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Functions in me aliases 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
me_admin_settings_form ./me.module Form callback for the admin settings form. 1
me_admin_settings_form_validate ./me.module Validation callback for me_admin_settings_form. 1
me_category_load ./me.module Menu load callback in place of user_category_load().
me_category_to_arg ./me.module Menu to_arg function for %me_category.
me_handler ./me.module A special menu callback function that either redirects to a page with the uid in the path, or calls the real menu handler. 2
me_help ./me.module Implementation of hook_help().
me_install ./me.install Implementation of hook_install().
me_load ./me.module Menu load callback in place of user_load().
me_menu ./me.module Implementation of hook_menu().
me_menu_alter ./me.module Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
me_perm ./me.module Implementation of hook_perm().
me_preprocess_menu_item_link ./me.module Implementaiton of moduleName_preprocess_hook() for theme_menu_item_link.
me_theme_menu_item_link ./me.module Implementation of theme_menu_item_link(). 2
me_theme_registry_alter ./me.module Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
me_to_arg ./me.module Menu to_arg function for %me. 2
me_uid_optional_load ./me.module Menu load callback in place of user_uid_optional_load().
me_uid_optional_to_arg ./me.module Menu to_arg function for %me_uid_optional.
me_uninstall ./me.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
me_update_6250 ./me.install Implementation of hook_update_N() to increase the weight of me to make sure other modules can use the %user wildcards as they expect them to be.
me_user ./me.module Implementation of hook_user().
me_user_edit ./me.module Menu callback to redirect to the user edit pages with the correct user id. 1
me_user_edit_access ./me.module Menu access callback to check access before user edit redirection takes place. This keeps 'me' in the path when access will be denied anyway, and saves an extra request. 1
me_variable_get ./me.module Helper function to keep all the variable gets in one place. 12
me_views_api ./me.module Implementation of Views' hook_views_api().
me_views_data_alter includes/ Implementation of views' hook_views_data_alter().
me_views_pre_execute includes/ Implementation of Views' hook_views_pre_execute().
_me_check_arg ./me.module A Helper function to check for the 'me' alias. 2
_me_check_path ./me.module Helper function to check if a path can be rewritten or not. 2
_me_get_me_alias ./me.module Helper function to return the me alias. 3
_me_handle_path ./me.module Helper function to check if me should handle a given path. 2
_me_is_alias ./me.module A helper function to check if a string is equal to the 'me' alias. 7
_me_load_arguments ./me.module Helper function to set up arguments in meun _load callbacks. 3
_me_user_disabled ./me.module Helper function to check if a user can have, and has me disabled. 2
_me_views_set_argument includes/ Helper function to set the views user arguments we override. 2

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