class LinkitSearchPluginEntity in Linkit 7.3
Represents a Linkit entity search plugin.
- class \LinkitSearchPlugin implements LinkitSearchPluginInterface
- class \LinkitSearchPluginEntity
Expanded class hierarchy of LinkitSearchPluginEntity
1 string reference to 'LinkitSearchPluginEntity'
- in plugins/
linkit_search/ - Linkit Entity Search Plugin.
- plugins/
linkit_search/ entity.class.php, line 10 - Define Linkit entity search plugin class.
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class LinkitSearchPluginEntity extends LinkitSearchPlugin {
* Entity field query instance.
* @var EntityFieldQuery Resource
var $query;
* The entity info array of an entity type.
* @var array
var $entity_info = array();
* The name of the property that contains the entity label.
* @var string
var $entity_field_label;
* The name of the property of the bundle object that contains the name of
* the bundle object.
* @var string
var $entity_key_bundle;
* Plugin specific settings.
* @var array
var $conf = array();
* Overrides LinkitSearchPlugin::__construct().
* Initialize this plugin with the plugin, profile, and entity specific
* variables.
* @param array $plugin
* The plugin array.
* @param LinkitProfile object $profile
* The Linkit profile to use.
function __construct($plugin, LinkitProfile $profile) {
parent::__construct($plugin, $profile);
// Load the corresponding entity info.
$this->entity_info = entity_get_info($this->plugin['entity_type']);
// Set bundle key name.
if (isset($this->entity_info['entity keys']['bundle']) && !isset($this->entity_key_bundle)) {
$this->entity_key_bundle = $this->entity_info['entity keys']['bundle'];
// Set the label field name.
if (!isset($this->entity_field_label)) {
// Check that the entity has a label in entity keys.
// If not, Linkit don't know what to search for.
if (!isset($this->entity_info['entity keys']['label'])) {
// This is only used when building the plugin list.
$this->unusable = TRUE;
else {
$this->entity_field_label = $this->entity_info['entity keys']['label'];
// Make a shortcut for the profile data settings for this plugin.
$this->conf = isset($this->profile->data[$this->plugin['name']]) ? $this->profile->data[$this->plugin['name']] : array();
* Create a label of an entity.
* @param $entity
* The entity to get the label from.
* @return
* The entity label, or FALSE if not found.
function createLabel($entity) {
return filter_xss(entity_label($this->plugin['entity_type'], $entity));
* Create a search row description.
* If there is a "result_description", run it through token_replace.
* @param object $data
* An entity object that will be used in the token_place function.
* @return
* A string containing the row description.
* @see token_replace()
function createDescription($data) {
$description = token_replace(check_plain($this->conf['result_description']), array(
$this->plugin['entity_type'] => $data,
), array(
'clear' => TRUE,
return $description;
* Create an uri for an entity.
* @param $entity
* The entity to get the path from.
* @return
* A string containing the path of the entity, NULL if the entity has no
* uri of its own.
function createPath($entity) {
// Create the URI for the entity.
$uri = entity_uri($this->plugin['entity_type'], $entity);
$options = array();
// Handle multilingual sites.
if (isset($entity->language) && $entity->language != LANGUAGE_NONE && drupal_multilingual() && language_negotiation_get_any(LOCALE_LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_URL)) {
$languages = language_list('enabled');
// Only use enabled languages.
$languages = $languages[1];
if ($languages && isset($languages[$entity->language])) {
$options['language'] = $languages[$entity->language];
// Process the uri with the insert plugin.
$path = linkit_get_insert_plugin_processed_path($this->profile, $uri['path'], $options);
return $path;
* Create a group text.
* @param $entity
* The entity object.
* @return
* When "group_by_bundle" is active, we need to add the bundle name to the
* group, else just return the entity label.
function createGroup($entity) {
// Get the entity label.
$group = $this->entity_info['label'];
// If the entities by this entity should be grouped by bundle, get the
// name and append it to the group.
if (isset($this->conf['group_by_bundle']) && $this->conf['group_by_bundle']) {
$bundles = $this->entity_info['bundles'];
$bundle_name = $bundles[$entity->{$this->entity_key_bundle}]['label'];
$group .= ' - ' . check_plain($bundle_name);
return $group;
* Create a row class to append to the search result row.
