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function _mail_edit_mail_alter in Mail Editor 7

Implements hook_mail_alter().


array $message:

1 call to _mail_edit_mail_alter()
mail_edit_mail_alter in ./mail_edit.module
Implements hook_mail_alter().


./, line 77
Implementation of hook_mail_alter() for the Mail Editor module.


function _mail_edit_mail_alter(array &$message) {

  //dpm($message, "BEFORE mail_edit_mail_alter({$message['id']})");
  if (!($template = _mail_edit_load($message['id'], $message['language']))) {
  $data = isset($message['params']['data']) ? $message['params']['data'] : $message['params'];
  $data['template'] = $template;
  if (isset($message['params']['account']) && !isset($data['user'])) {
    $data['user'] = $message['params']['account'];
  $options = array(
    'language' => $message['language'],
    'clear' => TRUE,
  if ($message['module'] == 'user') {
    $options['callback'] = 'user_mail_tokens';
  $subject = mail_edit_format($template['subject'], $data, $options);

  // #2185909: Remove newline character introduced by _drupal_wrap_mail_line().
  $message['subject'] = str_replace(array(
  ), '', trim(drupal_html_to_text($subject)));
  $context = isset($message['params']['context']['mail_edit']) ? $message['params']['context']['mail_edit'] : NULL;
  $body = mail_edit_format($template['body'], $data, $options, $context);

  // Remove trailing spaces because these may be interpreted as soft line
  // breaks by the email client.
  $message['body'] = array(
    preg_replace('/ +(\\r?\\n)/', '\\1', $body),

  /* Uncomment this line for debugging...
    dpm($message, 'drupal_mail() is disabled in _mail_edit_mail_alter(), this would be sent');
    $message['to'] = '';