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function matomo_page_attachments in Matomo Analytics 8

Implements hook_page_attachments().

Insert JavaScript to the appropriate scope/region of the page.


./matomo.module, line 40
Drupal Module: Matomo.


function matomo_page_attachments(array &$page) {
  $account = \Drupal::currentUser();
  $config = \Drupal::config('matomo.settings');
  $id = $config
  $request = \Drupal::request();

  // Add module cache tags.
  $page['#cache']['tags'] = Cache::mergeTags(isset($page['#cache']['tags']) ? $page['#cache']['tags'] : [], $config

  // Get page http status code for visibility filtering.
  $status = NULL;
  if ($exception = $request->attributes
    ->get('exception')) {
    $status = $exception
  $trackable_status_codes = [
    // "Forbidden" status code.
    // "Not Found" status code.

  // 1. Check if the matomo account number has a valid value.
  // 2. Track page views based on visibility value.
  // 3. Check if we should track the currently active user's role.
  if (preg_match('/^\\d{1,}$/', $id) && (_matomo_visibility_pages() || in_array($status, $trackable_status_codes)) && _matomo_visibility_user($account)) {
    $url_http = $config
    $url_https = $config
    $set_custom_url = '';
    $set_document_title = '';

    // Add link tracking.
    $link_settings = [];
    $link_settings['disableCookies'] = $config
    $link_settings['trackMailto'] = $config
    if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
      ->moduleExists('colorbox') && ($track_colorbox = $config
      ->get('track.colorbox'))) {
      $link_settings['trackColorbox'] = $track_colorbox;
    $page['#attached']['drupalSettings']['matomo'] = $link_settings;
    $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'matomo/matomo';

    // Matomo can show a tree view of page titles that represents the site
    // structure if setDocumentTitle() provides the page titles as a "/"
    // delimited list. This may makes it easier to browse through the statistics
    // of page titles on larger sites.
    if ($config
      ->get('page_title_hierarchy') == TRUE) {
      $titles = _matomo_get_hierarchy_titles();

      // Remove all empty titles.
      $titles = array_filter($titles);
      if (!empty($titles)) {

        // Encode title, at least to keep "/" intact.
        $titles = array_map('rawurlencode', $titles);
        $set_document_title = Json::encode(implode('/', $titles));

    // Add messages tracking.
    $message_events = '';
    if ($message_types = $config
      ->get('track.messages')) {
      $message_types = array_values(array_filter($message_types));
      $status_heading = [
        'status' => t('Status message'),
        'warning' => t('Warning message'),
        'error' => t('Error message'),
      foreach (\Drupal::messenger()
        ->all(NULL, FALSE) as $type => $messages) {

        // Track only the selected message types.
        if (in_array($type, $message_types)) {
          foreach ($messages as $message) {
            $message_events .= '_paq.push(["trackEvent", ' . Json::encode(t('Messages')) . ', ' . Json::encode($status_heading[$type]) . ', ' . Json::encode(strip_tags($message)) . ']);';

    // If this node is a translation of another node, pass the original
    // node instead.
    if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
      ->moduleExists('content_translation') && $config
      ->get('translation_set')) {

      // Check if we have a node object, it has translation enabled, and its
      // language code does not match its source language code.
      if ($request->attributes
        ->has('node')) {
        $node = $request->attributes
        if ($node instanceof NodeInterface && \Drupal::service('entity.repository')
          ->getTranslationFromContext($node) !== $node
          ->getUntranslated()) {
          $set_custom_url = Json::encode(Url::fromRoute('entity.node.canonical', [
            'node' => $node
          ], [
            'language' => $node

    // Track access denied (403) and file not found (404) pages.
    if ($status == '403') {
      $set_document_title = '"403/URL = " + encodeURIComponent( + "/From = " + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer)';
    elseif ($status == '404') {
      $set_document_title = '"404/URL = " + encodeURIComponent( + "/From = " + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer)';

