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Functions in Location 7.5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
earth_arclength ./
earth_asin_safe ./ This is a helper function to avoid errors when using the asin() PHP function. asin is only real for values between -1 and 1. If a value outside that range is given it returns NAN (not a number), which we don't want to happen. So this just rounds… 1
earth_distance ./ 1
earth_distance_sql ./ 6
earth_eccentricity_sq ./ 1
earth_flattening ./ 2
earth_latitude_range ./ 3
earth_longitude_range ./ @todo This function uses earth_asin_safe so is not accurate for all possible parameter combinations. This means this function doesn't work properly for high distance values. This function needs to be re-written to work properly for larger… 3
earth_radius ./ 5
earth_radius_semimajor ./ 3
earth_radius_semiminor ./ 1
earth_xyz ./ 1
google_geocode_country_list geocoding/ Return the list of ISO3166 codes supported by this geocoder. Coverage list: Coverage list feed:
google_geocode_country_list_xml geocoding/ Returns an XML document containing the list of countries supported by the Google geocoder. A cached version is stored in the Drupal cache in case Google is unreachable. 1
google_geocode_info geocoding/ Return general information about this geocoder.
google_geocode_location geocoding/ Perform a geocode on a location array.
google_geocode_settings geocoding/ General settings for this geocoder.
hook_node_type_delete contrib/location_addanother/location_addanother.module Implements hook_node_type_delete(). Synchronize our settings.
hook_node_type_update contrib/location_addanother/location_addanother.module Implements hook_node_type_update(). Synchronize our settings.
location_addanother_form contrib/location_addanother/location_addanother.module Form to display directly on a node view for "quick location add" functionality. 1
location_addanother_form_node_type_form_alter contrib/location_addanother/location_addanother.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). Alter the node_type_form form.
location_addanother_form_submit contrib/location_addanother/location_addanother.module Submission function for "add another location" form.
location_addanother_form_validate contrib/location_addanother/location_addanother.module Validation function for "add another location" form.
location_addanother_install contrib/location_addanother/location_addanother.install Implementshook_install().
location_addanother_node_view contrib/location_addanother/location_addanother.module Implements hook_node_view().
location_addanother_uninstall contrib/location_addanother/location_addanother.install Implementshook_uninstall().
location_address2singleline ./ Create a single line address. 3
location_admin_settings ./ Admin settings form. 1
location_api_variant ./location.module
location_bounds_ac supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ad supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ae supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_af supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ag supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ai supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_al supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_am supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_an supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ao supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_aq supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ar supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_as supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_at supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_au supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_aw supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ax supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_az supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_ba supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_bb supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
location_bounds_bd supported/ Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.


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