, 1));