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Helper functions related to media types. CRUD for saving their settings mainly.

Also contains the media entity class definition.

See also

media.install for a list of the base types.


View source

 *  @file
 *  Helper functions related to media types.  CRUD for saving their settings mainly.
 *  Also contains the media entity class definition.
 *  @see media.install for a list of the base types.

 * Implements hook_file_type_info().
function media_file_type_info() {
  $types = array();
  foreach (media_type_get_types() as $type => $type_object) {
    $types[$type] = array(
      'label' => $type_object->label,
      'weight' => $type_object->weight,
      'claim callback' => 'media_file_type_media_claim',
      'default view callback' => 'media_file_type_media_default_view',
  return $types;

 * Implements hook_file_type_TYPE_claim().
 * Returns TRUE if the passed in file should be assigned the passed in type.
function media_file_type_media_claim($file, $type) {
  if (($type_object = media_type_load($type)) && ($function = $type_object->type_callback) && function_exists($function) && $function($file, $type_object->type_callback_args)) {
    return TRUE;

 * Implements hook_file_type_TYPE_default_view().
 * Returns a drupal_render() array for displaying the file when there are no
 * administrator-configured formatters, or none of the configured ones return a
 * display.
function media_file_type_media_default_view($file, $view_mode, $langcode) {

  // During preview, or when custom attribute values are needed on the displayed
  // element, use a media icon.
  if ($view_mode == 'media_preview' || isset($file->override)) {
    return array(
      '#theme' => 'media_formatter_large_icon',
      '#file' => $file,

  // Finally, fall back to File module's generic file display.
  return array(
    '#theme' => 'file_link',
    '#file' => $file,

 *  Update an existing media type or create a new one.
 *  The default media types are currently 'Audio', 'Image', 'Video', and
 *  'Other', which are defined in media_install().
 *  @param object &$type
 *    $type is an object with the following fields:
 *      ->name => The name of the media asset type, such as 'video';
 *      ->label => The human readable name;
 *      ->base => boolean: If the media type cannot be removed.
 *      ->type_callback => Function call to filter an instance to its bundle.
 *      ->type_callback_args => An array of args to be passed to type_callback.
 *  @return void;
function media_type_save(&$type) {
  if (empty($type->name)) {
    throw new Exception('Enable to add type, name not provided');
  $type = media_type_set_defaults($type);
  if (!is_array($type->type_callback_args)) {
    throw new Exception('type_callback_args should be an array');
  $type->type_callback_args = serialize($type->type_callback_args);
  $ret = db_merge('media_type')
    'name' => $type->name,
    ->fields((array) $type)

  // Clear the caches

 * @todo Remove this function after ensuring that nothing (including update
 *   functions) call it. It is deprecated with the change from media entity
 *   containing a file field to just a file entity.
function media_type_configure_formatters($name, $view_modes_to_formatters) {

 * Loads a media type based on its machine name.
 * @param string $name
 * @return StdClass
function media_type_load($name) {
  $types = media_type_get_types();
  if (isset($types[$name])) {
    return $types[$name];

 *  Loads all media types into an array keyed by machine name and sorted
 *  and weighted lexographically.
 * @return array
 *  Media types keyed by machine name.
function media_type_get_types() {
  $types =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!$types) {
    $types = db_select('media_type', 'mt')

    // Will key by the name field.
    foreach ($types as &$type) {

      // I really hate this.
      $type->type_callback_args = unserialize($type->type_callback_args);
  return $types;

 *  Create the basic class and defaults for a media entity bundle type.
function media_type_set_defaults($info) {
  $type = new stdClass();

  // This is used to filter a file to the proper bundle.
  $type->type_callback = 'media_is_type';
  $type->type_callback_args = array();
  $type->weight = 0;
  foreach ($info as $k => $v) {
    $type->{$k} = $v;
  return $type;

 * Determines the type of media a passed in $file is.
 * @todo: integrate this properly with other APIs in media when fields is done
 * @param unknown_type $file
 * @return unknown_type
function media_get_type($file) {
  $types = media_type_get_types();
  foreach ($types as $name => $type) {
    if (call_user_func_array($type->type_callback, array(
    ))) {
      return $name;
  throw new Exception('Unable to determine type of media from ' . var_export($file, 1));

