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changelog.txt in D7 Media 6

July 2009
 * Add $form_state when building the metadata form (aaron).

June 2009
 * An experimental addition of hook_media_action (jmstacey).
 * #480146: Move Media Hook Implementations out of media.module (jmstacey).

May 2009
 * Debugging messages (aaron).
 * #454834/Rob Loach: Remove .project file (aaron/Rob Loach).
 * #469220: Revise menu item locations (jmstacey).
    * Global settings moved to site configuration (admin/settings).
    * Content type settings moved to the content type edit page as a new fieldset (admin/content/node-type/*).
    * Code refactoring: renamed to
 * #469214: CCK Requirement (jmstacey).
    * CCK is no longer required for media_upload.
    * _media_content_field_types() added to remove redundant code.
 * Code cleanup based on recommendations from coder (and personal pet peeves) (jmstacey).

April 2009
 * Minor documentation (aaron).
 * Create metadata mockup (aaron).
 * Add metadata submission & drupal behaviors (aaron).
 * Clean tab names w/ check_plain (aaron).
 * Begin creating metadata form (aaron).
 * Add file attached successful image (aaron).
 * Add file progress spinner images (aaron).
 * Hide our file progress indicators (aaron).
 * Documenting Drupal.behaviors.mediaBrowserHide behavior (aaron).
 * Move button/progress out of loop and back into browser (aaron).
 * Store progress message in a variable (aaron).
 * Move button/progress out of browser (aaron).
 * Slide up the sibling file browser on submit (aaron).
 * Add static $id count to media browser form for ahah wrapper (aaron).
 * Bind behavior to click, and change ahah from default mousedown (aaron).
 * Troubleshooting click-bind ahah override behavior (aaron).

March 2009
 * Attempt piggyback AHAH behavior to button wrapper (see (aaron).
 * Begin mediaAhahHideBrowser (aaron).
 * Add class to ahah submit button (aaron).
 * Begin file browser indicator (aaron).
 * Drupal.behaviors.mediaDrawers (aaron).
 * Drupal.behaviors.mediaBrowserHide (aaron).
 * Drupal.behaviors.mediaGenerateMD5 (aaron).
 * Rename media/ahah path to media/js and remove args (aaron).
 * Refactor ahah (aaron).
 * Attach ahah behavior (aaron).
 * Re-add Add button (aaron).
 * Uppercase for TRUE/FALSE/NULL (aaron).
 * Fix error re. is_null(variable_get...) (aaron).
 * Documentation (aaron).
 * Begin refactor & debug ahah (aaron).
 * Documentation of media_formater_ahah_form (aaron).
 * #377050 - Intelligent Media Defaults (kwinters).

February 2009
 * Pass URI in ahah submission (aaron).
 * Capitalization (aaron).
 * $formatter in media_get_applicable_formatters (aaron).
 * $uri and $file_extension in ahah (aaron).
 * $stream_id to $registration_id (aaron).
 * Roll back $default_files (aaron).

January 2009
 * Add $default_files to form elements (aaron).
 * Add variable_get('media_file_list_size', 10) (aaron).
 * Add experimental hook_elements and relevant themes (aaron).
 * Changed media_active_fields_for_node_type to handle multiple fields per type. (jody)
 * Created settings for the core upload file and fixed settings form name collisions. (jody)
 * Removed system_settings_form from main media admin page which has no settings yet. (jody)
 * Fixed broken logic in media_active_fields_for_node_type. (jody)
 * Made media mover code load only if media mover module_exists. (jody)
 * Added (perhaps temporary) dependency on tabs module (jody).
 * #description sp. (aaron).
 * Documentation changes in (aaron).
 * Fix PHP error on admin settings page when CCK not enabled (aaron).
 * In media_get_registered_modules, check for NULL static variable (aaron).
 * Add $reset option to media_get_registered_modules (aaron).
 * Change null/true/false to NULL/TRUE/FALSE (aaron).
 * Documentation changes (aaron).
 * Initial development of Media (arthur).


