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Functions in Maillog / Mail Developer 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
maillog_admin_settings ./maillog.module Implementation of the module settings form. 1
maillog_disable ./maillog.install Implementation of hook_disable().
maillog_enable ./maillog.install Implementation of hook_enable().
maillog_install ./maillog.install Implementation of hook_install().
maillog_mailengine ./maillog.module Implementation of hook_mailengine from mimemail modul 1
maillog_maillog_delete ./maillog.module Implementation of hook_menu(). 1
maillog_maillog_load ./maillog.module
maillog_maillog_page ./maillog.module 1
maillog_maillog_title ./maillog.module 1
maillog_mail_send ./maillog.module Receive a command to send a mail. 2
maillog_menu ./maillog.module Implementation of hook_menu().
maillog_perm ./maillog.module Implementation of hook_perm().
maillog_requirements ./maillog.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
maillog_schema ./maillog.install Implementation of hook_schema().
maillog_theme ./maillog.module Implementation of hook_theme().
maillog_uninstall ./maillog.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
maillog_views_api ./maillog.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
maillog_views_data includes/ Implementation of hook_views_data().
maillog_views_default_views includes/ Implementation of hook_views_default_views().
maillog_views_handlers includes/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers() to register all of the basic handlers views uses.
theme_maillog ./maillog.module
theme_maillog_body ./maillog.module Render the 'Body' field in the node type 'Logged Mail'
theme_maillog_header_all ./maillog.module Render the 'Header' field in the node type 'Logged Mail'
theme_maillog_header_from ./maillog.module Render the 'From' field in the node type 'Logged Mail'
theme_maillog_header_reply_to ./maillog.module Render the 'Reply-To' field in the node type 'Logged Mail'
theme_maillog_header_to ./maillog.module Render the 'To' field in the node type 'Logged Mail'

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