 * Default callback used to determine if a file is of a given type.
 * @TODO: document 'any' and 'all' matching.
 * @param $file
 *   The file object.
 * @param $args
 * @return unknown_type
function media_is_type($file, $args) {
  $match_type = !empty($args['match_type']) ? 'any' : $args['match_type'];
  $match_all = $match_type == 'all';
  if (!empty($args['mimetypes'])) {
    foreach ($args['mimetypes'] as $expression) {
      if (preg_match($expression, $file->filemime)) {
        if (!$match_all) {
          return TRUE;

    // Was not matched, so return
    if ($match_all) {
      return FALSE;
  if (!empty($args['extensions'])) {
    if (in_array(pathinfo($file->uri, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), $args['extensions'])) {
      if (!$match_all) {
        return TRUE;

    // Was not matched, so return
    if ($match_all) {
      return FALSE;
  if (!empty($args['streams'])) {

 * Implements hook_media_format_form_prepare_alter().
function media_media_format_form_prepare_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $file) {
  switch ($file->type) {
    case 'image':
      $form['options']['alt'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Description'),
        '#default_value' => $file->filename,
        '#description' => t('Alternate text a user will see if the image is not available'),

 * Returns the number of files that need to be converted to media.
function media_type_invalid_files_count() {
  return db_select('file_managed', 'fm')
    ->condition('type', FILE_TYPE_NONE)

 * Adds a value for the type column in files_managed.
 * If $update_existing is TRUE, will update the type of files with an existing type value.
 * @param boolean $update_existing
 * @param integer $no_to_update
 * @param integer $offset
 * @return array
 *  A list of updated file ids
function media_type_batch_update($update_existing = FALSE, $no_to_update = NULL, $offset = 0) {
  $results = array();
  $query = db_select('file_managed', 'fm')
    ->fields('fm', array(
  if (!$update_existing) {
      ->condition('type', FILE_TYPE_NONE);
  if ($no_to_update) {
      ->range($offset, $no_to_update);
  elseif ($offset) {
  $fids = $query
  foreach ($fids as $fid) {
    $file = file_load($fid);
    if (!$file->fid) {
      throw new Exception('Unable to continue, file was not loaded.');
    $results[] = $fid;
  return $results;

 * Implements hook_file_default_displays().
 * Provides default display configurations for media types.
 * @see file_entity_schema()
function media_file_default_displays() {
  $default_displays = array();
  $default_image_styles = array(
    'media_preview' => 'square_thumbnail',
    'media_large' => 'large',
    'media_original' => '',
  foreach ($default_image_styles as $view_mode => $image_style) {
    $display_name = 'image__' . $view_mode . '__file_image';
    $default_displays[$display_name] = (object) array(
      'api_version' => 1,
      'name' => $display_name,
      'status' => 1,
      'weight' => 5,
      'settings' => array(
        'image_style' => $image_style,
  return $default_displays;


Namesort descending Description
media_file_default_displays Implements hook_file_default_displays().
media_file_type_info Implements hook_file_type_info().
media_file_type_media_claim Implements hook_file_type_TYPE_claim().
media_file_type_media_default_view Implements hook_file_type_TYPE_default_view().
media_get_type Determines the type of media a passed in $file is.
media_is_type Default callback used to determine if a file is of a given type.
media_media_format_form_prepare_alter Implements hook_media_format_form_prepare_alter().
media_type_batch_update Adds a value for the type column in files_managed.
media_type_configure_formatters @todo Remove this function after ensuring that nothing (including update functions) call it. It is deprecated with the change from media entity containing a file field to just a file entity.
media_type_get_types Loads all media types into an array keyed by machine name and sorted and weighted lexographically.
media_type_invalid_files_count Returns the number of files that need to be converted to media.
media_type_load Loads a media type based on its machine name.
media_type_save Update an existing media type or create a new one.
media_type_set_defaults Create the basic class and defaults for a media entity bundle type.