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function me_views_pre_execute in me aliases 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 includes/views/ \me_views_pre_execute()
  2. 6.2 includes/ \me_views_pre_execute()
  3. 7 includes/views/ \me_views_pre_execute()

Implementation of Views' hook_views_pre_execute().

See for module and hook information.


includes/, line 38
Provides views intergration for the me module.


function me_views_pre_execute(&$view) {

  // Check if we need to do a redirect.
  if (!empty($view->me_redirect)) {

    // We should always be able to redirect here regardless, as our handler has to
    // have run for our option to be set, which means we need to redirect anyway.
    // Loop over the argument handlers to get the arguments we need. We also keep this
    // consistent with any extra arguments that may have been passed in.
    $arguments = $view->args;
    foreach (array_values($view->argument) as $key => $argument) {
      if (isset($argument->argument)) {
        $arguments[$key] = $argument->argument;

    // Redirect to the path.