View source
  1. July 2009
  2. ---------
  3. * Add $form_state when building the metadata form (aaron).
  4. June 2009
  5. --------
  6. * An experimental addition of hook_media_action (jmstacey).
  7. * #480146: Move Media Hook Implementations out of media.module (jmstacey).
  8. May 2009
  9. --------
  10. * Debugging messages (aaron).
  11. * #454834/Rob Loach: Remove .project file (aaron/Rob Loach).
  12. * #469220: Revise menu item locations (jmstacey).
  13. * Global settings moved to site configuration (admin/settings).
  14. * Content type settings moved to the content type edit page as a new fieldset (admin/content/node-type/*).
  15. * Code refactoring: renamed to
  16. * #469214: CCK Requirement (jmstacey).
  17. * CCK is no longer required for media_upload.
  18. * _media_content_field_types() added to remove redundant code.
  19. * Code cleanup based on recommendations from coder (and personal pet peeves) (jmstacey).
  20. April 2009
  21. ----------
  22. * Minor documentation (aaron).
  23. * Create metadata mockup (aaron).
  24. * Add metadata submission & drupal behaviors (aaron).
  25. * Clean tab names w/ check_plain (aaron).
  26. * Begin creating metadata form (aaron).
  27. * Add file attached successful image (aaron).
  28. * Add file progress spinner images (aaron).
  29. * Hide our file progress indicators (aaron).
  30. * Documenting Drupal.behaviors.mediaBrowserHide behavior (aaron).
  31. * Move button/progress out of loop and back into browser (aaron).
  32. * Store progress message in a variable (aaron).
  33. * Move button/progress out of browser (aaron).
  34. * Slide up the sibling file browser on submit (aaron).
  35. * Add static $id count to media browser form for ahah wrapper (aaron).
  36. * Bind behavior to click, and change ahah from default mousedown (aaron).
  37. * Troubleshooting click-bind ahah override behavior (aaron).
  38. March 2009
  39. ----------
  40. * Attempt piggyback AHAH behavior to button wrapper (see (aaron).
  41. * Begin mediaAhahHideBrowser (aaron).
  42. * Add class to ahah submit button (aaron).
  43. * Begin file browser indicator (aaron).
  44. * Drupal.behaviors.mediaDrawers (aaron).
  45. * Drupal.behaviors.mediaBrowserHide (aaron).
  46. * Drupal.behaviors.mediaGenerateMD5 (aaron).
  47. * Rename media/ahah path to media/js and remove args (aaron).
  48. * Refactor ahah (aaron).
  49. * Attach ahah behavior (aaron).
  50. * Re-add Add button (aaron).
  51. * Uppercase for TRUE/FALSE/NULL (aaron).
  52. * Fix error re. is_null(variable_get...) (aaron).
  53. * Documentation (aaron).
  54. * Begin refactor & debug ahah (aaron).
  55. * Documentation of media_formater_ahah_form (aaron).
  56. * #377050 - Intelligent Media Defaults (kwinters).
  57. February 2009
  58. -------------
  59. * Pass URI in ahah submission (aaron).
  60. * Capitalization (aaron).
  61. * Use PATHINFO_EXTENSION (aaron).
  62. * $formatter in media_get_applicable_formatters (aaron).
  63. * $uri and $file_extension in ahah (aaron).
  64. * $stream_id to $registration_id (aaron).
  65. * Roll back $default_files (aaron).
  66. January 2009
  67. ------------
  68. * Add $default_files to form elements (aaron).
  69. * Add variable_get('media_file_list_size', 10) (aaron).
  70. * Add experimental hook_elements and relevant themes (aaron).
  71. * Changed media_active_fields_for_node_type to handle multiple fields per type. (jody)
  72. * Created settings for the core upload file and fixed settings form name collisions. (jody)
  73. * Removed system_settings_form from main media admin page which has no settings yet. (jody)
  74. * Fixed broken logic in media_active_fields_for_node_type. (jody)
  75. * Made media mover code load only if media mover module_exists. (jody)
  76. * Added (perhaps temporary) dependency on tabs module (jody).
  77. * #description sp. (aaron).
  78. * Documentation changes in (aaron).
  79. * Fix PHP error on admin settings page when CCK not enabled (aaron).
  80. * In media_get_registered_modules, check for NULL static variable (aaron).
  81. * Add $reset option to media_get_registered_modules (aaron).
  82. * Change null/true/false to NULL/TRUE/FALSE (aaron).
  83. * Documentation changes (aaron).
  84. * Initial development of Media (arthur).