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Functions in Location 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_location_driving_directions_link_de_tinfo supported/ Parameters: Function that is called by location_driving_directions_link_ca() under assumption that it is the chosen function 1
_location_driving_directions_link_us_yahoo supported/ Parameters: Function that is called by location_driving_directions_link_us() under assumption that it is the chosen function 1
_location_effective_user_setting ./location.module 1
_location_floats_are_equal ./location.module Helper function for seeing if two floats are equal. We could use other functions, but all of them belong to libraries that do not come standard with PHP out of the box. 2
_location_format_search_result_distances ./ Helper function: This function EXPECTS an array that has been returned by _location_sort_proximity_search_results() 2
_location_get_iso3166_list ./ 7
_location_include_configured ./ This function simply loads the include file for each country whose locationes are configured to be recognized by the location system. 1
_location_is_empty ./ 1
_location_is_full ./ A helper function that tells you whether all the fields of an location are full (excluding the 'additional' field.
_location_latlon_exact_us_geocoder supported/ Calls up a web-service to retrieve a lat/lon pair for a full, correct U.S. location.
_location_map_link_de_tinfo supported/ 1
_location_nearby_postalcodes ./ This is the main logic-level function for performing proximity postal-code searches. It calls a number of helper functions for finding postal_code results in each country, narrowing down results, formatting the returned array, and sorting the returned… 2
_location_nothing_to_show ./ 1
_location_province_select_options ./ The array that is returned is a complete list of state/provinces that belong to the countries enabled by the site's location system. 2
_location_save ./location.module Saves a location. Needs a $user or $node object. 3
_location_search_results_from_cache ./ Helper function: this function is intended ONLY for use by _location_nearby_postalcodes(). It checks the cache for search-results on a given point and returns the appropriate subset if one exists. 1
_location_supported_countries ./ Returns an associative array of countries currently supported by the location system where -> the keys represent the two-letter ISO code and -> the values represent the English name of the country. The array is sorted the index (i.e., by the… 2
_location_time_difference ./
_location_us_enough_fields_for_yahoo supported/ 1
_location_us_geocoder_oneline supported/
_location_us_yahoo_csz_get_field supported/ 2


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