You are here in Mail Editor 7

Implementation of hook_mail_alter() for the Mail Editor module.

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 * @file
 * Implementation of hook_mail_alter() for the Mail Editor module.

 * Loads and returns a template.
 * @param string $id
 * @param string|object $language
 * @param bool $force_always
 * @return array|null|bool
 *   Returns FALSE if we get an invalid $id or $language,
 *   NULL if we have no template yet, or a keyed array with the default and/or
 *   customized templates.
function _mail_edit_load($id, $language, $force_always = FALSE) {
  if (is_string($language)) {
    $languages = language_list();
    $language = isset($languages[$language]) ? $languages[$language] : NULL;
  if (!is_object($language)) {

    // If the language is unknown, we bail out.
    return FALSE;

  // Find out if this mail id is in our registry.
  if (!cache_get('mail_edit_registry')) {
  $query = db_select('mail_edit_registry', 'mer')
    ->condition('', $id);
  if (!($template_type = $query
    ->fetchAssoc())) {

    // If we don't have any registry record we shouldn't attempt to alter it.
    return FALSE;
  $module = $template_type['module'];
  $mailkey = $template_type['mailkey'];

  // Load mail template if we have altered it.
  $query = db_select('mail_edit', 'me')
    ->condition('', $id)
    ->condition('me.language', $language->language);
  $template = $query
  $default_template = module_invoke($module, 'mail_edit_text', $mailkey, $language);
  if ($template) {
    if ($default_template) {
      $template += $default_template;
  else {
    if (!$default_template) {
      return NULL;
    if (empty($default_template['always']) && !$force_always) {
      return NULL;
    $template = $default_template + array(
      'default' => TRUE,
  $template += array(
    'language' => $language,
    'type' => $template_type,
  return $template;

 * Implements hook_mail_alter().
 * @param array $message
function _mail_edit_mail_alter(array &$message) {

  //dpm($message, "BEFORE mail_edit_mail_alter({$message['id']})");
  if (!($template = _mail_edit_load($message['id'], $message['language']))) {
  $data = isset($message['params']['data']) ? $message['params']['data'] : $message['params'];
  $data['template'] = $template;
  if (isset($message['params']['account']) && !isset($data['user'])) {
    $data['user'] = $message['params']['account'];
  $options = array(
    'language' => $message['language'],
    'clear' => TRUE,
  if ($message['module'] == 'user') {
    $options['callback'] = 'user_mail_tokens';
  $subject = mail_edit_format($template['subject'], $data, $options);

  // #2185909: Remove newline character introduced by _drupal_wrap_mail_line().
  $message['subject'] = str_replace(array(
  ), '', trim(drupal_html_to_text($subject)));
  $context = isset($message['params']['context']['mail_edit']) ? $message['params']['context']['mail_edit'] : NULL;
  $body = mail_edit_format($template['body'], $data, $options, $context);

  // Remove trailing spaces because these may be interpreted as soft line
  // breaks by the email client.
  $message['body'] = array(
    preg_replace('/ +(\\r?\\n)/', '\\1', $body),

  /* Uncomment this line for debugging...
    dpm($message, 'drupal_mail() is disabled in _mail_edit_mail_alter(), this would be sent');
    $message['to'] = '';

 * Preprocess a mail template, detecting conditional text
 * that conform to a prescribed syntax.
 * @param string $template
 *  The template for preprocessing.
 * @param array $data
 *  $data parameter for token_replace();
 * @param array $options
 *  $options parameter for token_replace();
 * @param string $context
 * @return string
 * This function supports ternary-type conditions to determine what text
 * is used in a mail in a particular situation, based on token comparisons.
 * The syntax is standard PHP/C-style ternary syntax:
 * {{leftOPright?true_text:false_text}}
 * OP is any of the common comparison operators.
 * left and right must not contain a question mark or operator.
 * The true_text must not contain any colon, except as a token name.
 * true_text and false_text may contain newlines as well as a nested
 * conditional text (one level of recursion).
function _mail_edit_preprocess($template, array $data, array $options, $context) {
  for ($n = 0; $n < 5 && ($result = preg_match_all('/{{(?P<condition>[^?#@]+?)(?P<operator>\\?|#|@)(?P<text>(({{(({{(({{(({{((.|\\n)*?)}}|.|\\n)*?)}}|.|\\n)*?)}}|.|\\n)*?)}}|.|\\n)*?))}}/', $template, $clauses)); ++$n) {

