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Constants in Linkit 7.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
LINKIT_BAC_QUERY_KEY ./linkit.module Define which query string key Better autocomplete will just. 1
LINKIT_CHAR_LIMIT ./linkit.module Define the minimum number of characters to perform server polling. 2 1
LINKIT_FILE_URL_TYPE_DIRECT plugins/linkit_search/file.class.php Define that file urls should link directly to the file itself. 2 1
LINKIT_FILE_URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD plugins/linkit_search/file.class.php Define that file urls should force download of the file. 1 1
LINKIT_FILE_URL_TYPE_ENTITY plugins/linkit_search/file.class.php Define that file urls should link the file entity view page. 3 1
LINKIT_PROFILE_TYPE_EDITOR ./linkit.module Define the profile type editor. 7 1
LINKIT_PROFILE_TYPE_FIELD ./linkit.module Define the profile type field. 6 1
LINKIT_PROFILE_TYPE_MENU ./linkit.module Define the profile type menu. 5 1
LINKIT_REMOTE_TIMEOUT ./linkit.module Define the client side timeout for a request to the server. 2 1
LINKIT_URL_METHOD_ALIAS ./linkit.module Define that paths should be constructed as an alias. 1 1
LINKIT_URL_METHOD_RAW ./linkit.module Define that urls should be constructed as it is (raw). 7 1
LINKIT_URL_METHOD_RAW_SLASH ./linkit.module Define that urls should be constructed as it is (raw) with a prepending slash. 2 1
LINKIT_WAIT ./linkit.module Define the time from last key press to poll the server. 2 1

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