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Files in Maillog / Mail Developer 6

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description includes/ Provides drupal_mail_wrapper function name = Maillog / Mail Developer description = Utility to log all Mails for debugging purposes. It's possible to suppress mail delivery for e.g. dev or staging systems. package = Mail dependencies[] = views core = 6.x
maillog.install maillog.install Provides the installation routines for the maillog module
maillog.module maillog.module Provides a 'maillog' node type includes/ Make the fields from node type 'Logged Mail' available in views includes/ Creates the default view for the 'Log Mail' module includes/ Handler for providing an 'Delete link' in views includes/ Handler for providing an 'Delete link' in views
README.txt README.txt This module defines drupal_mail_wrapper(), which takes over the handling of mail sending. This wrapper creates a node of type 'Logged Mail', a node type created by the module, sends the e-mail, and displays the e-mail and its details by…

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