    // #2693595: User has entered an invalid login and clicked on forgot
    // password link. This link contains the username or email address and may
    // get send to Matomo if we do not override it. Override only if 'name'
    // query param exists. Last custom url condition, this need to win.
    // URLs to protect are:
    // - user/password?name=username
    // - user/password?
    if (\Drupal::routeMatch()
      ->getRouteName() == 'user.pass' && $request->query
      ->has('name')) {
      $set_custom_url = Json::encode(Url::fromRoute('user.pass')

    // Add custom variables.
    $matomo_custom_vars = $config
    $custom_variable = '';
    for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) {
      $custom_var_name = !empty($matomo_custom_vars[$i]['name']) ? $matomo_custom_vars[$i]['name'] : '';
      if (!empty($custom_var_name)) {
        $custom_var_value = !empty($matomo_custom_vars[$i]['value']) ? $matomo_custom_vars[$i]['value'] : '';
        $custom_var_scope = !empty($matomo_custom_vars[$i]['scope']) ? $matomo_custom_vars[$i]['scope'] : 'visit';
        $types = [];
        if ($request->attributes
          ->has('node')) {
          $node = $request->attributes
          if ($node instanceof NodeInterface) {
            $types += [
              'node' => $node,
        $custom_var_name = \Drupal::token()
          ->replace($custom_var_name, $types, [
          'clear' => TRUE,
        $custom_var_value = \Drupal::token()
          ->replace($custom_var_value, $types, [
          'clear' => TRUE,

        // Suppress empty custom names and/or variables.
        if (!mb_strlen(trim($custom_var_name)) || !mb_strlen(trim($custom_var_value))) {

        // Custom variables names and values are limited to 200 characters in
        // length. It is recommended to store values that are as small as
        // possible to ensure that the Matomo Tracking request URL doesn't go
        // over the URL limit for the webserver or browser.
        $custom_var_name = rtrim(substr($custom_var_name, 0, 200));
        $custom_var_value = rtrim(substr($custom_var_value, 0, 200));

        // Add variables to tracker.
        $custom_variable .= '_paq.push(["setCustomVariable", ' . Json::encode($i) . ', ' . Json::encode($custom_var_name) . ', ' . Json::encode($custom_var_value) . ', ' . Json::encode($custom_var_scope) . ']);';

    // Add any custom code snippets if specified.
    $codesnippet_before = $config
    $codesnippet_after = $config

    // Build tracker code.
    // @see
    $script = 'var _paq = _paq || [];';
    $script .= '(function(){';
    $script .= 'var u=(("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "' . UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol($url_https) . '" : "' . UrlHelper::filterBadProtocol($url_http) . '");';
    $script .= '_paq.push(["setSiteId", ' . Json::encode($id) . ']);';
    $script .= '_paq.push(["setTrackerUrl", u+"matomo.php"]);';

    // Track logged in users across all devices.
    if ($config
      ->get('track.userid') && $account
      ->isAuthenticated()) {
      $script .= '_paq.push(["setUserId", ' . Json::encode(matomo_user_id_hash($account
        ->id())) . ']);';

    // Set custom url.
    if (!empty($set_custom_url)) {
      $script .= '_paq.push(["setCustomUrl", ' . $set_custom_url . ']);';

    // Set custom document title.
    if (!empty($set_document_title)) {
      $script .= '_paq.push(["setDocumentTitle", ' . $set_document_title . ']);';

    // Custom file download extensions.
    if ($config
      ->get('track.files') && !($config
      ->get('track.files_extensions') == MatomoInterface::MATOMO_TRACKFILES_EXTENSIONS)) {
      $script .= '_paq.push(["setDownloadExtensions", ' . Json::encode($config
        ->get('track.files_extensions')) . ']);';

    // Disable tracking for visitors who have opted out from tracking via DNT
    // (Do-Not-Track) header.
    if ($config
      ->get('privacy.donottrack')) {
      $script .= '_paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", 1]);';

