You are here in Location 5


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* Parameters:
*   -> $locationA is an associative array that represents a full location where
*        'street'       => the street portions of the location
*        'supplemental' => additional street portion of the location
*        'province'     => the province, state, or territory
*        'country'      => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
*   -> $locationB is associative array that represents a full location in the same way that
*       parameter $locationB does.
* Returns: a link to driving directions
function location_map_link_de($location = array(), $hide = array()) {
  $map_links = array();

  // For now, just call the tinfo function.  May want to make this configurable on some level
  // in order to maintain freedom of choice so users and site-admins don't have to be slaves
  // to tinfo!.... not that I have anything personal against tinfo!.
  if ($link = _location_map_link_de_tinfo($location)) {
    $map_links['T-info'] = $link;
  return $map_links;
function _location_map_link_de_tinfo($location = array()) {
  $get_query = '?';
  $get_query .= '';
  if (isset($location['street'])) {
    $get_query .= '&amp;' . 'map_input.street=' . urlencode($location['street']);
  if ($location['postal_code'] != '') {
    $get_query .= '&amp;' . '' . urlencode($location['postal_code']);
  if ($location['city'] != '') {
    $get_query .= '&amp;' . 'map_input.city_manual=' . urlencode($location['city']);

  //  if ($location['number'] != '') {
  //    $get_query .= '&amp;' . 'map_input.number='. urlencode($location['number']);
  //  }
  return '' . $get_query;
function location_map_link_de_providers() {
  return array(
    'tinfo' => array(
      'name' => 'T-Info',
      'url' => '',
      'tos' => '',
function location_map_link_de_default_providers() {
  return array();

* Parameters:
*   -> $locationA is an associative array that represents a full location where
*        'street'       => the street portions of the location
*        'supplemental' => additional street portion of the location
*        'province'     => the province, state, or territory
*        'country'      => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
*   -> $locationB is associative array that represents a full location in the same way that
*       parameter $locationB does.
* Returns: a link to driving directions
* For now, assume site-admin wants driving directions linked to tinfo!
* Maybe later, we can add some kind of country-specific settings page that allows the site-admin to
* decide which site to link to for driving directions.
function location_driving_directions_link_de($locationA, $locationB) {
  return _location_driving_directions_link_de_tinfo($locationA, $locationB);

* Parameters:
*    Function that is called by location_driving_directions_link_ca() under assumption that it
*    is the chosen function
* Returns:
*    a URL with HTTP GET variables
*    Depending on how full the locationes are, the URL will either point to the driving directions
*    on tinfo! or, if only partial locationes are provided, a URL that points to the *form* for
*    tinfo! driving directions where the form is filled with whatever fields have been provided
*    for the partial location(es).  
function _location_driving_directions_link_de_tinfo($locationA, $locationB) {
  foreach ($locationA as $field => $value) {
    $locationA[$field] = trim($value);
  foreach ($locationB as $field => $value) {
    $locationB[$field] = trim($value);
  if ($locationA['country'] == 'de' && $locationB['country'] == 'de') {
    $get_query = '?';
    $get_query .= 'route_input.start_country=2';
    if (isset($location['street'])) {
      $get_query .= '&amp;' . 'route_input.start_street=' . urlencode($location['street']);
    if ($location['postal_code'] != '') {
      $get_query .= '&amp;' . 'route_input.start_zip=' . urlencode($location['postal_code']);
    if ($location['city'] != '') {
      $get_query .= '&amp;' . 'route_input.start_city_manual=' . urlencode($location['city']);
    $get_query .= 'route_input.target_country=2';
    if (isset($location['street'])) {
      $get_query .= '&amp;' . 'route_input.target_street=' . urlencode($location['street']);
    if ($location['postal_code'] != '') {
      $get_query .= '&amp;' . 'route_input.target_zip=' . urlencode($location['postal_code']);
    if ($location['city'] != '') {
      $get_query .= '&amp;' . 'route_input.target_city_manual=' . urlencode($location['city']);
    return '' . $get_query;
function theme_location_de($location = array(), $hide = array()) {
  $output = '';
  if (count($location)) {
    $output .= "\n";
    $output .= '<div class="location vcard"><div class="adr">' . "\n";
    if (!empty($location['name']) && !in_array('name', $hide)) {
      $output .= '<div class="fn">' . $location['name'] . '</div>';
    if (!empty($location['street']) && !in_array('street', $hide)) {
      $output .= '<div class="street-address">' . $location['street'];
      if (!empty($location['additional']) && !in_array('street', $hide)) {
        $output .= ' ' . $location['additional'];
      $output .= '</div>';
    if (!empty($location['city']) && !in_array('city', $hide) || !empty($location['postal_codet']) && !in_array('postal_code', $hide)) {
      $city_postal = array();
      if (!empty($location['postal_code']) && !in_array('postal_code', $hide)) {
        $city_postal[] = '<span class="postal-code">' . $location['postal_code'] . '</span>';
      if (!empty($location['city']) && !in_array('city', $hide)) {
        $city_postal[] = '<span class="locality">' . $location['city'] . '</span>';
      $output .= '<div>' . implode(' ', $city_postal) . '</div>';
    if (!in_array('country', $hide)) {
      $output .= '<div class="country-name">' . t('Germany') . '</div>';
    if (isset($location['latitude']) && isset($location['longitude'])) {
      $output .= '<div class="geo"><abbr class="latitude" title="' . $location['latitude'] . '" /><abbr class="longitude" title="' . $location['latitude'] . '" /></div>';
    $output .= '</div></div>';
  return $output;