    //'(?P<text>((               .|\n)*?))';




    foreach ($clauses[0] as $i => $clause) {
      $replacement = '{{SYNTAX_ERROR}}';
      if ($clauses['operator'][$i] == '?') {
        if (!preg_match('/^(?P<true>(({{((({{((({{((({{((.|\\n)*?)}})|.|\\n)*?)}})|.|\\n)*?)}})|.|\\n)*?)}})|(\\[[^]]*?\\])|[^:[])*):(?P<false>(.|\\n)*)$/', $clauses['text'][$i], $replacements)) {

          //'(?P<true> (    ({{((.|\n)*?)}})    |    (\[[^]]*?\])    |    [^:[]    )* )';

          //'(?P<true> (    ({{((({{((.|\n)*?)}})|.|\n)*?)}})    |    (\[[^]]*?\])    |    [^:[]    )* )';

          //'(?P<true> (    ({{((({{((({{((.|\n)*?)}})|.|\n)*?)}})|.|\n)*?)}})    |    (\[[^]]*?\])    |    [^:[]    )* )';

          //'(?P<true> (    ({{((({{((({{((({{((.|\n)*?)}})|.|\n)*?)}})|.|\n)*?)}})|.|\n)*?)}})    |    (\[[^]]*?\])    |    [^:[]    )* )';
          $template = str_replace($clause, $replacement, $template);
        if (preg_match('/^(?P<operand_1>.*?)\\s*(?P<operator>==|!=|\\<\\>|\\>=|\\<=|\\>|\\<)\\s*(?P<operand_2>.*?)$/', $clauses['condition'][$i], $condition)) {
          $operand1 = token_replace($condition['operand_1'], $data, $options + array(
            'clear' => TRUE,
          $operand2 = token_replace($condition['operand_2'], $data, $options + array(
            'clear' => TRUE,
          switch ($condition['operator']) {
            case '<>':
            case '!=':
              $result = $operand1 != $operand2;
            case '==':
              $result = $operand1 == $operand2;
            case '>':
              $result = $operand1 > $operand2;
            case '<':
              $result = $operand1 < $operand2;
            case '>=':
              $result = $operand1 >= $operand2;
            case '<=':
              $result = $operand1 <= $operand2;
              $result = NULL;
          if (isset($result)) {
            $replacement = $replacements[$result ? 'true' : 'false'];
            $template = str_replace($clause, $replacement, $template);
      if (preg_match('/^(?P<not>!?!?)(?P<condition>(\\[[^]]*?\\])|[0-9]+|[A-Za-z0-9_]+)$/', $clauses['condition'][$i], $condition)) {
        $result = $condition['condition'];
        if ($result[0] == '[') {
          $result = token_replace($result, $data, $options + array(
            'clear' => TRUE,
        if ($not = $condition['not']) {
          $result = $not == '!' ? !$result : !!$result;
        if ($clauses['operator'][$i] == '?') {

          /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */
          $replacement = $replacements[empty($result) ? 'false' : 'true'];
        else {
          if (is_bool($result)) {
            $result = (int) $result;
          if ($clauses['operator'][$i] == '#' && is_numeric($result)) {
            $replacement = '';
            for ($j = 0; $j < $result; ++$j) {
              $text = $clauses['text'][$i];
              if (!$not) {
                if (preg_match_all('/\\[(?P<token>[^\\]]*?):index:#0(?P<tail>.*?)\\]/', $text, $tokens)) {
                  foreach ($tokens['token'] as $k => $token) {
                    $key = token_replace("[{$token}:keys:value:{$j}]", $data, $options);
                    $text = str_replace($tokens[0][$k], "[{$token}:value:{$key}{$tokens['tail'][$k]}]", $text);
                $text = str_replace('#0', $j, $text);
                $text = str_replace('#1', $j + 1, $text);
              $replacement .= $text;
          elseif ($clauses['operator'][$i] == '@') {
            $replacement = ($result == $context xor $not) ? $clauses['text'][$i] : '';
      $template = str_replace($clause, $replacement, $template);

  // Add white space support to [*:join:?] tokens.
  if (preg_match_all('/\\[[^\\]]*?:join:(?P<sep>[^\\]]*?)\\]/', $template, $join_tokens)) {
    $marker = token_replace("[random:hash:md5]");
    foreach ($join_tokens[0] as $i => $join_token) {
      $token = str_replace($join_tokens['sep'][$i], $marker, $join_tokens[0][$i]);
      $token = token_replace($token, $data, $options);
      $token = str_replace($marker, $join_tokens['sep'][$i], $token);
      $template = str_replace($join_tokens[0][$i], $token, $template);
  return $template;


Namesort descending Description
_mail_edit_load Loads and returns a template.
_mail_edit_mail_alter Implements hook_mail_alter().
_mail_edit_preprocess Preprocess a mail template, detecting conditional text that conform to a prescribed syntax.