    // Disable all Matomo tracking cookies.
    if ($config
      ->get('privacy.disablecookies')) {
      $script .= '_paq.push(["disableCookies"]);';

    // Domain tracking type.
    $session_storage_options = \Drupal::getContainer()
    $cookie_domain = !empty($session_storage_options['cookie_domain']) ? $session_storage_options['cookie_domain'] : NULL;
    $domain_mode = $config

    // Per RFC 2109, cookie domains must contain at least one dot other than the
    // first. For hosts such as 'localhost' or IP Addresses we don't set a
    // cookie domain.
    if ($domain_mode == 1 && count(explode('.', $cookie_domain)) > 2 && !is_numeric(str_replace('.', '', $cookie_domain))) {
      $script .= '_paq.push(["setCookieDomain", ' . Json::encode($cookie_domain) . ']);';

    // Ordering $custom_variable before $codesnippet_before allows users to add
    // custom code snippets that may use deleteCustomVariable() and/or
    // getCustomVariable().
    if (!empty($custom_variable)) {
      $script .= $custom_variable;
    if (!empty($codesnippet_before)) {
      $script .= $codesnippet_before;

    // Site search tracking support.
    // NOTE: It's recommended not to call trackPageView() on the Site Search
    // Result page.
    if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
      ->moduleExists('search') && $config
      ->get('track.site_search') && strpos(\Drupal::routeMatch()
      ->getRouteName(), 'search.view') === 0 && ($keys = $request->query
      ->has('keys') ? trim($request
      ->get('keys')) : '')) {

      // Parameters:
      // 1. Search keyword searched for. Example: "Banana"
      // 2. Search category selected in your search engine. If you do not need
      //    this, set to false. Example: "Organic Food"
      // 3. Number of results on the Search results page. Zero indicates a
      //    'No Result Search Keyword'. Set to false if you don't know.
      // hook_preprocess_search_results() is not executed if search result is
      // empty. Make sure the counter is set to 0 if there are no results.
      $script .= '_paq.push(["trackSiteSearch", ' . Json::encode($keys) . ', false, (window.matomo_search_results) ? window.matomo_search_results : 0]);';
    else {
      $script .= '_paq.push(["trackPageView"]);';

    // Add link tracking.
    if ($config
      ->get('track.files')) {

      // Disable tracking of links with ".no-tracking" and ".colorbox" classes.
      $ignore_classes = [

      // Disable the download & outlink tracking for specific CSS classes.
      // Custom code snippets with 'setIgnoreClasses' will override the value.
      // @see
      $script .= '_paq.push(["setIgnoreClasses", ' . Json::encode($ignore_classes) . ']);';

      // Enable download & outlink link tracking.
      $script .= '_paq.push(["enableLinkTracking"]);';
    if (!empty($message_events)) {
      $script .= $message_events;
    if (!empty($codesnippet_after)) {
      $script .= $codesnippet_after;
    $script .= 'var d=document,';
    $script .= 'g=d.createElement("script"),';
    $script .= 's=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];';
    $script .= 'g.type="text/javascript";';
    $script .= 'g.defer=true;';
    $script .= 'g.async=true;';

    // Should a local cached copy of the tracking code be used?
    if ($config
      ->get('cache') && ($url = _matomo_cache($url_http . 'matomo.js'))) {

      // A dummy query-string is added to filenames, to gain control over
      // browser-caching. The string changes on every update or full cache
      // flush, forcing browsers to load a new copy of the files, as the
      // URL changed.
      $query_string = '?' . (\Drupal::state()
        ->get('system.css_js_query_string') ?: '0');
      $script .= 'g.src="' . $url . $query_string . '";';
    else {
      $script .= 'g.src=u+"matomo.js";';
    $script .= 's.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);';
    $script .= '})();';

    // Add tracker code.
    $page['#attached']['html_head'][] = [
        '#tag' => 'script',
        '#value' => new MatomoJavaScriptSnippet($script),