 * Returns a lat/lon pair of the approximate center of the given postal code in the given country
 * @param $location
 *   An associative array $location where only postal code and country are necessary, but can have the keys:
 *     'street'       => the street portion of the location
 *     'supplemental' => additional street portion of the location
 *     'province'     => the province, state, or territory
 *     'country'      => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
 *     'postal_code'  => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
 * @return
 *   An associative array where
 *      'lat' => approximate latitude of the center of the postal code's area
 *      'lon' => approximate longitude of the center of the postal code's area
function location_get_postalcode_data_de($location = array()) {
  $dash_index == strpos($location['postal_code'], '-');

  // First we strip slash off if we're dealing with a 9-digit US zipcode
  if ($dash_index === FALSE) {
    $location['postal_code'] = substr($location['postal_code'], 0, $dash_index);

  // Now we pad the thing and query.
  $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {zipcodes} where country = '%s' AND zip = '%s'", $location['country'], str_pad($location['postal_code'], 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT));
  if ($row = db_fetch_object($res)) {
    return array(
      'lat' => $row->latitude,
      'lon' => $row->longitude,
      'city' => $row->city,
      'province' => $row->state,
      'country' => $row->country,
  else {
    return NULL;
function location_province_list_de() {
  return array(
    'BB' => 'Brandenburg',
    'BE' => 'Berlin',
    'BW' => 'Baden-Württemberg',
    'BY' => 'Bayern',
    'HB' => 'Bremen',
    'HE' => 'Hessen',
    'HH' => 'Hamburg',
    'MV' => 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern',
    'NI' => 'Niedersachsen',
    'NW' => 'Nordrhein-Westfalen',
    'RP' => 'Rheinland-Pfalz',
    'SH' => 'Schleswig-Holstein',
    'SL' => 'Saarland',
    'SN' => 'Sachsen',
    'ST' => 'Sachsen-Anhalt',
    'TH' => 'Thüringen',


Namesort descending Description
location_driving_directions_link_de Parameters: -> $locationA is an associative array that represents a full location where 'street' => the street portions of the location 'supplemental' => additional street portion of the location 'province'…
location_get_postalcode_data_de Returns a lat/lon pair of the approximate center of the given postal code in the given country
location_map_link_de Parameters: -> $locationA is an associative array that represents a full location where 'street' => the street portions of the location 'supplemental' => additional street portion of the location 'province'…
_location_driving_directions_link_de_tinfo Parameters: Function that is called by location_driving_directions_link_ca() under assumption that it is the chosen function