* @param $entity
* The entity object.
* @return
* A string to with classes.
function createRowClass($entity) {
return '';
* Start a new EntityFieldQuery instance.
function getQueryInstance() {
$this->query = new EntityFieldQuery();
->entityCondition('entity_type', $this->plugin['entity_type']);
// Add the default sort on the entity label.
->propertyOrderBy($this->entity_field_label, 'ASC');
* Implements LinkitSearchPluginInterface::fetchResults().
public function fetchResults($search_string) {
// If the $search_string is not a string, something is wrong and an empty
// array is returned.
$matches = array();
// Get the EntityFieldQuery instance.
// Add the search condition to the query object.
->propertyCondition($this->entity_field_label, '%' . db_like($search_string) . '%', 'LIKE')
->addTag('linkit_' . $this->plugin['entity_type'] . '_autocomplete');
// Add access tag for the query.
// There is also a runtime access check that uses entity_access().
->addTag($this->plugin['entity_type'] . '_access');
// Bundle check.
if (isset($this->entity_key_bundle) && isset($this->conf['bundles'])) {
$bundles = array_filter($this->conf['bundles']);
if ($bundles) {
->propertyCondition($this->entity_key_bundle, $bundles, 'IN');
// Execute the query.
$result = $this->query
if (!isset($result[$this->plugin['entity_type']])) {
return array();
$ids = array_keys($result[$this->plugin['entity_type']]);
// Load all the entities with all the ids we got.
$entities = entity_load($this->plugin['entity_type'], $ids);
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
// Check the access against the defined entity access callback.
if (entity_access('view', $this->plugin['entity_type'], $entity) === FALSE) {
$matches[] = array(
'title' => $this
'description' => $this
'path' => $this
'group' => $this
'addClass' => $this
return $matches;
* Overrides LinkitSearchPlugin::buildSettingsForm().
function buildSettingsForm() {
$form[$this->plugin['name']] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('!type plugin settings', array(
'!type' => $this
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
'#tree' => TRUE,
'#states' => array(
'invisible' => array(
'input[name="data[search_plugins][' . $this->plugin['name'] . '][enabled]"]' => array(
'checked' => FALSE,
// Get supported tokens for the entity type.
$tokens = linkit_extract_tokens($this->plugin['entity_type']);
// A short description within the search result for each row.
$form[$this->plugin['name']]['result_description'] = array(
'#title' => t('Result description'),
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => isset($this->conf['result_description']) ? $this->conf['result_description'] : '',
'#size' => 120,
'#maxlength' => 255,
'#description' => t('Available tokens: %tokens.', array(
'%tokens' => implode(', ', $tokens),
// If the token module is installed, lets do some fancy stuff with the
// token chooser.
if (module_exists('token')) {
// Unset the regular description if token module is enabled.
// Display the user documentation of placeholders.
$form[$this->plugin['name']]['token_help'] = array(
'#title' => t('Replacement patterns'),
'#type' => 'markup',
$form[$this->plugin['name']]['token_help']['help'] = array(
'#theme' => 'token_tree_link',
'#token_types' => array(
// If there are bundles, add some default settings features.
if (count($this->entity_info['bundles']) > 1) {
$bundles = array();
// Extract the bundle data.
foreach ($this->entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle) {
$bundles[$bundle_name] = $bundle['label'];
// Filter the possible bundles to use if the entity has bundles.
$form[$this->plugin['name']]['bundles'] = array(
'#title' => t('Type filter'),
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#options' => $bundles,
'#default_value' => isset($this->conf['bundles']) ? $this->conf['bundles'] : array(),
'#description' => t('If left blank, all types will appear in autocomplete results.'),
// Group the results with this bundle.
$form[$this->plugin['name']]['group_by_bundle'] = array(
'#title' => t('Group by bundle'),
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#default_value' => isset($this->conf['group_by_bundle']) ? $this->conf['group_by_bundle'] : 0,
return $form;